My Kittens and Catnip

Yes, after i got a trim, I started using it everyday and for a long time I had no splits. But I stopped using it, however I'm getting a trim this week and I'll gonna start using it again.
So, you use it as a final rinse after you shampoo/condition? My cat is already crazy, I will just have to lock her out of the room. :lachen: I just got my ends trimmed over the weekend, so this is def something I 'd be interested in.
Yes, after i got a trim, I started using it everyday and for a long time I had no splits. But I stopped using it, however I'm getting a trim this week and I'll gonna start using it again.

Okay I'm going to try this with my henna :grin: Any negative effects? How often should I rinse with it?
Hhhmmm...catnip? I guess with all the other herbs we use this should be a good one. My little one up top (avatar) isn't a fan so if I did use it he wouldn't be phased.

Where do you get it from? I may be interested when I start doing henna and my ayurvedic practices in a few months.
Yes you can rinse after you shampoo and condition.

i got mine from MountainRoseherbs, but you can get it from the pet store.

I didn't have any negative effects.
Yes you can rinse after you shampoo and condition.

i got mine from MountainRoseherbs, but you can get it from the pet store.

I didn't have any negative effects.
I have to co-wash every time I work out (there's not gettign around it, sweat pours from my head like somebody dumped water on me :lachen:), so this could be a good rinse before I moisturize/seal/twist.
This was funny and cute! The cat that lives here is already wild and is always attacking for no reason so this is out of the question.
Yes you can rinse after you shampoo and condition.

i got mine from MountainRoseherbs, but you can get it from the pet store.

I didn't have any negative effects.

On LHC they stated that it works best without conditioner since the conditioner basically coats the hair shaft.

When I use it, I don't use conventional conditioner, just my ayurvedic herbs.
This is too funny. My cat goes crazy for catnip and also bleach. Whenever I clean the countertops and add a bit of bleach to the cleaning solution my cat loses his mind! I've never heard of putting catnip in hair before.

I didn't know cats liked bleach! Now I know why they try to jump on the counter when I clean...