DH asked, "whada ya doin to your hair cause it's getting so thick and has grown so long"?

When I showed him my list of products, he wanted me to put them in his hair cause it's beginning to get thin.:eek: :eek: :eek:

I couldn't believe that the same man who used to tease me about buying so many hair products and spending hours and hours on my hair was asking me for help with his. After all, he's of a mixed heritage and has hair that is absolutely gorgeous. I always HATED him for being able to wash his hair, brush it lightly and go on his little merry way.

But, now that his hair is thinning & mine is getting thicker:grin: he's coming to me for advice on how to stop the hair loss.

He better be glad that I love him and he's been good to me.

He's even started taking my MSM! Wow, I must REALLY be in love to share all my little hair secrets with him.

Anybody else's husband or SO asking them for "hair advice?"
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Now THAT is too cute! My hubby waaay too late now for ANYTHING to prevent or stop his balding. I just help him shave what's left so he can sport the sexy bald look . . .

I FINALLY got him using sunscreen on his head now too and he admits that his scalp is much more "comfortable" and even toned with the sunscreen!
OOOOOOOOO Girl, If my DH loses his lush, curly, wavy hair, I think he's gonna have to go see a therapist.

He hasn't got a vain bone in his body, except for his hair.:lol:
Haha that's too cute... my SO was in the shower this morning asking me if I had any conditioner, cos his hair was dry. Ever since I taught him that dry hair will break off and u have to keep it supple he's being all up in my hair product stash, one time he even tried to put some in his lil goatee...we had to have a talk about that...
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Awww, that's so sweet! Your DH has really given you a wonderful compliment asking you to care for his hair!:)
Yes my DH tries to use everything I use. He's always asking; what is that and what is it for? The other night he was looking at me putting my Mizani nite-time cream on my hair and I said "don't even think about it, this is just for me." :grin: I bet he'll try to use it when I'm not around. :look:
Well my hubby hijacked my kenra shampoo. :( So i went to the store and bought him some VO5...but then i felt guilty so i let him keep the kenra since i have another bottle and I didnt have the heart to take it from him... :kiss:
When i first started on LHCF my hubby and my daugher(4yrs old) would tease me about the time i spend on my hair and about the word "pre-poo":lol: Now they play this beauty salon game where they act like i have my own salon and they make appointments to get their hair done. My babygirl thinks everything i do to her hair is a "pre-poo"--she loves that word.:lachen:
Awww, that is sooo cute, and quite funny!!!! :lol: LOL!!! But I bet his hair will just thrive under your care and expertise! :p
Your hubby is cute.... I inspired mine to grow a ponytail.. His hair is now at his shoulders... BUT HE KNOWS TO STAY OUTTA MY STUFF!!

I buy him his own stash and he better tell me if he is getting low. Cuz if I catch his fingers in my stuff .. IT IS ON!!

Oh... tell your hubby to take ZMA. It is a supplement weight lifters take. My hubby was getting thin on the top of his head when he turned 40, but now he is straight. His hair quickly grew back even though his dad is completely bald in the top of his head.
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isobell said:
Haha that's too cute... my SO was in the shower this morning asking me if I had any conditioner, cos his hair was dry. Ever since I taught him that dry hair will break off and u have to keep it supple he's being all up in my hair product stash, one time he even tried to put some in his lil goatee...we had to have a talk about that...
:lol: :lol: