My Last Pity Party-For Good

That skeffer needs a beat down! :hammer::fishslap: I'm so sorry she jacked your hair up. But luckily you got us and this forum and the knowledge you got from here, so you'll be back in business in NO time. Some BT and braids is the route I would go. Take care!
aww, sugar! I am so, so, SO sorry this happened to you. Many of us have been there and this very thing happening to me was the start of my own hair journey. :( I know the length where you came from makes the length you are now seem like nothing, but you did it once, you can do it again. I know at this point it may mean nothing, but your hair is still very, VERY beautiful. I'll say a prayer for you. I know how much it hurts to lose hair, not because of your mistake, not because of a medical reason, but at someone's jealous, triffling hands. :wallbash:Keep it up, keep it hidden, keep doing what you did. You'll be back in no time!!:yep: *HUGS*
Anky--you have my deepest sympathy. For real! I know exactly where you are coming from. :yep: But your best retaliation will be when you grow it back even longer and stronger.
Oh honey, :nono:

I am so sorry for this....braid it up and forget about it for a couple of months. You grew it once, you can repeat it and do it even better. I'm praying for you.
no, that was my before picture. it's real short now and im crying under the hair dryer trying to prevent from committing suicide/homocide/cosmetologicide.

:ninja: *hands anky black tights and black hoodie* I got ya back girl....lets go get her
Re: I have pics of my affliction

Well, here's what she did to me:


I am extremely pissed to go from BSL to bald.

You're not bald, and I really hope the pity party is over, because there are plenty of ladies on this site (*cough cough*) who don't have hair that long/healthy and wouldn't complain if they woke up with what I see in this picture.

:nono:I read it thinking all I was going to see was scalp... Anyway, hope you get back to BSL or whatever you were, your hair still looks lovely and healthy even though you have every right to be mad at that jealous woman for hacking it off. At least she only took a few inches and didn't do any serious damage to your hair, right?
BtW I wasnt trying to sound mean. I was just thinking that bald was an overstatement, knowing my mom really did have some alopecia going on last year that took her from shoulder length to literally just scalp and some peach fuzz (we laugh now that shes neck length again, but it really was sad)...

Anyway, once again the woman was probably just jealous. They jack our hair up because black women are fueling the success of the wig/weave/relaxer industry. Maybe you could find a stylist that had longer hair than you just so you know she won't attack your head out of envy
There are no words for how whooped her ass needs to be. Start typing crazy messages on here, then in about a month, when you see her somewhere in public, just start shakin and screamin and beat her down! We'll have your back...can you say 'Temporary insanity'? I'm LOL, but I'm serious.:sekret::look:
OMG!! :( :( :(

she sounds like a jealous ***** hater!!!
Why do they do this to us? They know our hair grows slow and it takes time to get it to where we want it!

F em. Maybe you should become a DIYer!
just what i was thinking all of the above sorry this happend to you:sad:
Anky, I've followed your hair progress for years.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you - I feel like my own hair got cut. :(

Lemme know if you and the other LHCF ninjas need an alibi:rolleyes:
You have my deepest sympathy! I had this happen to me a few years ago. The heffas are fast with those scissors:wallbash: After you regain your glory, remember my mantra "no scissors". I keep saying this even at the combing:yep:

I feel your pain after the wrath of the blowfryer I felt two weeks ago. I hate frickin blowdryers. The good thing is you know what you have to do to recover, and you will.

Now if you want, I can send the "young'uns" after 'em
.:sekret::buttkick:, "lemme know".

ETA: Aw hellz na! I just saw the picture..:heated::angry2:
Sabotagin *** :censored:! I admire you, because I would be locked up. real talk. Seriously, you should file a complaint!! BBB, and all!
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Anky...:blush:. THat ***** did that on purpose!!! You have my sympathy,When I saw the pics my heart just sank. WTH is wrong with these stylists? I KNOW you'll only grow it back longer and stronger and prove them wrong!:grouphug:
:bighug: aww anky, i'm angry fro you! ur hair was just fine beofre the salon visit, so only god knows why she cut off inches and inches of healthy thick hair!:nono: I hope u feel better soon:yep:
WOW!!! is all I can say. I was expecting a little chop-chop, but yes she really went there!

Just as everyone has told you, at least you know exacty what to do to get it back to where you want to. This won't be trial and error for you b/c you've been there and know what it takes to get back there. The good thing is that it will happen in no time.

I agree that the braids or either wearing it curly will give you an opportunity to NOT focus on the length.

There needs to be some way for these stylists to be held accountable for doing things wrong to peoples hair

I am so upset for you anky

Time and patience will have your hair back in no time

at least you all ready no the things to do that will have your hair length back
Anky, I'm sorry that she did that. Remember when Sherrylove's grandmother gave her a big cut? Well, remember how fast her hair grew back and even longer?? Yours will do the same. :yep:

Please don't go back to another stylist unless you know that they are going to care for and about your hair better than you. :nono:

Also, remember how far you have come. I remember when you first came on the board. Your hair has grown so wonderfully over the years and you know how to take care of it.

It will go back longer and stronger just because she was straight hatin' on your hair girl. Nothing can stop Nikko's cousins!! :grin:
Oh sweetie I am so sorry she did this to you. Your hair was so long before, I understand why you feel bald (although you are nowhere near bald!). Please keep us updated, your hair will come back longer and stronger than ever.
oh Anky I'm so sorry. I know how u feel The same thing happened to me after so much time, pprogress. I cried when i got home and days after...but your hair is still gorgeous and will be back by nex summer I guarantee.
On your off days, you need to be out in front of her shop with a big ole poster with pics of your hair, before and after the attack! Hit her where it hurts!
daang anky!!

What a shame!! :nono: Girl where did you go?!! Who did this to you?!!

That mess was plain wrong---4 or 5 inches is NOT a trim!! That stylist needs to be drop kicked!!
As my hair is fast approaching BSL, and starting to become the longest it's been in my adult life, I have come to the conclusion that I if I ever do leave my current sylist (who is wonderful) the next one will have to earn scissor rights. I think we have all heard enough horror stories on here to take responsibility for what we allow. I have quite simply worked to DAMN HARD to grow my hair and will not allow anyone to violate me by hacking off my hair. I mean I would have acted a plum dumb fool in that salon.

Where is the thread where the member had this really good line, something like "thank you, but you will not be using scissors on my hair today, just the services I have requested". HA, I will be using that one.
Sorry to hear that. I was hoping this was an old thread, but I see it's not. It's a shame that lady set you back, because you had quite a lot of length. I'm sure you'll be back there in no time.
Im sorry this happened to u .. i know it sucks big time having that much hair cut off... and she should be delt with :boxing: :sekret:

On a brighter side Anky ur hair is still pretty APL to BSL isnt a HUGE jump you'll get that back by Spring/Summer :hug3:
ANKY, wow chica I am so sorry. That really and truly sucks. But you know what? You hair is still beautiful and healthy. You know what it takes to get it back to where it was and even better! You will be there in no time, and you still continue to be an inspiration:yep: