My future husband WILL


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,
I want to start a fun thread about what we “single ladies” are looking forward to when we get MARRIED – big or small, silly or serious. So finish this statement:

My future husband WILL………..

Married women, please don’t kill our naïve “fantasies” about marriage with any “my husband has never done that” talk. :spinning: Just laugh at us from the sidelines…. :lol:

Now, if you do not want to get married someday…..then that’s cool, but this thread is just for FUN and so don't take it too seriously.

Let the prefect husband fantasies begin!
My future husband WILL……….. Know how to manage his finances and finances of the household. He will have a prosperous mindset and not living paycheck to paycheck, robbing Peter to pay Paul month after month.

My future husband WILL……….. Be a man of prayer and has a personal relationship with God, not be a religious know it all who can quote scriptures all day long in public but speak doubt and fear behind closed doors.
My future husband will

Be affectionate, open to communication and very intelligent

He will be a man of God, the head of our household and we will work as a team against any opposition that comes our way

He will be open to giving me a steady supply of sex:lol: whenever the mood strikes me:look:
:look: Pulls out wish list...:look:

My future husband will.....

Everything the women said above plus he will be a good father to his children.

Plus he will be exciting in a good way.

Very much into me and treat me like the QUEEN I deserved to be treated.

Can also get me going with a look across the room.....:lick:
My future husband WILL.....

*Treat me like the princess that I am. I've been spoiled (not rotten) as a child and as an adult by family and friends and expect that to continue

*Make decisions based on what's best for the household.
  • be skilled in 'masculine' trades - he handles the mortgage, he knows how to fix things, he can upgrade the home, he knows how to invest, he maximizes our savings, handle different types of insurance, he shrewdly and efficiently controls the money
  • know how to cook a couple meals that taste good even if he doesn't need to break out that skill very often
  • do considerate things without my asking like run me a bath or rub my back/feet
  • express himself effectively and clearly communicate not only his issues but his appreciation
  • mow the lawn, take out the trash, fix the car, etc etc :yep:
  • have similar opinions as me on racial and cultural issues. we have to be on the same page as this because if not it isn't going to work
for some reason i picture myself with a lawyer. i just imagine a legal-savvy, financially competent man mostly as a lawyer for some reason. i want a husband who if a cop pulls him over he can cite exactly why the reason is bull and threaten to sue or something :lol: i want a husband who knows all the loopholes and is prepared to take on a prejudiced society.
My future husband WILL

....thinks I'm the prefect woman for him! madly in love with me and would give his life to protect me and our future children! all the home and car maintenance stuff that I don't want to do!

.....never ask me to watch or go to sporting events! wealthy, so we could travel often to exotic locations!

.....have bedroom talents that keep a smile on my face (and me walking alittle funny) every day, all day!
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My future husband WILL

...think I'm the woman he's meant to be with:grin: as family-centered as I am as passionate about his career/goals as I am mine

...give me sex whenever I want it, even if we're mad at each other:Devil:

...believe in the existence of a higher power (doesn't really matter what)

...go to NBA games with me! around the world with me

...have sexy ears! (I know I'm weird but I have this strange attraction to certain types of ears lol):drunk:

...Have a wonderful relationship with God and attend church as family oriented as I and spends lots of time with the family we
create and the one we were born into
...will be a hard worker, go-getter, straight profe$$ional hu$lter like me :grin:
...will be loyal--dedicated--fully committed to our union
...attractive, healthy and in good shape
...will be soooooo attracted to me, physically and sexually
...will adore me and buy me flowers often
...have great friendships, same sex :look:
...Fun & a jetsetters like his wife :yep: masculine
My future husband will

  • love my daughter like she is biologically his
  • be a hardworking man that puts his family's welfare ahead of his personal wants
  • be open :look: to the Lifestyle
  • love to travel. I can't be with someone that wants to stay at home all of the time.

I'll be back when I think of more. :yep:

be supportive
be caring
be funny
be able to deal with me, through thick and thin
be financially secure to provide for his family
be family oriented
like to travel
be easy to talk to
be a hard-worker
be loyal
be spiritual
My Future Husband will

be my best friend
be man enough to talk about the difficult issues
be eager to start a family
be patient with me
be faithful to me
defend me in front of others
be married to me for life :)
MY future Husband will... dedicated to our marriage
..have a passion for what he does....his avocation is his vocation
... be sexually compatible with me
... love watching sports (except American football)
... love to try new things and travel
... be a patient and caring person
say Proverbs 31:29:
"Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all!"

(Message translation)
He will have a kind, honest heart

We will have compatible value systems and worldviews

He will appreciate and love me for who I am as I am, inside and out

He would like to explore the world together

He will be an excellent communicator

He will be secure in himself as a man

He will be emotionally, mentally, and financially stable

He will be attractive to me
from what i have learned about affirmations and what not is to speak in present tense.
so here i go

he loves God more than himself
he believes in prayer
he is open minded
my husband is a more than what i could have ever imagined.
he loves me for who i am
he respects me
he appreciates me
he adores me
he feels so blessed to even know me
he is very generous to me
he loves spending time with me
he gives me my space when need be
he is very patient with me
he is loyal to me
he knows his place as the head of the household
Eat my pu$$y all day and night!

NO just playing...ok..I'm stupid, I know!

Love me unconditionally, flaws and all, as much as I love him....unrequited love sucks!

1. Be financially secure, not necessarily rich, but must always possess the necessary qualities (i.e educated, motivated & driven) to succeed.

2. Be loving, kind and sensitive towards my needs (and wants possibly) know the type that would massage your feet if they're sore or buy you that bag you were fantasising about.

3. Be spotanious and adventurous

4. Be a manly man... both physically and in being able to fix things.

5. Love himself and be confident and self-assured.

6. Be able to hold a conversation but at the same time know when to be quiet lol. I hate a man who loves the sound of his own voice above anyone else.

7. Be family oriented

8. Be open to learning and experiencing new things (i think that kind of ties into my other points)

9. Know how to throw it down!! Yes, I mean it this time!

10. Be a real person as opposed to a fantasy residing somewhere inside my Pineal gland
Have 6 pack abs into his 60's... :look:

For me, its pretty simple. Be committed to the idea of loving/supporting me, building something beautiful and be willing to work at the rest.

And have a beautiful smile. I melt when men smile. That smile where you say something that catches them off guard and they can't help but cheese...