MN = lots of newgrowth !

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Hey ladies I'm almost 5 weeks post relaxer and my new growth is out of this world. I've been using MN straight every other day and I think I have about an inch of new growth in some places. It's a good thing but I'm scared that my hair will start breaking with all of this new growth especially since I planned on stretching until 10 weeks post that's about another 5 - 6 weeks ! Any tips on how to manage new growth is grately appreciated. :yep:

p.s. Yay I finally posted a pic within a thread !

That's some serious new growth! :thumbsup: I just found out about people using the MN on their hair from my YouTube perusal today. I'll just keep reading the posts for now. My head is :drunk: from what I'm learning on here already. Good luck to you.
Just started mine 3 nights ago and i cant wait till next summer to show up my brastrap lenght hair or maybe past brastrap if it works the way you guys says it does
I have to try this mt is too expensive i ahve go to raid the family dollar or dollar store i have got to come acoss it
MN is the truth...Good growth in one months time while in my Kinky twist. Im due to do my hair over...Did is July 20th and it looks a hot mess now.
I first started using MN last year and I haven't experience any headaches not even when I started using it straight. To me it works better than MT.

Not only does it work better than MT, but you don't get the shedding with MN that you get with MT.

I do, however, get headaches. I have found that cutting it with 1 part oil-based product to 5 parts MN gets rid of the headache problem for me. Right now I am cutting it with Bee Mine because I am trying to use up the stash that I bought. I have also cut it with Boundless Tresses and Doo Grow oil. All three products ended the headache problem for me.