My hair is a mess...


Active Member
What should I do ?
i'm 6 weeks post relaxer and my hair is rough and matted. 2 weeks ago, I went to the salon (sorry, I don't have any pics >.<) and after that, my hair thinned a lot. I didn't trimmed, but my hair seems shorter than usual.
I'm not kidding ! My hair is a complete mess ! :drowning:
Did they use a lot of heat on your hair at the salon and what have you done with your hair since? Yes, more info, please.
Give us more info on:

1. What you had done at the salon
2. Your wash and styling routines
3. Products you use, esp. moisturizers, oils
4. Your diet
5. Stress level
6. Hair type
Okay, sorry for the late answer. My hair is still a mess. Here are some infos :

1. What you had done at the salon
Shampoo-Deep condition- Then the stylist used a fine tooth comb on my hair- Used a hairdryer and flat iron (twice ! by two different stylist. The second one was the boss of the salon, and she told me that the job wasn't done well by the first stylist of the salon. So she used the flat iron for a second time. I was like :eek: )

2. Your wash and styling routines
Since I went to the salon, I have washed my hair twice (in a month). I know that's not enough, my hair feel so dirty right now >.<
I co-washed twice too. I don't have any mask for the moment (it's been 2 month since I have no products...) so I use a conditionner...

3. Products you use, esp. moisturizers, oils
I use ORS olive oil moisturizer once a day on my hair. I need to buy a new jar of moisturizer.

4. Your diet
I eat really bad those times. A lot of junk food (Mac donalds, Pizzas, Coca,...) but a lot of water. I don't exercise, and I eat all day long.... (I'm happy that I didn't get some extra pounds >.<)

5. Stress level
I think that's the point : I'm very VERY stressed right now. I have also done a blood test 2 days ago to check if everything is okay. The doctor said that I was too stressed and that I need to rest. I lose a lot of hair...

6. Hair type
I'm 4a-b, underprocessed...

OMG :eek: This assessment is terrible !

...what should I do now ? I'm desperate :(
1.Next time you go to the salon speak up. Ive had the same problem not saying anything and letting them tear my head to pieces. Learned the hard way.

Two sources of heat after relaxing is not good. They do that to speed up time. Rather blow dry and flat iron then let it air dry or sit under a dryer witha roller set.

Some hair stylists dont reallly care about the health of the hair (just the style).

Next time tell her that you just want a roller set and then flat ironed or just a wrap and then flat iron.
If the small tooth comb is irritating you bring a wide tooth comb and tell them to use that.
I hate when they want to sit u under the dryer and THEN BLOW DRY and then flat iron. Whats the point of all that?

2. You need to wash your hair more often. Your scalp needs to breath and it needs the proper moisture. I would wash it once a week or maybe even 2 since its warmer out. Deep condition after each wash and lay off blow dryers. They can kill your hair. Use a leave in conditioner (luv giovanni) before you roller set, wrap or air dry your hair. Try to limit heat as much as you can. If u flat iron flat iron once a week and ONLY AFTER A WASH WHEN YOUR HAIR IS CLEAN. But since you are saying your hair is really damaged I would lay off flat ironing for a month or two.

Are you using a deep conditioner? If not you need to. I know for me a regular conditioner doesnt cut it but then again my hair is prone to dryness. I use aubreys organics gpb and its pretty good.

3. Never used ors moisturizer but if its moisturizing your hair good continue using it :). Might want to buy some essential oils like coconut oil, rosemary,pepermit oil, kemi oyl. You could use that after you moisturize to seal it. Essential oils are good for hair growth and your scalp.

4. lol I am guilty of not eating right either. But I have to say when I was drinking more water my face was clearer and my hair grew faster so yes continue drinking a lot of water. Im now getting back in the gain of drinking water and eating more fruits. Try to drink more water daily and eat some fruits in your diet.A mulitivitamin (I use centrum chewables) is also good. Eat fast food only once a week if you can. I know its hard though.

Start exercising 3 times a week. Taebo and pilates is good. It helps circulate your scalp and it reduces stress.>>>

5. I know when im stressed my hair suffers too. I guarantee you exercising will help you feel better. I feel less stressed out when I exercise and my mood is better. Write down a list of things that are stressing out and set up goals to eliminate those stressors.

6. when my hair was underprocessed it broke off and I had to get it cut . but it was my own doing (it was very underprocessed) because I started self relaxing (got sick of paying salon prices) and didnt know what the hell i was doing. What I can tell you is if its underprocessed MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE. Use a wide tooth comb and if there are areas that are very underprocessed try to be delicate and just comb those sections with your fingers.
Might want to do a condition wash during the week. Just washing your hair with conditioner and leaving it on for 1-3 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo during the weekends and leave a deep conditioner on your hair for 15-30 minutes.

And to promote BT lol (boundless tresses) I recommend using that to help you in your growth.

Okay this was long but I hope it helps.
Thank you for all your tips trulyurangel82 ^^ Moisturize seems to be the key in my case... and eating healthy/avoiding heat. thanx again