My hairdresser does not like me


Well-Known Member
I have been seriously contemplating whether or not I should return to the place where I have been getting my hair relaxed for the past 2 years. I started after my original stylist moved away and recommended her to me.

Let's call her Vee. The only time I go to Vee is for a relaxer, other than that I do not go to a salon. Well, it all started when she wanted to trim my hair and I told her that I didn't want it cut that time. She let it go, but then the next time I came in she starts saying "Your hair looks raggedy and I'm not about to let you walk around like this because you are advertising my business and giving me a bad name." My hair had been trimmed less than 6 months before and I started telling her why I didn't want another trim and I can tell she doesn't want to hear it. So then, she goes to put a relaxer on my hair and she's just like what's all this on your hair? I told her I pre-based my scalp with castor oil and she just snorted and was said, "You shouldn't have done that because I do that."

Anyways, for my Delta coming out show, I had to get my hair straightened. Although I hadn't had a relaxer in 4 months, she told me that she would be out of town but one of her stylists could do it for me and still have it looking like it had just been relaxed. I said ok. This stylists ripped through my hair something serious. I had to stop her on numerous occasions to ask her if she could be more gentle because she was hurting my head (not my hair). The attitude with her set in and the whole time she kept asking me to be funny, "Is this hurting you, baby?"

I went back in May for a relaxer and I feel like none of them in the shop like me and always have something negative to say when I walk in/out. I guess they think I'm too uppity with my hair and they don't like me telling them how to do MY hair since they are the stylist. I am hesitant to switch stylist because Vee does a really good job on my relaxers and I think that being consistent going to her is what has helped me attain so much growth. So I'm afraid to go to someone else and they jack my relaxer up.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Should I leave??
Yes you should leave, you need a stylist that is for you and not againist you. I know it's hard finding a stylist but you'll find one. If you keep going back to her all of your progress will be down the drain.
Yes, look for someone's hair u like, then ask them who does it and try them out, it's unacceptable for someone to treat u badly then take ur money, that's a no -no:nono:. Good luck :)
Drop the salon. Either get a recommendation from someone you trust for another salon, or learn to self-relax before they seriously damage your hair.
You need a hair dresser who actually listens to your concerns and works WITH you in acheiving your hair goals. Not only does it sound as if she isn't working with you, she actually sounds like she does not respect what you have to say.

And that bit about the other stylist trying to be cute asking, "Does this hurt honey?" I DO NOT have the patience for that kind of sarcasm, I would have got up and left the salon- hair half done and all.

Take your time and research a caring stylist- they do exsist. Maybe make it a project during your next stretch, but you SHOULD NOT have to walk into a salon and get the feeling you aren't liked.

Girl, you need to get to: :roadrunner: MEEP, MEEP
Sweetie it is time to start self relaxing or ask some of your Delta sisters to recommend a new stylist. Those heffers at your current shop are trippin. You did well by speaking up for yourself.
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Seriously there are too many hair stylists breezies out there that do good work. I ain't spending my money nowhere that I am not appreciated as a client.
Yes, you should leave.
You are the customer and you should not be paying them to talk bad about you and having attitudes about your hair. You can learn how to do your own relaxers...right here on LHCF:)
I would not go back to that salon. I had a stylist once who felt it was her job to not only do my hair, but give me life lessons. She would preach to me about the importance of going to church, learning how to cook, etc. One day I just stopped going. I don't like unprofessional stylists.
I would say that you should leave the salon because it is totally inappropriate for you to pay your money and they treat you like that. The only thing that I think is normal is when she told you not to put so much oils on your hair--my hairdresser says that everytime and I say okay and keeping doing the same thing.

However, I my current stylist has an attitude problem but after 2 year mark now she is nice. She asks to cut my hair and will not cut off a lot if I complain. She is happy to see me now.

Don't be afraid but look for someone in your Delta soro whose hair is tight for a recommendation to get your hair done(pray for a stylist-God will help you). Pray before the salon for your hair to be done right. However, in the meantime, if you don't find a stylist, then go to VEE.
**The current stylist I am going to--I did even get a referral, I happened to see the advertisement and went in.
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Yes!!! Leave-even if it may be hard to find someone new. Even if 'Vee' is the only stylist in town- it's just not worth it. Your peace of mind & comfort are.
A word to the wise. Do not pay Vee or anyone else in that salon another red cent. Go find you someone who is worth the hard dollars you have earned to do your hair that you will be pleased with.

That is all.
Girl, you need to get to: :roadrunner: MEEP, MEEP

LOL!! Hilarious.
But oh! Did I mention that she overcharged me $10 for being difficult?? Usually, it's just $50 and then I will give her tip. But this time, it was $60. I paid it because I did have three $20 bills on me so I was just like...whatever. And being the overanalyzer that I am, I thought maybe her prices had gone up due to the recession. But idk anymore. All I do know is that I was heated and the price-uppage seemed like the last straw.
Girl please do not give that ungrateful woman any more of your money because money does not grow on trees and is really hard to come by. Your hair dresser is acting unprofessional and that is not cool. You should not feel like you are not wanted in a salon where you are spending your money.
*sigh* These hairstylists just don't get it:wallbash::wallbash:

This is EXACTLY why I am a D-I-Y'er.

PLEASE LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!! Start doing your research & looking around for another hairstylist while you still own all the hair on your head!:perplexed
LOL!! Hilarious.
But oh! Did I mention that she overcharged me $10 for being difficult?? Usually, it's just $50 and then I will give her tip. But this time, it was $60. I paid it because I did have three $20 bills on me so I was just like...whatever. And being the overanalyzer that I am, I thought maybe her prices had gone up due to the recession. But idk anymore. All I do know is that I was heated and the price-uppage seemed like the last straw.

In the words of Madea go with a QUICKNESS!!!!
Aw he** naw. Girl, leave, and don't pay them another penny!! AND they overcharged you??? There are other- BETTER- stylists in the world. You'll be ok.
I'd're not only paying her to do your hair but to provide customer service and comfortable settings. I've left many shops that I've wanted to try out simply because the gossip that went on AFTER the customer left and especially the stylists that make it a point to talk to their friends sitting around waiting vs. making conversation with you.
My hairdresser did that to me so I up and left. If you don't like me you cant have my money.
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Congratulations on entering the Divine Nine Association!!!

Yes you need to leave this whole shop alone - if you have to go through all of that while you are there not too mention you are being made to feel uncomfortable - you should not being paying your GOOD money on BAD service....

Many of these stylists take us "consumers" for granted and pray that we are naive and don't know any better - your stylist(s) should be working with you not against you so that you can meet and maintain your hair goals -
That environment sounds so toxic, I know that you like the way she does your relaxers, but I would try really hard to find a new salon.
I would leave esp. oif a stylist acts funny with and about my hair. Heck you are paying her for a service she is not really providing.
I think you should find another stylist as well, she's only going to get worse.

I would also go on yelp or some other local review site & rate what you think of the salon. You could save someone else from that experience. You don't have to tell the whole story, words like 'unprofessional' & 'condescending' come to mind.
First off, Congrats Soror! :)

Secondly, start scouting for a new stylist. ANYONE you see with a healthy head of relaxed hair, don't be afraid to stop and ask who they go to.
Smh@that ... She needs YOU more then u need her....if u leave, your taking away from her pockets.. smh..people need to think about their actions before they come out their mouth. I say LEAVE mama!! yeah, the relaxers are banging, but that's not worth being disrespected and basically saying you have no say in what to do with YOUR hair. And for ol girl being smart about.. man o man.. I woulda got up so fast walked to the door and said.."awww your not gonna get paid, does that hurt baby?" and kepted it moving, went home and finished it off... People really need to think things through completely..