My hair hates Elasta QP DPR-11

DMJ's Mom

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who's hair completely hated DPR? I tried to rinse it out and my hair felt so heavy and stiff and as the curls started to airdry they felt so crisp and crunchy. So now I'm stuck with an almost full jar. It took me sitting with a shower cap my hair slathered in Shea butter and ORS replenishing pack for an hour just to get it back to normal.
My hair hates it too. I am stuck with two bottles. (I went out and brought two bottles since everyone was raving about it). I have tried to mix it with other deep conditioners, it still leaves my hair dry and stiff. Even after adding evoo and avocado oil. Oh well, i'll have to try another deep conditioner.
Thank goodness I didn't waste any money on this crap, I got it as a free sample. It left my hair dry and tangled.... GARBAGE!
Has anyone ever tried using this with a hot oil rinse? My hair responds this way to Elucence moisture balancing conditioner and when I use a hot oil rinse with it, it turns out a whole lot better. If this fails then chuck it.
I did not like it that much either. At first I was excited, because I am a sucker for thick conditioners - but this was just toooo thick for me. It made my hair shed a bit too much. I turned it into a pre-poo mix and used it that way until I ran out.
I did not like it that much either. At first I was excited, because I am a sucker for thick conditioners - but this was just toooo thick for me. It made my hair shed a bit too much. I turned it into a pre-poo mix and used it that way until I ran out.

Hmm a prepoo? That's a good suggestion I might have to try that
Im sorry about your hair OP. Mine loves DPR ironically me and the ORS Pak are no good together. But i do mix the dpr wit 3 other conditioners so...
Has anyone ever tried using this with a hot oil rinse? My hair responds this way to Elucence moisture balancing conditioner and when I use a hot oil rinse with it, it turns out a whole lot better. If this fails then chuck it.

I was gonna say that. Mixing it with hot oil is pretty good
I just used this on Monday. I had a good experience however I added 1/4 cup of EVOO and Shakaki powder - mixed it and when I rinsed my hair was like butter :grin: I did this on dry hair and left it on over night.

ETA: I did do a co-wash with 10 en 1 super rinse the next morning so that could've contributed to the silky texture afterwards.
i have a tub of this and havent used it yet. i may not use it until i run out of EVERTHING else. cus yall got me scuuuuured now
Am I the only one who's hair completely hated DPR? I tried to rinse it out and my hair felt so heavy and stiff and as the curls started to airdry they felt so crisp and crunchy. So now I'm stuck with an almost full jar. It took me sitting with a shower cap my hair slathered in Shea butter and ORS replenishing pack for an hour just to get it back to normal.

:nono: I don't like that stuff either. It didn't penetrate my hair AT ALL, just coated it. I now use Motions Moisture Plus and my hair loves it :yep:
sorry to hear hair loves that stuff...matter of fact I have some sitting on my head now...and I am too lazy to wash it out, so I am going to bed with it
Has anyone ever tried using this with a hot oil rinse? My hair responds this way to Elucence moisture balancing conditioner and when I use a hot oil rinse with it, it turns out a whole lot better. If this fails then chuck it.

Ya'll I love the stuff!
if you have the QP DPR-11 and it doesn't work for your, send me a pm, maybe we can work out a deal for me to buy it off you!!! Just something to think about.

Btw, the hot oil rinse is WONDERFUL w/ it, and or mixing it with honey....just the bomb!!!!
I'm sitting under a heat cap with this on my hair right now...and my hair loves it. Oh well, not every product works for everybody :look:
I can't stand any of Elasta QP products. I was talked into getting some of it many years ago because my sister's hair trived on it. One day I noticed that she had hair to her hips and I raced out to get some Elasta QP and I HATED IT. The same thing for my youngest sister she raved about Pro-Active products, and I raced out again and HATED IT!:spinning:

I think Elasta QP is good for people with 3 type hair. I have a mixture of 3 and 4. I found it to be too gritty and flakey for my hair.
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See, i had never even read about it on the board when i bought it.Just an impulse buy.
I love this stuff:yep:
Sowwy it didn't work for you.
Am I the only one who's hair completely hated DPR? I tried to rinse it out and my hair felt so heavy and stiff and as the curls started to airdry they felt so crisp and crunchy. So now I'm stuck with an almost full jar. It took me sitting with a shower cap my hair slathered in Shea butter and ORS replenishing pack for an hour just to get it back to normal.
It has Petroleum in the list of ingredients. I'm so mad because I ran out and bought some and found out after the fact!!

I'm going to see if I can sell mine!
I hated this stuff :nono:. And it got so many raves. I forced myself to use it up though, I'd heat it and mix it with EVOO or something to give it some slip. It would moisturize my hair but leave it shredded feeling since I could never do a comb out in the shower with this crap :barf:
For those of you who didn't like it, do you think the petrolum in the product is the problem. I am afraid to use it now:ohwell: I got my moisture balance just right...
I bought this because of LHCF, too, and it was crap. I even mixed it with olive oil and honey... nothing (and I was mad that I wasted all that olive oil and honey... :ohwell: )

I ended up throwing it away. It didn't even work as a prepoo. :nono:
I hated this conditioner too. I bought it because of all of the raves on the site and also because it was cheap, so I figured that there would be no harm in trying it. It proved to be horrible. It did nothing for my hair except to leave it feeling dry and coated. I had to mix it with other conditioners and use it as a prepoo to finish it.
I like it.:look: I mixed it with water because I do feel it's too thick. But When I put the dpr-11 in a applicator bottle with some water and mix it around it works really well for me. I do agree that is is crazy thick.:yep: But nothing beats Keracare humetro:naughty::grin: