my hair looks a hot mess ladies*Heavy Pics of Fresh Perm*

i think she needs protein. I don't see any of that in her regimen. Adding protein to my hair is what saved it and I am NOW able to retain what I grow. My hair strands were weak and brittle, but now they are much stronger and able to hold in moisture more effectively.

I think she is using egg/ORS mayo as her protein treatment.
i think she needs protein. I don't see any of that in her regimen. Adding protein to my hair is what saved it and I am NOW able to retain what I grow. My hair strands were weak and brittle, but now they are much stronger and able to hold in moisture more effectively.

Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo
MIxed with 1 egg EVOO,& Honey

The hair mayo with an egg added is definitely protein.

Really her whole protein/moisture balance is out of wack because she's not getting the right amount of either.
these ladies have given excellent advice!!:yep: in addition to all the other great advice in this thread. good luck on your hair journey. switch up that regimen and incorporate deep conditioning, protein and a daily moisturizing in your regimen. lay off the touchups for awhile and get to nurturing.

Your regimen leaves much to be desired. You don't deep condition and you're only conditioning once per week. You also probably need a real moisturizer. I suggest you switch to washing & dcing once or twice a week. Find a better moisturizer. And either rollerset or bun.

I'm confused because you just posted a thread yesterday or the day before abour your new growth and it didn't seem like there was very much, at least not enough to cause that many problems. But that's just from what I saw, I'm sure it was very different in person.

Let me do a search real quick, I'll be back with links.

Regimen Building for Newbies

Relaxer Stretcher's Support Thread....a great thread with many suggestions for helping to stretch relaxers past 6 weeks.

Prepooing v. DC v. Cowash....a good thread about the differences between them and what most people do

How to Select a moisturizing conditioner
....a great article by need to condition more often and more effectively, it protects your hair and makes it smoother which reduces tangles. It also keeps it from drying out.

I agree with MSA. I'm 7 weeks post going on 8 weeks and I don't have that much new growth to make it hard to manage and I stretch from 6 to 8 months at a time. Stop trying to comb your dry hair with th new growth from root to tip. The ORS oils and moisturizers don't work so well for some people try QP mango butter. The Tropical Coconut Suave is great for conditioner washes but stay far away from the Shampoo. You need a moisturizing Shampoo like CON green label.

I was looking at your fotki and I see you are using growth aids. Honestly. The best growth aid is healthy hair. I see Sulu (sulfur based) Anything sulfur can be very drying there for you NEED to DC. TUCK the ends away. If you hair is growing and your ends are rubbing against clothes and breaking off, what's the use of the growth aids?

Kayanna, did you take any of the advice you received in these two threads?

Everytime I get a relaxer

Ladies I'm sick of having short hair.

You've already asked and had your questions answered multiple times. Have you done any of it?

This is a common misconception.

People think dryness is a result of just the shampoo they are using and therefore wash less often because of it.

If you use a gentler, moisturizing shampoo and follow it with a deep conditioner and good moisturizer, your hair will not be dry if you wash once a week or more.

Your problem is the shampoo you are using currently is drying out your hair and your conditioner/moisturizer are not effective enough to counteract the effects of your shampoo.

You need to up your conditioning and moisturizing with products that have the ingredients necessary to really moisturize your hair.

If your hair starts breaking around every 6-7 weeks, then stop getting a touchup around that time and start using a thicker conditioner and DC. The reason I say this is because I have friend who says this very said thing. She cant stretch past 5 weeks or her hair will break off, and her hair never grows past nl, Never :nono:.

I don't want to repeat some of the things that have been said, so I will just say this: I think you have been given plenty of great advice in not one, but THREE threads. Once you follow it, I am positive you will have great results. I am sure if you do this, you will be making another thread in 6 months talking about how much your hair has grown and how many compliments you have gotten on it. Good luck!
thanks 4 sharing and letting me know im not the only one getting frustrate with her hair journey :)

be encouraged...we will overcome this hump in due time!!!
I definitely think you need to incorporate more moisture in your regimen. Have you tried cowashing? That has really helped me, especially when I didn't have time DC twice or more a week. You need to get product w/o mineral oil or petroleum, no or low heat styles and just baby your hair.

Also more importantly, eat right and exercise, if you aren't already. You need to work on getting the hair healthy then the length will come. If you taking care of your hair inside and out, these help post will be a thing of the past. Best of luck.
The color is really pretty.

If you're committed to transitioning, I would get a fly shaped cut in the meantime. It'll make you feel better about your hair, add some volume, and get rid of any problem ends. Then you can work on your regimen and find products that work for you so next month when your new growth starts coming in you feel better able to deal with it.

Another option is to hide your hair - if I can't make it 6 weeks with your hair out, maybe try a braid style to protect your hair and get you over the hump. :yep:
Use the advice that was given and you will be fine.
We are all here to help each other. Dont ask questions on wht you should do and not take the advice and wonder why your hair isnt growing......JMO.
These ladies all give awesome advise - I didn't ask for advise but I read the threads and picked up a lot..they are all correct..If you use what they are telling you - you will not be sorrow... its been 4 months for me and my hair is healthier than its ever been...all by following their advise. Good luck
IA with the ladies that said you should try co-washing more often and cutting out the "greasing" of the scalp. I JUST got over the shoulder length hump. I am almost APL now! The biggest thing is to keep your hair up for about the next year. Seriously. I know it sucks but that's the truth of it. And minimal direct heat!
Kayanna your regimen sounds almost the same as mine did before LHCF. I just joined the forum also and I am so thankful for the great advise given here. I was also given some of the same advice 1)DC weekly 2) moisturize daily 3)stop applying direct heat 4) stretch my relaxer. I have not applied direct heat to my hair since joining. This will be my first stretch (5 weeks post) and I plan to stretch 12 weeks. I never thought I would be able to tame my newgrowth but DCing weekly, moisturizing, and sealing has done wonders! If you incorporate those things into your regimen I am sure you will notice a big difference, I have. may want to try baggying your ends too.
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IA with the ladies that said you should try co-washing more often and cutting out the "greasing" of the scalp. I JUST got over the shoulder length hump. I am almost APL now! The biggest thing is to keep your hair up for about the next year. Seriously. I know it sucks but that's the truth of it. And minimal direct heat!

I agree...
I have not worn my hair down since taking my avi pic. For me it's not the cutest look but I know I have to do what it takes to reach my goal.
Kayanna, the advice that everyone has given you is great. If you have a chance, check out some of the links that have been posted in the thread. They're very helpful! :yep:

Your regimen is a lot like the one I had about a year ago. I used Suave shampoos, but I stopped using them because they stripped my hair. So I definitely recommend that you find a more moisturizing shampoo (or switch to co-washing).

And to just emphasize some of the other posts, adding a moisturizing deep conditioner and laying off the direct heat is extremely important to your hair. I started doing that a few months ago and my hair is more manageable with less breakage. So it works!
Kayanna- dont worry...all the different info about hair can be intimidating to people just starting its hard to shake those bad hair practices that have been ingraved in our heads. Such as pink oil, blue majic hair grease and no washing.

I am not trying to be a product pusher or anything but I think you should look into the cathy howse hair growth system....its kind of a no brainer. The system is a manual, deep condishioner, and daily moisturizer. The hair basics are in the book and how to grow your hair with easy step by step instructions and DOs and DONTs of hair care.

The first time using her products I got 6+inches in a years time. Although it is about $80 or so to buy the system, it works and lasted me a WHOLE YEAR! It probably saves you money because you would have all u needed and wouldnt have to go out buying products that may or may not work on your hair.

I would really suggest trying this least to get your hair healthy and add some length then you can play around with other products if you wanted to. here is the link....
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great post!!!

Kayanna- dont worry...all the different info about hair can be intimidating to people just starting its hard to shake those bad hair practices that have been ingraved in our heads. Such as pink oil, blue majic hair grease and no washing.

I am not trying to be a product pusher or anything but I think you should look into the cathy howse hair growth system....its kind of a no brainer. The system is a manual, deep condishioner, and daily moisturizer. The hair basics are in the book and how to grow your hair with easy step by step instructions and DOs and DONTs of hair care.

The first time using her products I got 6+inches in a years time. Although it is about $80 or so to buy the system, it works and lasted me a WHOLE YEAR! It probably saves you money because you would have all u needed and wouldnt have to go out buying products that may or may not work on your hair.

I would really suggest trying this least to get your hair healthy and add some length then you can play around with other products if you wanted to. here is the link....
If you are truly looking for a change in your hair's condition, then it's time to take action. You have received wonderful advice on this thread, so now, "the ball is in your court..." If you ignore this advice and continue with your regimen as is, then any disappointment you feel in your hair will be soley due to you.
yes by adding EVOO to my dc

The conditioner you're using doesn't even sound like a DC. All conditioners cannot be used to DC. Like I wouldn't dc with Suave or White Rain. They don't have deep conditioning properties. Even with adding the olive oil my hair would be dry. And the egg combo you mentioned is straight protein. Too much protein will cause your hair to shed. You have to find a balance between moisture and protein. If your hair isn't severely breaking all over the place, you only need to use protein every so often. I'd say maybe every 6 weeks or everytime you relax and then follow that with a moisturizing deep conditioner.

You need to just find a good regimen and start from scratch. You've gotten some good advice in this thread so far. But here are my suggestions:

1. Find a good moisturizing shampoo. Preferably one that is sulfate free.
2. Find a good DC. Try DCing overnight the first few times until your hair starts to feel nice and soft.
3. Wash and DC once a week. Detangle your hair in the shower under water while the condition is still in.
4. Find a good leave in/moisturizer. Apply your leave in to freshly washed and detangled hair. Then seal with oil.
5. Airdry your hair. This can be in a roller set, in braids, in a bun, etc. Preferably a protective style and keep it that way until your next wash. Do not blow dry and stay away from the flat iron.
6. Make sure you cover your hair up at night with a silk or satin scarf.

This is a good basic regimen. Why don't you start with that and see if that helps.
Great advice given!!

I want to impress the NEED for you to read the Sistaslick articles!! They are what brought me here!!!

I can't wait for your next update because I KNOW that you will reap great results after taking all of this advice into account, sis!!!!
IMHO your hair is very pretty and thick. Please do rollersets and do not stop. You will then get your hair back healthy and to the lenght you want.
