I'm a pet parent


New Member
And I have three kittens, i found a home for their mother after we weaned them off her. They like to lay around in my bed with me all the time. Well I did my hair in 2 strand twist and used by Oyin handmade. One is called Burnt Sugar Pomade and the other one is called Juices and Berries. My babies have been licking my twist every chance they get. It's so funny to me.
That reminds me of my old roommate's cat- whenever I used Bath & Body Works White Gardenia bodywash, that cat couldn't stay away from me and was licking my skin every chance he got!
And I have three kittens, i found a home for their mother after we weaned them off her. They like to lay around in my bed with me all the time. Well I did my hair in 2 strand twist and used by Oyin handmade. One is called Burnt Sugar Pomade and the other one is called Juices and Berries. My babies have been licking my twist every chance they get. It's so funny to me.

You need to feed those babies! :grin:

Seriously, I love cats and would love to have one, but they make my face swell up to twice its size. I bet it's so cute to see them trying to eat your twists.
That is adorable! I am allergic to cats, too, but I developed a resistance to it.

When my cat was a kitten, I started washing him weekly. (since proteins in his saliva were causing the reaction) Gradually, we tapered from weekly to monthly to never! I'm resistant to it! YAY!
Awwwww! I got a kitten a few weeks ago. She's about 11 weeks old now. She's so crazy, she'd probably be hanging from my twists with her claws.
You need to feed those babies! :grin:

Seriously, I love cats and would love to have one, but they make my face swell up to twice its size. I bet it's so cute to see them trying to eat your twists.

Girl you better hush you mouth, my babies eat anytime they want. Mommy takes very good care of her boo-boo's:grin:
That is adorable! I am allergic to cats, too, but I developed a resistance to it.

When my cat was a kitten, I started washing him weekly. (since proteins in his saliva were causing the reaction) Gradually, we tapered from weekly to monthly to never! I'm resistant to it! YAY!

I'm the same way, although I'm allergic to other peoples cats, I build up a resistance and immunity to my own.

I remember and old thread when Allandra's kitty was licking her hair when she put WGO on, I guess the kitty liked the coconut oil in it. :lick:

I love kitties, they're so precious!
I opened this thread saying, "Please don't be from Chicago. Please don't be from Chicago!"

I want a cat so bad!

But I can't have one until next fall. Could you post again if you have more kittens? I'd love to take one of them off your hands next year.

here's my puppy. he likes when i spray him with my squirt bottle. Hope the conditioner in it isnt bad for him! lol his name's gandhi


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I opened this thread saying, "Please don't be from Chicago. Please don't be from Chicago!"

I want a cat so bad!

But I can't have one until next fall. Could you post again if you have more kittens? I'd love to take one of them off your hands next year.

And I'll make sure you get one. M'kay:grin:
Animals are funny! My rottweiler wants to smell every product before I put it in my hair.

You should see her when I'm going through my hair stash and I'm opening jars and bottles, trying to pick a DC to use- her nose is all up in the air just sniffing away!:lachen: