My hair and I are home & doing ok


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I got home yesterday and I'm feeling so so. The Surgeon told my hubby he didn't know how I walked on my knee as long as I did. I kept my hair oiled and moisturized and used my splt ends treatment. Excuse any mistakes, I'm still on perocet. I told my hubby that once I got to my room, to make sure he laid my silk scarf on my pillow; he didn't asked any questions, just said okay :lachen:. I plan on getting a relaxer 2 weeks from today. Thank you again for your prayers.
Take care and do what the doctors recommend.

My Dad just had this same surgery this Thursday. But he will have to go to rehab in the next few days for about 2-3 weeks.
That's good news Coffee, I pray your speedy recovery. Surgery sucks, expecially what the anesthesia can do to ones hair, praying you'll have no ill side effects! Get plenty of rest!
Take Care of Yourself PJ!:giggle:

*and watch out TJ Maxx! I can't even begin to imagine the damage you'll do now*:lachen:

IDare, it'll still be awhile before I can visit TJ's. The PT will be here at 12pm.

mscocoface I pray all goes well with your Dad. The bending of the knee is the most painful part :sad:. My hubby told me I was having conversations by myself, that perocet is something else :lachen:.
Hello Sweetie, Its Good to know that, All is Well!, We sure missed You over here in LHCF Land, Glad to see Your back and doing Well, I wish You the Best of Recoveries! :clap:
Oh my goodness, I didn't know that you were in the hospital. I hope that you get plenty of rest. :hug3: BTW, that was sweet of your husband to put down a piece of silk for your head.
It's good to hear that you're home. TJ Maxx reported an unexpected drop in profits - they're about to cut people's hours!

Heal fast and take care!!!
I've been thinking of you and praying for you a lot these days. Just the other day I received my NeoCell Super Collagen+C Type 1, & 3 from Vitacost. I've been taking it (3 tablets, 30 minutes before meals), for a couple of days now. I'm amazed at how my appetite has been more regulated. Thank you for your suggestions.

I am thrilled that you are doing well. I will keep you in my thoughts, lovely one! :blowkiss:
I love your still Mrs. Coffee. On drugs, just out of surgery and STILL a DIVA. I am glad your doing fine, I was just thinking about my favorite hair pusha, I havent ordered anything in a while. Again I am glad your doing well.
Glad you are back. I love it when you go to TJ Maxx and report back. That's what started my love for the store.