My hair is changing pattern

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Oh u chicks are too funny I got all of my relaxed hair cut off last year and posted a picture of my hair in January since then my hair in the fronts and sides have changed textured its not that serious for me to lie .or front to any of yall. I was just saying how I embracing the hair that is left out and wig me.wetting and conditioning more frequently its changing patterns some just was a topic nothing more.

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Too the other lady I have had ups .and downs with .my hair but truly happy now.

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caramelty ok real talk you know we wanna know the reggie like melissa-bee said...I really wanna know what conditioner you using to give you those results. I can see how incorporating moisture can make such a huge difference especially if thats what was lacking.
Oh u chicks are too funny I got all of my relaxed hair cut off last year and posted a picture of my hair in January since then my hair in the fronts and sides have changed textured its not that serious for me to lie .or front to any of yall. I was just saying how I embracing the hair that is left out and wig me.wetting and conditioning more frequently its changing patterns some just was a topic nothing more.

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Girl @ caramelty
I may be wrong but I think some ladies here want you to WANT to be nappy. And be happy with nappy. And not want or praise your hair to be a looser texture, which is crazy to me. We all come in different textures and lengths so to want something that will usually make your hair less manageable is again crazy to me but hey I don't think like them so I can't say this is the 100% truth. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise caramelty keep up your regimen and best wishes with your natural hair. Dont be afraid to ask questions because you have paid just like the rest of us and deserve a fair and kind response. Happy hair growin!
Oh u chicks are too funny I got all of my relaxed hair cut off last year and posted a picture of my hair in January since then my hair in the fronts and sides have changed textured its not that serious for me to lie .or front to any of yall. I was just saying how I embracing the hair that is left out and wig me.wetting and conditioning more frequently its changing patterns some just was a topic nothing more.

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I cowash almost everyday and my 4b/4z texture hasn't changed. What conditioner are you using? Maybe I'll get it so my hair won't be nappy and unruly.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Girl @ caramelty
I may be wrong but I think some ladies here want you to WANT to be nappy. And be happy with nappy. And not want or praise your hair to be a looser texture, which is crazy to me. We all come in different textures and lengths so to want something that will usually make your hair less manageable is again crazy to me but hey I don't think like them so I can't say this is the 100% truth. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise @caramelty keep up your regimen and best wishes with your natural hair. Dont be afraid to ask questions because you have paid just like the rest of us and deserve a fair and kind response. Happy hair growin!

Okey dokey.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark with this one, then I will be exiting this thread.

When someone says that they thought their hair was going to be nappy & unruly, then displays a pic of loose textured hair & talks about how excited they are that their hair isn't as nappy & unruly as they thought it would be, can we really act like we don't understand why some people would throw side eye to that comment?

As we know, without me having to explain in depth, there are many negative connotations associated with the natural state of black hair. Nappy & unruly happen to fit perfectly within the negative connotations.

We can talk about how people use nappy casually, how it doesn't mean anything serious, yada yada... but can we keep it real and acknowledge how it comes off for like 5 seconds?

I don't care how anybody feels about their hair. I could care less who wanna be "nappy" & embrace "nappiness" and hug it, invite it to dinner, all that jazz, but let me ask this question: How are the other people reading this thread with hair that is more tightly coiled & considered "less managable" supposed to feel? Are they supposed to say, "Yay, you dodged the nappy bullet!!!"

One final thought: The manageability of your hair is not determined by the tightness or "nappiness" of it. A 4b can manage her hair just as easy as a 3c. It is all about knowing what you are doing & how to handle your hair. It takes time for all of us, but we figure it out and it isn't a taxing thing. With the right tools & knowledge, all types of hair can be managed & "tamed".

Y'all have a good night.
People really shouldn't bother transitioning their hair until they have finished transitioning their minds first.

This is something I've learned since joining this board. It's okay if you aint ready. :look:... Just REALIZE you ain't ready.
Girl @ caramelty
I may be wrong but I think some ladies here want you to WANT to be nappy. And be happy with nappy. And not want or praise your hair to be a looser texture, which is crazy to me. We all come in different textures and lengths so to want something that will usually make your hair less manageable is again crazy to me but hey I don't think like them so I can't say this is the 100% truth. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise @caramelty keep up your regimen and best wishes with your natural hair. Dont be afraid to ask questions because you have paid just like the rest of us and deserve a fair and kind response. Happy hair growin!

I'm sorry, but WHAT?? I think you've just displayed somewhat of a lack of reading comprehension here. No-one has said or implied that they want the OP to want be nappy. What they DO want however, is for her to appreciate her own her, while not putting other textures down.

Okey dokey.

I'm going to take a shot in the dark with this one, then I will be exiting this thread.

When someone says that they thought their hair was going to be nappy & unruly, then displays a pic of loose textured hair & talks about how excited they are that their hair isn't as nappy & unruly as they thought it would be, can we really act like we don't understand why some people would throw side eye to that comment?

As we know, without me having to explain in depth, there are many negative connotations associated with the natural state of black hair. Nappy & unruly happen to fit perfectly within the negative connotations.

We can talk about how people use nappy casually, how it doesn't mean anything serious, yada yada... but can we keep it real and acknowledge how it comes off for like 5 seconds?

I don't care how anybody feels about their hair. I could care less who wanna be "nappy" & embrace "nappiness" and hug it, invite it to dinner, all that jazz, but let me ask this question: How are the other people reading this thread with hair that is more tightly coiled & considered "less managable" supposed to feel? Are they supposed to say, "Yay, you dodged the nappy bullet!!!"

One final thought: The manageability of your hair is not determined by the tightness or "nappiness" of it. A 4b can manage her hair just as easy as a 3c. It is all about knowing what you are doing & how to handle your hair. It takes time for all of us, but we figure it out and it isn't a taxing thing. With the right tools & knowledge, all types of hair can be managed & "tamed".

Y'all have a good night.
Lets be real here. Many Blacks have nappy hair. And in most cases nappy hair is unruly. We all know this to be true. So why is it supposed to be difficult for someone to acknowledge that? Especially since in most cases, it's true. You can STILL embrass your nappy hair, even if its truly unruly. So embrace it. Go ahead. No one is going to be mad at you if you acknowledge it's characteristics. No one is going to be upset at you for loving it. Posting threads about it. Learning how to manage it. And as a major point, that IS the reason why most are here, isn't it? To learn HOW to manage nappy hair. Curly wavy hair also but especially nappy hair. And (shrug). It is more difficult to manage. So we as a system of Black women are learning HOW to manage it by coming here.

Just because one faces the thruth about who they are, doesn't mean that person is being negative about who they are.I know White who are pale. And they don't like it. They acknowledge it, do something about it, but still have pride in who they are because it's just 1 characteristic about them and they are not overly sensitive about it.

Yet another major point is, I may not always agree with someone's feelings about their hair or relaxing or what not, but I don't belittle them or intimidate them into possibly being scared of posting just because I don't like how they handle or view their hair. Why would I do that? I feel thats a form of intimidation and side eye bullying. When I see someone allude certain opinions about their own hair's looseness, I don't automatically associate that with a lack of racial stance or pride. That to me , and in reality, is just taking it to far.
I'm sorry, but WHAT?? I think you've just displayed somewhat of a lack of reading comprehension here. No-one has said or implied that they want the OP to want be nappy. What they DO want however, is for her to appreciate her own her, while not putting other textures down.


No my reading and my comprehension are quite stellar. Maybe you missed a key part of my post that said, Thats why I said hey I dont know maybe I'm thinking wrong here. But somehow I'm more convinced now that I'm not.

Another guess, maybe you and I have not read the same things. Are their other threads that the OP has posted? Because in this thread I see nothing where she is not appreciating her hair texture. Not at all do I see that. Sounds like in here she just noticed it had changed.
When you have had you hair in braids for so long, or its used to being in a stretched state, it will take a while for it to completely snap may even need some protein
No my reading and my comprehension are quite stellar. Maybe you missed a key part of my post that said, Thats why I said hey I dont know maybe I'm thinking wrong here. But somehow I'm more convinced now that I'm not.

Another guess, maybe you and I have not read the same things. Are their other threads that the OP has posted? Because in this thread I see nothing where she is not appreciating her hair texture. Not at all do I see that. Sounds like in here she just noticed it had changed.

OK, let me put it like this. No-one has a problem with it if she's loving her hair. Good for her. I think that's what we all try to encourage on this forum. Love yourself as you are. Whether you're 1A or 15ZZ, relaxed, natural etc. Good for her if she's loving her hair.

But, no matter how she feels about "nappy" hair, she can't denigrate "nappy" amongst people who are "nappy," and expect people to like what's coming out of her mouth. Another example, is if OP didn't like dark skin, she can't make derogatory comments about dark skin, amongst dark skinned people, and expect them to be happy with her comment. That would be quite rude and inconsiderate me thinks.

OR ... I have friends who are redheads and I didn't particularly like red hair. I preferred darker hair. Lets say I notice that my own hair seemed to be growing in darker. Whilst hanging out with my redhead friends, talking about hair I'd say ... "I've noticed my hair's growing in a little bit darker. Cool!" <------ This statement shows that the commenter "appreciates" their own hair and has "just noticed it had changed" ... Period ... Now if I added that "I'm so excited because I thought my hair would grow in all rust coloured-like. Thank goodness I won't be running around here looking all ginger! Phewf!" <---- You can't tell me this little addition doesn't take it all to another level, besides simply appreciating. Again, it comes across as being rude.

I thought this was just common courtesy. I guess it's not so common ...
OK, let me put it like this. No-one has a problem with it if she's loving her hair. Good for her. I think that's what we all try to encourage on this forum. Love yourself as you are. Whether you're 1A or 15ZZ, relaxed, natural etc. Good for her if she's loving her hair.

But, no matter how she feels about "nappy" hair, she can't denigrate "nappy" amongst people who are "nappy," and expect people to like what's coming out of her mouth. Another example, is if OP didn't like dark skin, she can't make derogatory comments about dark skin, amongst dark skinned people, and expect them to be happy with her comment. That would be quite rude and inconsiderate me thinks.

OR ... I have friends who are redheads and I didn't particularly like red hair. I preferred darker hair. Lets say I notice that my own hair seemed to be growing in darker. Whilst hanging out with my redhead friends, talking about hair I'd say ... "I've noticed my hair's growing in a little bit darker. Cool!" <------ This statement shows that the commenter "appreciates" their own hair and has "just noticed it had changed" ... Period ... Now if I added that "I'm so excited because I thought my hair would grow in all rust coloured-like. Thank goodness I won't be running around here looking all ginger! Phewf!" <---- You can't tell me this little addition doesn't take it all to another level, besides simply appreciating. Again, it comes across as being rude.

I thought this was just common courtesy. I guess it's not so common ...

But she is not degrading nappy hair. That 1 statement takes care of alot.

And if she showed preference of 1 hair texture, 1 Black hair texture over another Black hair texture, And? That's her preference. And its not a problem unless someone is overly sensitive and judgmental. And she or I or anyone else shouldn't be offended.

To repeat a very important thing here, she is not degrading nappy hair.

But, in the worst case scenerio, lets say she said something not popular about her nappy hair, it's HER nappy hair, she's talking about herself, not talking about you. Or your hair. So why would you or anyone else become offended by what she says about HER hair? Shouldn't.?. Thats a right that she or I or anyone has and should be able to do so without intimidation by people on this board.

To put it mildly there were I feel alot of unfair assumptions made towards that girl in this thread. If she prefer her hair not so nappy so what? That's HER. If you prefer your's nappier so what? Thats YOU and not for me to say you shouldn't. I prefer my hair 1 texture BUT when I see people commenting on the opposite hair texture, I don't try to intimidate them by imposing HOW I think they should feel about THEIR hair. Because that is not my hair. And I simply don't have the right to do that.

And therefore she and other people on here have the right to comment freely on their hair. And to do so comfortably.
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No my reading and my comprehension are quite stellar. Maybe you missed a key part of my post that said, Thats why I said hey I dont know maybe I'm thinking wrong here. But somehow I'm more convinced now that I'm not.

Another guess, maybe you and I have not read the same things. Are their other threads that the OP has posted? Because in this thread I see nothing where she is not appreciating her hair texture. Not at all do I see that. Sounds like in here she just noticed it had changed.

Yes she did post in another thread about her hair and not knowing what to do with "4zz hair".

Not sure about other threads. And as a non 4 hairtype, I still was offended by the phrasing she used in the op.
By her saying that her hair is changing patterns? My Gawd what for?

NO - Gawd for this for this:
So all along I thought my hair was gonna be so nappy and unruly...

Sorry, that is offensive TO ME. If you don't get that, I can't help ya. If it's not offensive to you, that's your thing. It's helluva offensive to me.
NO - Gawd for this for this:
So all along I thought my hair was gonna be so nappy and unruly...

Sorry, that is offensive TO ME. If you don't get that, I can't help ya. If it's not offensive to you, that's your thing. It's helluva offensive to me.

No that's not offensive to me because I'm real. I know that as a Black person the most of our textures are nappy. Uh where have you been? Maybe you are from a part of Africa or New Orleans where many Black people don't have nappy hair but where I'm from, most of our hair is nappy. And nappy hair is usually unruly. So big deal. Its a fact that we live with and its really not that big of a deal that it is usually unruly. Every race has something unique to it. That's life.

Actually I was offended at how some mistreated the girl. I was actually...floored. I posted on another site about how I used Coconut milk to soften my hair and texture. But when I read this thread I was so appalled I thought now I'm scared to post about it on this site. And thats wrong.

And isn't that why we visit here? Because white practices don't work on our nappy and often unruly hair. I thought we all knew this??? Or do some of us say we come here only for makeup and exercise tips? Uhhh. Okay. If thats what you want to say.
No that's not offensive to me because I'm real. I know that as a Black person the most of our textures are nappy. Uh where have you been? Maybe you are from a part of Africa or New Orleans where many Black people don't have nappy hair but where I'm from, most of our hair is nappy. And nappy hair is usually unruly. So big deal. Its a fact that we live with and its really not that big of a deal that it is usually unruly. Every race has something unique to it. That's life.

Actually I was offended at how some mistreated the girl. I was actually...floored. I posted on another site about how I used Coconut milk to soften my hair and texture. But when I read this thread I was so appalled I thought now I'm scared to post about it on this site. And thats wrong.

And isn't that why we visit here? Because white practices don't work on our nappy and often unruly hair. I thought we all knew this??? Or do some of us say we come here only for makeup and exercise tips? Uhhh. Okay. If thats what you want to say.

Girl hush. In fact, black folk have a wide range of textures. You know that - come on, you see that here everyday!

And I'm not alone in saying that I'm offended. I'm in good company. I also do not think tightly coiled hair is necessarily unruly or difficult. I see many a woman on this site doing quite well with "nappy" hair and it is NOT unruly.

I wouldn't have a problem with your posting your recipe for coconut milk and the outcome after using it. Folks post on relaxers, texturizers, heat, and all kinds of concoctions that help them with their hair. No skin off my back. I DO have a problem with anyone depicting hair (any type) as unruly.

You know what, why don't we agree to disagree. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and yep, a whole lot of do not buy the OP's story and we are offended.

This is gonna be my last post on this topic.
Besides, I'm probably out of line, from the Bayou, and not nappy enough to have an opinion on this topic.. :perplexed
I tried my hardest to stay out of this thread but you ladies sucked me in with all the posts! SHAME! :nono:
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