My hair is stiff...


Well-Known Member
last week I washed and dced my hair ....blew dry then flat ironed....felt weird so the next time I just dced and air hair is still stiff and poofy....umm what gives...any words of wisdom....usually when I do my hair it comes out looking pretty nice and lasts at least a week
I think you'll be better helped if you gave specifics. What products did you use in each case?
Your hair probably didn't like the products. Also, some people just can't airdry, their hair doesn't like it. Have you tried rollersets? Soft, bouncy hair every time :yep:
Oh, how did you style your hair when you airdried? Was this the first time you used the products that made your hair stiff?
I have been using the same products for the last prblems until last week

I let my hair air dry in braids...after that I flat I usually do

I am natural if that helps any
You might have product build up. Once I started doing acv rinses and air drying, my hair dried soft.
last week I washed and dced my hair ....blew dry then flat ironed....felt weird so the next time I just dced and air hair is still stiff and poofy....umm what gives...any words of wisdom....usually when I do my hair it comes out looking pretty nice and lasts at least a week

I used the same routine as you and the same thing happened to me. My hair was stiff as a board:wallbash: I've just started to CWC as of yesterday and air dried (No heat!!) - I CWC'd again today - same thing. I'm going to continue doing this for the rest of the month and see what gives. When I CWC I'm only using conditioner for both washing and conditioning.:yep:
I used the same routine as you and the same thing happened to me. My hair was stiff as a board:wallbash: I've just started to CWC as of yesterday and air dried (No heat!!) - I CWC'd again today - same thing. I'm going to continue doing this for the rest of the month and see what gives. When I CWC I'm only using conditioner for both washing and conditioning.:yep:

I redid my hair and it came out much softer...i think it was because of the acv rinse