My Kittens and Catnip


New Member
I've been using catnip tea to prevent a lot of split ends, So last night after I finished rinsing my hair with the catnip tea, which I make pretty strong. So I'm laying down in my bed and my kittens jump up there to watch tv with me and hubby. All of a sudden they started trying to play in my hair, so I covered it up yet they still are trying like heck to play with my hair
I had to put them out so next time I make my tea I'll make it a little weaker, because I can't the kitties playing in my hair.
Last edited: cat already jumps on me repeatedly in the middle of the night! If he started to mess with the hair......:hammer:

This is one treatment I'm going to have to PASS up!
HA!!!!! Hilarious! I have heard soo much about catnip and the benefits for hair! You have just convinced me to try it....I should have known to ask my fellow natural ingredient junkie!
Awww, that's s cute. I used to have a cat that would try to eat my hair and I didn't even have catnip in it. Beware, they may try to eat your hair:lachen:
Cats go nuts around catnip lol.

Btw have you noticed any colour change in your hair since you started using it?
Hmm...catnip prevents split ends?! This sounds very interesting-how does it work? Have you noticed any results?
Hi MJ this treatment is well known on another hair board i frequent; especially for the ladies with fine hair.
I have a cat who is already crazy so i've been reluctant to commit to catnip. How has it worked for you now that you have used less catnip? I think the correct dilution is 250ml water to one tsp of catnip...
my mom had us using catnip tea as a hair rinse when i was younger...she was really big on herbs, using a lot of native american remedies...i think i will go back to using this tea rinse...this and indian hemp.
This is too funny. My cat goes crazy for catnip and also bleach. Whenever I clean the countertops and add a bit of bleach to the cleaning solution my cat loses his mind! I've never heard of putting catnip in hair before.
I bumping too....just to attest to the over conditioning properties of catnip tea.

I don't know how (the science behind it) it's a fat, I believe.

Anyway, it conditions, makes my hair softer and reduces splits!!!

It is now my staple.
Awwww, that's so cute! I had two kitties, but I had to give them away when I moved :( Does this catnip really work though???
Yes, after i got a trim, I started using it everyday and for a long time I had no splits. But I stopped using it, however I'm getting a trim this week and I'll gonna start using it again.