My hair texture IS changing


Well-Known Member
i've been taken MSM for less than a month and it seems my hair texture is changing :cool: .

I'm still thinking, how is this possible? as the whole length of my natural hair (i'm transitioning) is looser, surely only bits grown since taking it should be looser right?

I'm not complaining though, either way my hair is pretty - I'm just confused. Although I am weaved up I have only a small section of my hair out, I was wondering whether me styling this part is more likely to be causing this, :confused: but to think about it, I only use gel (everyday), heat about (once a week) and wash every couple of days....and plus my 'baby' hair is also becoming looser and I don't style those per se.

what y'all think???
Interesting that it changes the entire length of your strands. How much are you taking ?
MSM has changed the texture of my hair also. I'm relaxed so I can't speak on a change to my already relaxed hair but my new growth has changed dramatically. My hair is not so course (softer and wavy-er) and has been able to retain moisture much better than in the past.
silvergirl said:
i thought it only changes your new growth, how can it change hair thats already outside your body/

Ekomba, said it changed the entire textures of her entire head also. I just received my MSM powder today and I would like to know can someone tell me, what is the best time to take it? The lowest amt to start taking?

tsmith said:
Ekomba, said it changed the entire textures of her entire head also. I just received my MSM powder today and I would like to know can someone tell me, what is the best time to take it? The lowest amt to start taking?


Same here :) I need to know also
tsmith said:
Ekomba, said it changed the entire textures of her entire head also. I just received my MSM powder today and I would like to know can someone tell me, what is the best time to take it? The lowest amt to start taking?


Well, I like to spread out my msm dosage throughout my day. I add a bit to my morning juice, I add it to my afternoon tea, and I add a bit to my bev. at night with dinner. From what I have noticed on the boards and from my other reading, most people need atleast 2500-3000mg of msm to really start reaping the hair benefits. I bought the distillpure powder and I am gradually increasing my dose throughout the next 3 months. Start low and build up as you gauge how your hair and body react. Some people have taken as much as 20,000mg of msm without negative side effects. My sister was taking about 12,000mg of msm to help with a knee condition and her hair texture and growth rate did a total 180. Her hair always grew very fast and her hair naturally is unbelievably strong and msm just improved it even more.

This is website that I bought mine from, but they have excellent resources for you to read. I am following their dosage regime.
gymfreak336 said:
Well, I like to spread out my msm dosage throughout my day. I add a bit to my morning juice, I add it to my afternoon tea, and I add a bit to my bev. at night with dinner. From what I have noticed on the boards and from my other reading, most people need atleast 2500-3000mg of msm to really start reaping the hair benefits. I bought the distillpure powder and I am gradually increasing my dose throughout the next 3 months. Start low and build up as you gauge how your hair and body react. Some people have taken as much as 20,000mg of msm without negative side effects. My sister was taking about 12,000mg of msm to help with a knee condition and her hair texture and growth rate did a total 180. Her hair always grew very fast and her hair naturally is unbelievably strong and msm just improved it even more.

This is website that I bought mine from, but they have excellent resources for you to read. I am following their dosage regime.

I take the DistilPure as well. I started off with 500 mg, and increased by 500 mg every week until I got up to 2000 mg (1 tsp.), which is my current daily dose. I've noticed nothing but great things from this dose of MSM, so I'm not increasing anytime soon. I take mine (usually) in the morning, either mixed with lemon water (sweetened with stevia) or in my protein drink. It's bitter, but not all that bad, in my opinion.
gymfreak336 said:
Well, I like to spread out my msm dosage throughout my day. I add a bit to my morning juice, I add it to my afternoon tea, and I add a bit to my bev. at night with dinner. From what I have noticed on the boards and from my other reading, most people need atleast 2500-3000mg of msm to really start reaping the hair benefits. I bought the distillpure powder and I am gradually increasing my dose throughout the next 3 months. Start low and build up as you gauge how your hair and body react. Some people have taken as much as 20,000mg of msm without negative side effects. My sister was taking about 12,000mg of msm to help with a knee condition and her hair texture and growth rate did a total 180. Her hair always grew very fast and her hair naturally is unbelievably strong and msm just improved it even more.

This is website that I bought mine from, but they have excellent resources for you to read. I am following their dosage regime.

Thanks gymf for the info:)
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silvergirl said:
i thought it only changes your new growth, how can it change hair thats already outside your body/

Sebum excreted from your scalp travels down the shaft.
i've been on msm for about 6 weeks too, and i noticed yesterday that my new growth texture REALLY changed! i usually wear a twistout, but i noticed last night when i was twisting my hair up for the night that my twists weren't holding near the root at all! they literally can unravel at the root, but the rest of my hair stays twisted :confused:. i was telling my friend earlier today that i didn't know if i liked this change, but i guess i'll try to twist it again after i wash tomorrow and see if it's just a problem when my hair's dry....i also only take 2000 mg, i'm too nervous to use any more than that!
I just put 1/2 teaspoon of MSM powder in a 8 oz glass of water because I wanted to see how it taste like with water and then took a sip of lemonade to chase the bad wasn't too bad:perplexed Anyway, the label says to take 1/2 teaspoonful(approx. 2.6g). How much grams of MSM is 2.6 g:confused: What does 2.6 g mean?

Thanks again ladies

ETA: I'm taking Source Naturals powder.
tsmith said:
I just put 1/2 teaspoon of MSM powder in a 8 oz glass of water because I wanted to see how it taste like with water and then took a sip of lemonade to chase the bad wasn't too bad:perplexed Anyway, the label says to take 1/2 teaspoonful(approx. 2.6g). How much grams of MSM is 2.6 g:confused: What does 2.6 g mean?

Thanks again ladies

2.6 g = 2.g GRAMS. same thing but abbreviated.

i find that i need t add ATLEAST 10 ounces of water to completely dissolve the MSM. then it has NO taste at all.

but ironically adding my msm to other bev. doesn't mask the taste and it is disgusting.

i am not getting the new texture that everyone else is getting. i'm kinda jealous.:look: I have been taking it for about 4 mos. but i have been very inconsistent. i will start feb 1st being consistent and see what that gets me.
LocksOfLuV said:
2.6 g = 2.g GRAMS. same thing but abbreviated.

i find that i need t add ATLEAST 10 ounces of water to completely dissolve the MSM. then it has NO taste at all.

but ironically adding my msm to other bev. doesn't mask the taste and it is disgusting.

i am not getting the new texture that everyone else is getting. i'm kinda jealous.:look: I have been taking it for about 4 mos. but i have been very inconsistent. i will start feb 1st being consistent and see what that gets me.

so, locks is 2.6 g, 2000 grams or 2600 grams..what is the 6...Is it 2600 grams..girl I'm sorry but math is not my forte..I only had to take 2 math classes and I'm soooo glad:)
tsmith said:
so, locks is 2.6 g, 2000 grams or 2600 grams..what is the 6...Is it 2600 grams..girl I'm sorry but math is not my forte..I only had to take 2 math classes and I'm soooo glad:)

I only had to take one, so you might not want to trust me :lol:. but basicly 2.6 grams equals 2600 milligrams (mgs).

for my bottle half a teaspoon is 3000 mgs = 3grams. you get it?
LocksOfLuV said:
I only had to take one, so you might not want to trust me :lol:. but basicly 2.6 grams equals 2600 milligrams (mgs).

for my bottle half a teaspoon is 3000 mgs = 3grams. you get it?

Yep, I get it now;) I want to take MSM for skin purposes and headaches. The bamboo silicia has changed my texture so I'm straight in the texture change department:) I took the MSM about an hour ago and I feel a little funny...I can't really explain the feeling but kinda nauseated or stomach pains or headaches but I feel kinda funny:)
tsmith said:
Yep, I get it now;) I want to take MSM for skin purposes and headaches. The bamboo silicia has changed my texture so I'm straight in the texture change department:) I took the MSM about an hour ago and I feel a little funny...I can't really explain the feeling but kinda nauseated or stomach pains or headaches but I feel kinda funny:)

I take my MSM before i go to bed, so I won't feel any side-effects. But I do get some weird dreams (some of them I likey :look: ).

What kind of Silica do you take to help with texture? Where did ya get it?
I take 2000mg of MSM daily in pill form. I didn't even realize that it came in powder form.

Does anyone else take the pills?
I take my MSM (Trimedica Powder) in my OJ in the morning. I take 1/2 teaspoon but initially started with 1/4 teaspoon and worked my way up after a couple of weeks. I probably mix it in about 8 - 10 oz of OJ and I don't taste a thing.
MizAvalon said:
I take 2000mg of MSM daily in pill form. I didn't even realize that it came in powder form.

Does anyone else take the pills?

I used too. Them things made me gag. They were too big!
MizAvalon said:
I take 2000mg of MSM daily in pill form. I didn't even realize that it came in powder form.

Does anyone else take the pills?

They say the pills are not as effective. I don't know how true it is but I started with and stick to the powder.
Intially my texture was softer with msm, however i haven't taken anything for at least 4-5 months and my texture naturally grows out looser than before, i haven't changed my diet in anyway. r
LocksOfLuV said:
I take my MSM before i go to bed, so I won't feel any side-effects. But I do get some weird dreams (some of them I likey :look: ).

What kind of Silica do you take to help with texture? Where did ya get it?

I feel better now but I will take it at night also because I felt funny for a minute...I take Solaray Bamboo Silicia and I got them from Sareca started a Bamboo Silicia challenge in December girl they work forreal:) but Den1 is the one who put us on to bamboo they are more potent/organic than horsetail.

ETA: here's the thread
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tsmith said:
I feel better now but I will take it at night also because I felt funny for a minute...I take Solaray Bamboo Silicia and I got them from Sareca started a Bamboo Silicia challenge in December girl they work forreal:) but Den1 is the one who put us on to bamboo they are more potent/organic than horsetail.

Thank you!!!:D
tsmith said:
I feel better now but I will take it at night also because I felt funny for a minute...I take Solaray Bamboo Silicia and I got them from Sareca started a Bamboo Silicia challenge in December girl they work forreal:) but Den1 is the one who put us on to bamboo they are more potent/organic than horsetail.

I am glad to hear that. I have recently started using bamboo. I am going go through two bottles before I decide to keep it or drop it. I hope I get good results.