My Journey


Well-Known Member

Ok so this is what my hair looked like at the beginning of my hair journey (6.1.12). Uneven breakage and damage from, what I believe was, protein overload. My second BKT treatment, plus weekly Novex Keratin deep conditioning, double heat processing and lack of moisture were the culprits! My hair was NL with the lowest layer being the shortest!

I also started taking some really effective supplements: Biotin, Hair Multiple, MSM, Castor Oil, Fish Oil, Zinc, Aloe Vera Supplements and Garlic Oil (and I've taken them everyday since then... Adding Bamboo and Gelatin along the way)


This picture gives you a more accurate idea of my length (I wasn't the crazed hair photographer that I am now)


These were my starting products. As you can see I thought I was set. Little did I know at that time about a little disease called PJism. I am slightly embarrassed to take a picture now :)

In this picture sits also my Linange relaxer system. Something I've used for almost four years now :). I relaxed 6.21.12.


This is me about July 30th; a month and a half into my journey. I began a strict regimen of poo'ing once weekly, co-washing once weekly, DC'ing twice weekly, air drying and/or rollersetting. My hair has been layered my whole life. I've gone a little over a year without a trim or reshape of my layers; thus my hair is growing out and looking wispy (in need of a trim).


New growth at 8.5 weeks into my journey... About an inch and some change.


One of my favorite pictures! My biggest struggle has been understanding my hair's protein/moisture balance (most of my deep conditioners, I've recently realized, have protein in them. I have since been on the hunt for a great moisturizing DC.) and that week I got it right! My hair just sit perfectly that week! I haven't been able to duplicate it since. This was about 8 weeks post.


This is my hair wet and at about 10 weeks post. I have 3 inches of new growth in and around the middle, and 1-2 inches as you get closer to the edge and nape. I will show you those visuals shortly!


This picture shows the different lengths of new growth.


Although I hadn't taken an pictures of my areas where loss was its greatest, this picture shows the hair slowly growing in (partially due to the recent MN challenge).



This is the last layer in my hair... Which happens to be the shortest layer! FML!


This is the second layer! At least two inches longer than the bottom (equals see through hair)!


This is a better visualization between the difference in lengths. As you can see its a very big difference.


And this is the healthy head of hair that I am desperately trying to return to (Feb 2011). My hair is everything to me. Its my best accessory and this, my second setback, has really saddened me.

I am learning a lot here, and I strive to learn more. I just wish my hair would hurry up and grow already! Thanks for listening. You chicas rock!

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We have all had our fair share of setbacks. Im dealing with a major one right now...

Your hair looks great though, just keep pampering that back section and it will catch up in no time!
Thank you ladies :). It feels like its going to be forever before that back section grows back in :(. But I'm 3 months strong on my HHJ. This time next year, hopefully, I can say I made it through.

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i have come a long way this year so far. my setback was major. but i didn't give up. heck, i am still a work in progress. just wait until the year is up! if you stick to your reggie, your hair is going to be totally back to where you need it to be! keep up the good work!
The length is ehhh... But the health is real (amazing)... Progressing along rather nicely :grin:


The bottom pic is where I started 6/1/12...


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