My MN use...(lots of pics)


Well-Known Member
I found out about MN by browsing through LHCF and I'm gonna be honest, I was beyond desperate to get a jump start on my hair growth. I had a nice short cut about 4yrs ago and the hair just never grew back past SL I guess my scalp is still upset behind that haircut:lachen: smh Now back to the topic I started using MN back in Feb of 2010. I at first mixed the MN w/ olive oil and no lie within that first week I had new growth. I had kept my hair moisturized w/ profectiv lotion on the ends. I would wrap my hair nightly and just wear it down or pinned up. I have lots of new growth yaaay me:clap:. I will continue using this until June, hopefully I will get past the length I am now (check other thread!)

MY REGIMEN CONSISTS OF DAILY USE OF MN MIXED CURRENTLY W/ CARROT OIL (CREAM) AND TEE-TREE CREAM (I PREFER CREMES INSTEAD OF OILS)! after applying that mix, I use profectiv hair lotion on the ends, from root to ends. I brush lightly then put my hair in a wrap. I wash once a week with pantein for colored women because it makes my hair feel silky and soft. Simple right? :yep:

Ok enough of the talking, here are the pics

This is september of 09, just had a nice cut. it was supposed to be a trim but the lady gets happy w/ the scissors.


Skip down to november 09 now, All i did was wrap my hair and used profectiv products which worked wonders to help growth. BTW, I did my own wrap :grin:

now here is the day I started my MN use...see how it looks, it was kinda short and stringy.


The pics below are about 3 weeks into my mn use and more of taking care of my hair.

Now this is after my texturizing about 2wks ago, the hair was wet and not str8 yet


and now with the hair str8


I will admit it gave me good growth within about a month and half time but now I'm stuck here at this length. :ohwell:

Thanks but it's stalled, I guess I will continue using it until June sometime! I hope that it works. Im trying to be patient but its hard when I'm eager to get my hair back in shape!
@TeySmith....thanks I will keep going =) at least til June
@Adora it feels like i do but I dont see it when I look in the mirror, lol maybe I'm looking to hard.
Lamaria211 first I went to the store at got the monistat 2% now I order from amazon which is cheaper for the mn 2% I didnt see the 4% on there. Thanks Marhia, Platinum and mariofmagdal, I'm really trying to stick it out. but you know how it is when youre eager because the growth came quick within the short amount of time, I'm just gonna relax a little and stop looking in the mirror every 15 minutes expecting something, lol
Maybe it's just me, but all of the pics from the start of using MN to the finish looks like the same length to me. I don't see a diference.
I thought the same, but its really the one w/ the blue shirt was barely touching my shirt, i had to put my head back in the cam in order to take the pic (didnt kno how to hold camera, lol) so it look as if it was touching but girl, trust it wasnt. I thought I would 4ever be bald =(
I definitely see a length difference.
I know it's hard but try to be patient. Put your hair away and keep treating it well but find something to occupy your free time for a couple months. Then when you go back to measure you'll see a big difference!
The condition of your hair has improved and I do see length. If you have new growth you know your hair is growing. Just focus on protecting your ends so you can retain the growth.
It is definitely growing. Maybe you can keep your ends up off your shoulder so you can retain more lenght. Keep up your use.
Thanks everyone, I took some advice from adora and a few other ppl so today i put braids in instead of my usual wrap, i didnt use heat, then I pin curled the ends, to my surprise it actually came out ok i just hate the way I look w/ my hair pinned up =(
Maybe it's just me, but all of the pics from the start of using MN to the finish looks like the same length to me. I don't see a diference.

you know, i was thinking the same thing, i dont see a difference, op its your hair so you know, but as far as i can see, i cant see.:perplexed

and if you did get growth, i think its the growth that you would have gotten anyway without the mn, becuase hair grows 1/2 per month, nah-mean :ohwell:.........?

you know, i was thinking the same thing, i dont see a difference, op its your hair so you know, but as far as i can see, i cant see.:perplexed

and if you did get growth, i think its the growth that you would have gotten anyway without the mn, becuase hair grows 1/2 per month, nah-mean :ohwell:.........?


Hmmm possibly....but like i said its only been one full month as of march so Im gonna fully determine by may/june...if not and it's useless, im disposing the remaining...but if it is working and i dispose of it, it might appear to me that it's taking long for new growth and I will be sad all over again. Could be a mental thing
i really hope the mn works for you, becuase i want to try itttttttttttttt, so if you bring a good report back on it, yay!!!!!!. are you doing only updos? becuase thats what you should to untill you get passed SL. when i started i alway kept in an updo with a hair clamp, and now look, it paid off big time!!!!
yessss i have been doing updo's but have to do them daily bcuz I dont want to put gel or anything in my hair to hold it up. I really hope it works 2 but we will see when summer gets here, if im not bald by then :lachen:
I deff see growth! Great progress op! *looking around the room trying to figure out where I put my MN*:scratchch