My Last Pity Party-For Good

I feel for you Anky, I really do. I've been there before and it will take you a little while to get over this. This is one of the many kinds of set backs a lot of us experience along our hair journey. I've had my hair chopped and fried many times over. But I know better now. It was an expensive lesson, but one well learned. Now you know not to EVER go to someone you don't know or trust again. Do NOT let this situation get the best of you and your goals. You WILL bounce back. Remember where you started from girlie. You've come a mightly long way. No one can stop you. You hold all the cards. Remember that.;)

When it comes to hair, especially after making great growth and health progress, having something like this happen can feel like a true loss. Only time, you and the loving support of all of us here at LHCF can help you heal from this. :kiss:

Eventually Anky, you'll notice how beautiful, healthy, thick and long your hair still is. :yep: Yes, APL is considered long and whenever you are ready (in your own time), you'll find yourself falling in love with your hair all over again. :)
OH MY!! Anky! *hugs* Im so sorry. Dont despair it will grow back...your hair was gorgeous and she was probably jealous! Karma is a mutha...
But you had your hair perfect and I'm sure if you go back to your old routine and just be gentle with your hair it will flourish and be back to its usual healthy glorious self!
Keep us updated!
awww.. Ankster, HOW DARE SHE??! i'm pissed off and it's not even my hair! that's why i refuse to go to salons for anything. Your hair will grow back in a few months. just stay busy and try not to think about it too much.
Well that just makes me wanna choke a *****! That stylist had NO RIGHT to do that to you. On what planet does cutting six inches = a trim?! However, your hair still looks lovely. Braid and B.T. it up and your mane will be back in no time.:hug2:
Guuurrrrlllll!!!! I am fuming over here. In part because it bought up past experiences I have had with scissor happy stylist!!!! The nerve of her!! I honestly think I would have not been able to control my composure.

BUT!!! You were able to get your hair to that point once before, and you will SURELY be able to get it back there once again.

I am sorry that this happened to you, Anky. Last Year, I went to a barber that everyone reccommended for a trim and this fool gave me a Gumby haircut and lined-me up in the front like a dude. Now ya'll know that i did not tell him to do that. I only asked that he take a 1/2 inch to an inch off the ends. So it took me a few months to grow it out and try to get it evened up by a new stylist. This guy was suppossed to be the best in town, not. I had to get laughed at (at the job), by my peeps and everything. I now only go to the back of the salon for braids, i woun't let them trim or do anything else to my hair in there.

I am so sorry that this happened to you. While your hair looks beautiful and you are not bald, I understand how you feel because she cut ALOT of your hair off without your permission. This is why I stay away from salons. The good thing is that you know how to take care of your hair and I'll bet in 6 months you will have major growth. Hang in there Anky.
Oh no, Anky...I'm so sorry. Why do these people do this? Her insecure behind should have asked you how do you get your hair so long so she can have long flowing hair too. She didn't have to do that.

Did you ask for your money back? I would have made a stink about it until I got back every single dime. It's not right, not at all.

Thank God you know what to do to get your hair back on track.

Hugs to you, Anky.
Anky, I am soo sad for you. I drove through Nashville on Tuesday and thought of you, and now I am reading of this:nono:. I hate hearing crap like this, but I know your hair will grow back in no time and thicker and healthier than ever!!

Oh, and if you need me to, I am driving back through on Monday, so we can make a detour by OLE GIRLZ shop and give her a nice beatdown!!! Let me know.....:grin:
Thats why i dont give them a split second to wrap their fingers around a pair of scissors to cut off all of my progress that i am impatiently waiting for. I told my hair stylist last week that my sis-in-law trims my ends and i am going to invest in a good pair of scissors and let her handle it from now on. I am so proud of myself that I grew some balls to stand up to them. But anyway your hair is still a good length. So dont get depressed about it. Just be patient it will grow back.
Not going to stylists has kept me out of the penn!
I am aghast at her nerve and my heart really goes out to you because this was beyond sick...Note to self, stay out of the salon...stay out of the penn...I have to hand it to you cause I would have had consecutive meltdowns on this chic and sued her for sure!!!!
May it grow back superfast, Anky! bonjour
Awww Anky I'm so sorry this has happened!

Did you cuss her out? Not pay her? Tell her she was 2 seconds from a beat down? I think I would have done all the above. I cant IMAGINE someone doing me like that. My heart really goes out to you, girl.
OH Anky I am so very very sorry!!:nono:

If it makes you feel any better, I feel your pain. I have hair on my head thats 2 inches long. I also have hair on my head that's 7 inches hair is thin now when it used to be thick. And I don't even have a stylist to pin the blame on. Just me....hang in there! soon we'll both be back to where we want to be.

Now where did you say that stylist was located?:look:

....marching off to get my bat.....
I am so sorry Anky that this happened to you. I remember the last time this happened to me, around the time I found LHCF. You feel so violated... I do agree with the other ladies and your post about getting braids, not only with your hair put away will it take your mind off what that heifer did to you, and your hair will come back better than ever.

That stylist had no right to do that to you, that's why I have sworn off of them entirely. If it's any consolation your hair still looks lovely, don't let that stylist steal your joy.
That is so ridiculous. I AM SICK of these hair stylists hacking peoples hair when it doesnt even need to be trimmed.

Thats why everytime I go to the hair salon to get my hair relaxed Im just going to tell them up front,"I dont want my ends trimmed this time."

Im better off trimming my hair myself anyways. Everytime I ask for a damn trim they end up cutting too much off and all that progress went down the drain.

I learned from this mistake months ago when I went to a new hair salon and this lady cut my hair without my permission. I Didnt even know she had the scissors in her hand because my back was in front of her and I couldnt see the mirror.

She had to at least cut off 3 inches.

Your hair will grow back but I could see why you are pissed. Im pissed reading this.

I'm SO sorry this happened to you. I would put this stylist on SUPER blast!

I do hope you feel better soon.

Big hugs to you.

Hey Anky -

OK... you're SO not bald--that's still long hair, girl! You're ASL, which is a goal a lot of women here would kill to meet. Take heart, cause you can still flip and swing.

In June I had to cut off my BSL hair because it was damaged; I cut it much shorter than yours--to just past my shoulder. It's October now and I'm where you are. Please remember it's just hair--it GROWS back--and this is temporary. And as for the stylist and the breach of trust, that's an issue you might consider taking up with her to let her know how you feel. She should provide you a free service to make up for your dissatisfaction, at least (if you'd ever let her near you again, that is).
:imsorry: I can just imagine how you feel...I am :pray: for you! Your hair is still beautiful and it will grow back because you have so much knowledge.


I am still mad as hell. I tried to give myself some time to get over that my hair is so short that I can't even make a decent bun without my blunt :censored: pieces sticking out. I was still debating about reporting them to the board but I've been so busy with my horrible job and the fact that Mr. Iraq went to Iraq again recently :cry3: I don't even feel like reporting her to her boss, maybe I should just bypass that and go to the state board. I am going to get on every hair board that I am a member of and write my review of how they blowfried me and hacked me to death.

Lord, Please have mercy on the lady that ripped my hair to pieces. 2 weeks after she hacked me, she called me back reminding me that I made an appointment with her. "Sorry, you must have had me mistaken. I did not schedule an appointment with you." She informed me that she has been in pain because she pulled a muscle in her chest. Sometimes God gets my enemies back so quickly that I have to beg mercy for them to God.

Here's the salon just in case you go there already (yea there are a couple of people from LHCF that go to them, that's how I found out about them). THEY RIPPED THROUGH MY HAIR WITH A 2000 WATT BLOWFRYER AND MY HAIR WAS SMOKING. THEN MY HAIR WAS PRETTY MUCH CUT IN HALF.

Beverly's of Nashville
Stylist: Marlekia (Pronounced Mar-LEEK-ka)
[SIZE=-1]3304 Nolensville Pike, Nashvile(615) 833-9439


I am still mad as hell. I tried to give myself some time to get over that my hair is so short that I can't even make a decent bun without my blunt :censored: pieces sticking out. I was still debating about reporting them to the board but I've been so busy with my horrible job and the fact that Mr. Iraq went to Iraq again recently :cry3: I don't even feel like reporting her to her boss, maybe I should just bypass that and go to the state board. I am going to get on every hair board that I am a member of and write my review of how they blowfried me and hacked me to death.

Lord, Please have mercy on the lady that ripped my hair to pieces. 2 weeks after she hacked me, she called me back reminding me that I made an appointment with her. "Sorry, you must have had me mistaken. I did not schedule an appointment with you." She informed me that she has been in pain because she pulled a muscle in her chest. Sometimes God gets my enemies back so quickly that I have to beg mercy for them to God.

Here's the salon just in case you go there already (yea there are a couple of people from LHCF that go to them, that's how I found out about them). THEY RIPPED THROUGH MY HAIR WITH A 2000 WATT BLOWFRYER AND MY HAIR WAS SMOKING. THEN MY HAIR WAS PRETTY MUCH CUT IN HALF.

Beverly's of Nashville
Stylist: Marlekia (Pronounced Mar-LEEK-ka)
[SIZE=-1]3304 Nolensville Pike, Nashvile(615) 833-9439


I wish I could be there to give you a hug...
Yea, I'm pretty much bald now. I'll keep it short:

I went to a new salon--someone chopped off and fried it without permission with a 2000 watt blowfryer, saying my hair is damaged. For goodness sake, is this damaged?!?! Look at this before hacking picture:


It's bad enough my hair was short before I went to this stylist. Now I'm so ashamed about how she ripped out my hair without using a conditioner with slip that I refuse to wear my hair down. :censored: armpit length now! No, I will not give her the benefit of the doubt.

Now, before I do anything drastic, like killing her, I am going to moisturize the hell out of my hair and wear it curly to make myself feel better because I really want to hurt somebody.


f:censored:in armpit length!
f:censored:in mutiny!

I could really use some encouragement.

what theeee


why u goin to a stylist for babe?

arghhhhhhh :wallbash:

I am still mad as hell. I tried to give myself some time to get over that my hair is so short that I can't even make a decent bun without my blunt :censored: pieces sticking out. I was still debating about reporting them to the board but I've been so busy with my horrible job and the fact that Mr. Iraq went to Iraq again recently :cry3: I don't even feel like reporting her to her boss, maybe I should just bypass that and go to the state board. I am going to get on every hair board that I am a member of and write my review of how they blowfried me and hacked me to death.

Lord, Please have mercy on the lady that ripped my hair to pieces. 2 weeks after she hacked me, she called me back reminding me that I made an appointment with her. "Sorry, you must have had me mistaken. I did not schedule an appointment with you." She informed me that she has been in pain because she pulled a muscle in her chest. Sometimes God gets my enemies back so quickly that I have to beg mercy for them to God.
Here's the salon just in case you go there already (yea there are a couple of people from LHCF that go to them, that's how I found out about them). THEY RIPPED THROUGH MY HAIR WITH A 2000 WATT BLOWFRYER AND MY HAIR WAS SMOKING. THEN MY HAIR WAS PRETTY MUCH CUT IN HALF.

Beverly's of Nashville
Stylist: Marlekia (Pronounced Mar-LEEK-ka)
[SIZE=-1]3304 Nolensville Pike, Nashvile(615) 833-9439


do u know god has that way with people who hurt me too?! strange that :lachen:
Re: I have pics of my affliction

It's pretty but she was dead wrong! That is to much hair to just cut off because she saw fit. I am mad at her with you!!! Just wrong I tell you.