Well-Known Member
I had my first install for about 2 months and 3 weeks. I finally took it down yesterday. I had leave out hair-small horseshoe, sides (above ears), and nape..The only hair that was alright througout the install was my horse shoe because it's what I would have to comb and flat iron to blend. Initially the nape and sides were flat ironed as well. That went out the window after the first wash as they turned into little "puff" balls. I did not comb it or flat iron it but let it be. I initially moisturized it daily then stopped. I shampooed and DCed 1x week or every other week for the majority of the time except the end. So I took it down this past weekend, detangled as much as I could then put coconut oil in my hair for about 10 hours. I then shampooed with Suave Clarifying and Motions CPR, conditioned with Suave Coconut conditioner, DCed for about 30 minutes with AOHSR and Yes to Carrots. I then put a little bit of KBB hair milk and Mizani therasmooth in my hair and air dryed. Later I blowdryed
I could not blowdry my hair for nothin. I finally had to get my mom to do it for me. She went through and combed out sections first then blow dryed. I went back to my childhood tenderheaded days, it hurt so bad when she combed it. It felt like she was pulling my hair from my scalp. Surprisingly, there was hardly any hair in the comb and a very small (like teaspoon size) of hair actually came out. My hair was so dry. She said that my scalp was dry also and was flaking..I've had problems with AOHSR flaking before so that could be to me not rinsing it out well. The initial plan was to flat iron it but she just put it into a ponytail. My hair still looks and feels dry and my head is sore. The only good thing is I did get growth because I had an asymmetrical bob and a shaved nape that was so short I could only wear it down. My hair is now in a pony tail with a puff almost the size of my fist. I will probably go back into braids or another install to help me my growth
Why is my hair so dry even after I DCed? What can I do to get it more moisturized and have it stay that way?

Why is my hair so dry even after I DCed? What can I do to get it more moisturized and have it stay that way?