My hair grew so much...

Ms Jadu

Hair growth rates (irrespective of where people live) are different from person to person, but in general the warmer the climate the better the rate of hair growth, due to the circulaton and warmth.

Where abouts do you live?
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elite_chiq said:
I can't wait till summer. This maybe explains why my nieces hair are all so long (there house is SUPER hot) the central heating stays on 24/7....just a thought i don't know if im correct or not /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

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OMG can you imagine people's heating bills if they did this /images/graemlins/grin.gif
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ms_kenesha said:
This is a little off topic, but Jazzangel your hair is gorgeous!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Really!? Thanks, I am not expecting this but thanks. I have been so shy to share pictures but a few people asked me to share. /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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serena said:
JazzAngel, you have some beautiful pics there! And I like the look of MSN Photos; I've been looking around for attractive sites to keep my pics online.

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Thanks very much!
Honey vibe,
I attribute the growth to happiness. I was truly happy down there. I was in my natural environment, eating good food, walking a lot ( excercising) even though I had a car down there, and I rinsed my hair a lot.

I don't know what is the exact cause but I'm hoping that what ever Miami did to me doesn't wear off now that I'm back in CT
Armyqt, you spoke too late! I'm already doing job searches on /images/graemlins/laugh.gif . I love Florida. I'm really trying to move down there but the techinical jobs don't seem to be down there.

**by the way, sorry about the late responses**
My skin flourished down there. My complexion evened out down there and I didn't experience any breakouts... My skin was like butter down there - I got lots of compliments. As soon as I got back to NY/CT I started having trouble again (dang)...:(

by the way, where in South beach do you live? I'm looking to move down to Miami or close by
Hmmmm I am not sure if is was more or less. But it was summer anyway, hair grows faster at this time. It may have been environment in conjunction with activity that made my hair sprout a little more. There in Europe, they do not believe in sitting on their booties! (I'd love to have more of their fresh fish too...yummmmmm!! Grilled.... Their watermelons are THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif)

In warmer climates you can forget to oil/moisterize your hair beacause the humidity and your extra persperation will do it for you. Your more active no one stays inside when it's nice out. And If you forget to pay your rent who cares, you don't stress it because you can live on the beach eating fresh fish, fruit, and drinking coco water. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
/images/graemlins/frown.gif now I'm homesick.
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JazzAngel said:

I spent last summer in the U.A.E. which is in the gulf and if anyone knows of this place it is supper HUMID. I needed to shower at least 3x a day. With all of that moisture in the air and with wetting as well I had most definatley 2 inches in one month. This was a bit more than if I took just vitamins alone in the cold weather.

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I hope this theory is true. I live in Houston and it's WAY humid year 'round. Summer pretty much starts in late February. I haven't noticed a lot of growth in past summers, but that was back when I was still being mean to my hair /images/graemlins/whip.gif . Hopefully this summer with the weather + PPB it will grow and grow and grow.

You're brave...very brave /images/graemlins/grin.gif. My best friend goes to Houston every year and she says that it feels like 120 degrees even in the shade. Everyone has central air and you don't see anyone outside from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Wow thats great about your hair growing that much. I guess if we all moved to Hawaii its no telling how much our hair would grow.
4thgoal:Waistlength and Beyond-
Taking Vitamins
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Wow thats great about your hair growing that much. I guess if we all moved to Hawaii its no telling how much our hair would grow.

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I have no objections to moving to Hawaii but I'd rather have Jamaica anyday.

How long did it take for you to reach your hair goals? Were the achieved after joing the LHCF
Dang your hair grows too much. I wonder if I went to Nigeria for a whole summer. It is always hot year around, would my hair grow too much.
There must be a way to duplicate the daily warmth and humidity so we can all enjoy the increased hair growth...
Isis said:
There must be a way to duplicate the daily warmth and humidity so we can all enjoy the increased hair growth...

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Isis another recommendation-very cheap and easy. Place a plastic shower cap on your head and either workout or do normal house chores. The heat and moisture in the cap from your body heat will increase blood flow to your scalp and increase hair growth!
What great suggestions!

Lucia - I love your idea but I'm not sure how a hair steamer works, is it like the Caruso Steam rollers? Will it frizz up my hair?

Bublnbrnsuga - Maybe I'll try that shower cap routine also. How did it work for your hair? Was your hair all frizzy when you removed the cap?

Someone mentioned several weeks ago about wearing an Avon heat cap on their hair for warmth and increase of hair growth. I can't find this cap on anymore as of a few days ago (probably sold out).
--Hair grows slightly faster in the hot months, suggests at least one study. A 1991 article in the British Journal Of Dermatology explored "androgen-dependent" hair growth in bald men living in temperate climate. Androgen-dependent hair includes some scalp hair and other hair whose growth is influenced by a kind of hormone called androgens. By contrast, androgens do not affect the growth in other types of hair such as eyelashes and eyebrows.

According to Tobin, the 1991 study suggested that androgen-dependent hair growth is faster during the spring and summer months and slower during the winter months in temperate regions such the US. Althought this study was conducted in men, the results may also apply to women.

--Does hair grow faster during the day than in the night? "There is evidence," Philpott says, "that hair growth follows a circadian [24-hour] rhythm." "We have in fact found some of the circadian clock genes are expressed in hair follicles."
(Probably more light, more hair growth)

I've tried the shower cap idea for a different reason. It keeps my hair more moisturized, but for me- when it's cold, it's cold and it doesn't help trap heat.
Thanks Chimma, that was very interesting info. About the shower cap idea, maybe wrapping a scarf snugly around the cap will help trap heat.
Congratulations, you enjoyed yourself, you were relaxed, happy, stress free and you had the lovely sunshine and the fresh fruits etc. Your hair responed accordingly.
I hadn't seen my cousin in 3-4 years until I saw her not too long ago. Her hair was alllll the way down her back.

Just guess where she lives?

The same thing happend to me when I went to Ghana many summers ago. Those combinations warm triopical climates, siteseeing and no stress, and good food, are lovely for hair. That might partly expalin why all the women in my family who lived there grow long hair fast.
I agree! I think the warm weather and humidity is beneficial to hair. I've been living down here in Miami for 3 months now--and I can say, my hair NEVER feels dry, whether I moisturize it or not.
model_chick717 said:
I agree! I think the warm weather and humidity is beneficial to hair. I've been living down here in Miami for 3 months now--and I can say, my hair NEVER feels dry, whether I moisturize it or not.

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That is interesting! My mother is in Florida and says the same thing. I would move for that reason alone.

OT - THREE months?? Time flies. I remember when you had just moved down there. Seems like it was yesterday. Enjoy yourself!
I've been in Miami all my life and yep, my hair grows really fast down there. It'll look like crazy (b/c of humidity), but it grew like crazy.

In fact, I thought it always grew fast until I came to Cali for college. I'm lucky to get .5 inch a month.

You know what, I think I'll pay my folks a visit...
I took a trip to Miami this summer. I love it there I love spanish people. We went to the mall and everyone though we was all spanish to. Even my brother. I'm lucky I take spanish in school cause that is all they spoke to use. My hair dose grow like almost and inch a month over the summer. I live in northern Florida.