My hair hates Elasta QP DPR-11

I didn't like it at first but it eventually became one of my fav deep con's. I don't know what changed about it I just know that when I applied it to towel dried/damp hair instead of soaking wet and dc'd with it I fell in love.

It's moisturizing for me but it has no slip but that's ok. I just use a regular instant conditioner after I dc with it for slip. When I dc all I'm worried about is the moisture anyway, not the slip.
I didn't like it at first but it eventually became one of my fav deep con's. I don't know what changed about it I just know that when I applied it to towel dried/damp hair instead of soaking wet and dc'd with it I fell in love.

It's moisturizing for me but it has no slip but that's ok. I just use a regular instant conditioner after I dc with it for slip. When I dc all I'm worried about is the moisture anyway, not the slip.

I feel the same way :yep:. It is excellent for moisture and I have plenty of rinses to get that slip. Love DPR-11!! :grin:
When I first used it, my hair loved it, but then it was like :nono:. I still pre-poo with it once in a while, mixed with honey and evoo, but since there is petroleum in it, I will probably just use the last bit of it up and never use it again. My hair hates every other Elasta QP product I've used.
I didn't like it at first but it eventually became one of my fav deep con's. I don't know what changed about it I just know that when I applied it to towel dried/damp hair instead of soaking wet and dc'd with it I fell in love.

It's moisturizing for me but it has no slip but that's ok. I just use a regular instant conditioner after I dc with it for slip. When I dc all I'm worried about is the moisture anyway, not the slip.

Hmmmm, sounds like this might work as a DC on dry hair:spinning:? I might try it that way as well. Thanks Pokahontas.
I used this over the weekend and it was...ok. Nothing to write home about. I used it because I wanted to lay off my usual ORS pak. I can't wait to go back to the ORS though. It just didnt' get my hair as soft as my ORS.
first time i used it as fully natural, my hair hated it. t's thick and cakes on the hair. Texlaxed, my hair is loving it. I ran out of my staple ORS mayo and it was the only deep conditioner under the sink. Now i'm in love! I've been using it as my weekly deep conditioner every Saturday and my hair is soo silky. I will be more than happy to buy some from you ladies!! they don't sell it in my area.
My hair hated it too!! It made it all tangled and dry. I couldn't bring myself to try it again (e.g. mixed with other conditioners) and threw it out. :sad:
I used it on wet hair as well and my hair hated it but LOVES it as a pre-poo deep conditioner.
Am I the only one who's hair completely hated DPR? I tried to rinse it out and my hair felt so heavy and stiff and as the curls started to airdry they felt so crisp and crunchy. So now I'm stuck with an almost full jar. It took me sitting with a shower cap my hair slathered in Shea butter and ORS replenishing pack for an hour just to get it back to normal.

No, you are not! I HATED this product. :wallbash: I gave it away at a meetup.
Oh wow, I'm so glad that it isn't just me who tried this and absolutely hated it!
I tried it for the first time on Wednesday this week and my hair was left a hard, crunchy matted mess!
I saw everyone raving about it so tried it out... but uh uh, no way, never again!
To get rid of it I may just add a little to my normal deep conditioners.