My horrible, HORRIBLE salon experience!!!!!


The comb is stuck.

I had a mothers day luncheon to go to last Friday, but was getting my house painted and all of my styling tools and dryer were packed up, but I wanted to look nice. Most of yall know that I wear a bun all the time and haven't ben to the salon in 3 yrs.

Anyway I went to the salon I used to go to so I could let my favorite stylist do my blow out but she wasn't there. I let another person do my hair and this is how the HORROR started:

1. She put the shampoo on my hair without wetting it first.
2. She used way less conditioner than I usually use and I bought my own products with me.
3. She sat me under the dryer and proceeded to get her own hair done.
4. She asked someone else to finish me because she was under the dryer.

I think my hair is mad at me.
UH UH! She got her own hair done while she was supposed to be doing yours?!! How in the world do you put shampoo on dry hair, wouldn't it just sit there?

Sorry about your bad experience
Wow!!! she sat down to get her own hair done????? that cow gets the ribbon for "ghetto-fied stylist of the year" she had alot of nerve. i'm so sorry to hear that this happened. I know you will be able to get your hair back to liking you again in no time
-- jainygirl
mly3e said:
1. She put the shampoo on my hair without wetting it first.

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I can't read anymore! What the Hell?!

because of this--->3. She sat me under the dryer and proceeded to get her own hair done.
4. She asked someone else to finish me because she was under the dryer. SHE needs this----->

for u and your hair..
3. She sat me under the dryer and proceeded to get her own hair done.---Trifling. Simply trifling.
4. She asked someone else to finish me because she was under the dryer. ---Actually that's a good thing. I hope you didn't pay her or tip whomever finished!
Thanks yall! This is my hairs home away from home. I knew it would get some love here.

I apologized to it by shampooing with Motions Lavish and conditioning with VO5's nourishing oasis. Saturday I will show it how deep my love runs with a hot oil treatment and a deep conditioning with heat.
I didn't. I will also find a new salon if I ever go to one again. Es[ecially if my favorite stylist is no longer there. There are to many salons in NY for that mess.
Getting her own hair done? That just takes the cake for me!!! Did you say anything as she sat down in the chair? I don't think I would have kept quiet about that.
mly3e said:I will show it how deep my love runs with a hot oil treatment and a deep conditioning with heat.

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Hee hee hee.... Take care of business girl
I was in a dryer facing away from the one she was in with conditioner. When I thought that I had been under there long enough I got up to look for her and saw her sitting there with rollers.
mly3e said:
I was in a dryer facing away from the one she was in with conditioner. When I thought that I had been under there long enough I got up to look for her and saw her sitting there with rollers.

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dang!what the heck????Now I would have went in front of her..and told her:Excuse me arent u suppose to do your job sista??..then if she would have messed up my hair,I would have went out without give her a dime.I dont take no crap like that!

Sorry about the bad experience gurl
This reminds me of the days when I used to go to a ghetto stylist and if my appointment was, say, at 10:00 (and YOU KNOW this would be on a day off of work!
), she wouldn't get to the salon til about 10:45 or so. And THEN, after making me wait for another HOUR OR SO, just as I was about to walk out,....WITHOUT FAIL she would either base me herself or have someone else base me (a sneaky tactic so that I couldn't leave
). Then after she had me wait for another 20 minutes or so,....WITHOUT FAIL, she would always 'mysteriously' have to go PICK UP HER SON
and leave out. So my 10:00 appointment had me at the salon til about 5 or 6:00!

jainygirl said:
that cow gets the ribbon for "ghetto-fied stylist of the year" she had alot of nerve. -- jainygirl

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I think that's terrible! But I've had my share of bad salon treatments. October of last year, I'd finally took my braids out and my hair was more than 13"! I was happy and decided to treat myself to a salon treatment! The hairstylist decided to "TRIM" my hair without my approval and before I could even figure out what he did, my hair was many inches shorter!!!
He got mad at me 'cause I didn't pay him for his "work". Heck no!
I never went to see him again and even now, when I go to the salon (Once in a blue moon--I no longer trust them) I tell the hairstylist to put the scissors down! Just put 'em down!!!
Take it from me, I may be young, but I know that they ain't no professional! Never lend them your complete trust! If you do, you're askin' for it!
mly3e said:

I had a mothers day luncheon to go to last Friday, but was getting my house painted and all of my styling tools and dryer were packed up, but I wanted to look nice. Most of yall know that I wear a bun all the time and haven't ben to the salon in 3 yrs.

Anyway I went to the salon I used to go to so I could let my favorite stylist do my blow out but she wasn't there. I let another person do my hair and this is how the HORROR started:

1. She put the shampoo on my hair without wetting it first.
2. She used way less conditioner than I usually use and I bought my own products with me.
3. She sat me under the dryer and proceeded to get her own hair done.
4. She asked someone else to finish me because she was under the dryer.

I think my hair is mad at me.

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blue_flower said:
mly3e said:

I had a mothers day luncheon to go to last Friday, but was getting my house painted and all of my styling tools and dryer were packed up, but I wanted to look nice. Most of yall know that I wear a bun all the time and haven't ben to the salon in 3 yrs.

Anyway I went to the salon I used to go to so I could let my favorite stylist do my blow out but she wasn't there. I let another person do my hair and this is how the HORROR started:

1. She put the shampoo on my hair without wetting it first.
2. She used way less conditioner than I usually use and I bought my own products with me.
3. She sat me under the dryer and proceeded to get her own hair done.
4. She asked someone else to finish me because she was under the dryer.

I think my hair is mad at me.

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is right.

I would have given her only half payment for using only half of her brain when she did your hair.

I was horrified to read about your recent hair experience! Fortunately, your hair will recover.

Thus the reason I stopped patronizing Black owned and operated salons. This is not to say that all such salons function unprofessionally, but so many of them do to have sent me running. From folks eating on the job, to clients backed up for hours on end, to friends just "stopping by", to so many children running around that the salon feels more like a day care than a salon, to walking in for a 10:00 am appointment only to leave at 3:00pm - I HAD HAD IT!!!

