My friends think I'm CRAZY!!!! (long)


New Member
My new close friend is always asking me to wear my hair down when we go out and I always tell her NO! Finally, after a lot of begging and pleading (from her) I let her flat iron my hair. We had barely walked out of the door when she turned around and saw my hair up in a pony tail. She laughs and says I'm CRAZY about my hair. It was all in good fun though. I don't mind. She said that I have "good hair" and she doesn't know why I'm always complaining when she wants to style it, but I tell her that she has NO IDEA how long it's taken me to recover from the braids I had (6 months). When I tell her in detail about my products and regiment and why I do what I do, she gets this dazed look on her face like, "Uhhhh, sure, okay!" I think it's funny.

Another incident was when my SO tried to run his fingers through my hair ROUGHLY! I was like "HEY, STOP THAT!" because I could hear strands popping and he did it again. I was sitting down and he was standing up. I stood up really fast and gave him an evil stare and he backed off, saying, "Whoa Syleste! (my name) You're CRAZY about that hair!"

Then my mom gets SOOOO upset with me because when I go to this lady who does her hair (she does a good job and she's very accomodating), I take my relaxer, protein treatment, and rollers (she doesn't have many of the big ones). She said, "You bother about your hair like CRAZY!"

Is anyone else CRAZY about their hair or does anyone else reluctant to let anyone else touch or style your hair unless they have the right products? Just wondering
Yes, I am crazy too. In the midst of being told off by an ex he said, "...and your hair is never done (anymore)." :lachen: I'm always bunning/wearing it up.
LOL I'm psycho about my hair. Sorry if this is TMI but DH and I were in the shower one night and he grabbed my hair and I snapped Baby if you don't stop pulling my hair while it's wet this rendevous is gonna be over!

Yesterday I was complaining to my sister that I didn't think I had made good progress. Her response was that I need to blowdry my hair so it can be straight, that would help. Oh, and I shouldn't bun my hair so much b/c my hair needs to 'breathe" in order to grow. Man, sometimes non LHCF-ers just don't understand...
Yes 'Wishin4BSL' I can be crazy too ;) !! only because I know the hard work that goes into growing it and ensuring that it stays healthy.. You carry on doing what your doing, because it's obviously working..and I bet if you wasn't and you hair was in bad condition those same people would be the first to let you know.
I am too. I just keep my shut where others are concerned because I got tired of the crazy looks. But then these same people turn around and comment how fast my hair grow. Duh it must be some truth to what I am telling you.
I've pretty much gone off the deep end with the hair as well. I have had church folks to ask me if I was going through "financial hardship" because my hair is never "done" anymore (yes, I bun it all the time!!). My husband gets a kick out of all the "natural products" I put in my hair. He asked me why I am always taking food into the shower to wash my hair:lachen: ! Yes, between the guacamole (advocado, EVOO, and eggs), honey, olive oil, mayonaise and cayenne pepper I have a regualr buffet going on in the shower every time I wash my hair! Hey, it's cheaper than spending tons of money on products in the BSS. My philosophy is if crazy works, go for it. We'll all be crazy with long hair!!!!!!!!!!!
you are NOT alone. I am like that. I believe I got like that after a tramatic experience- this lady place relaxer on my hair way to long - after it was in an already suspect condition---- needless to say i became what i consider bald.
WEll, YEAH!!!!:grin: And Lovin' it!!! I don't think its crazy to want to learn how to manage your hair after years of being told , our hair is hard to deal with, difficult, rebellious....etc...etc....

I am lovin' it!!! I recently didn't realize how long I went with out a relaxer!!! That was cool...the summer went by and I felt like I knew exactly what to do with my do !! Weather in NYC was crazy in July ! A sister spent the summer with Wash and Go's , buns and a few braid was great!!!

Now, ( I got a touchup) my edges are longer!!! my kitchen is like Whoa.... Hell to the Yes I am Crazy! bout my do ;)
blueabyss333 said:
Yes, I am crazy too. In the midst of being told off by an ex he said, "...and your hair is never done (anymore)." :lachen: I'm always bunning/wearing it up.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: That was hysterical!

Yeah, im definitely "crazy" about my hair! But that's okay, all the hair paranaoia and protecting like crazy will pay off in the end! And we'll be the ones with the last laugh when we're tossing those waist length tresses. :grin:
breezy said:
LOL I'm psycho about my hair. Sorry if this is TMI but DH and I were in the shower one night and he grabbed my hair and I snapped Baby if you don't stop pulling my hair while it's wet this rendevous is gonna be over!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Yeah pulling on wet hair would not sit well with me either girl. I feel you on that one. My bf knows better by now!!!!
Wishin4BSL said:
Another incident was when my SO tried to run his fingers through my hair ROUGHLY! I was like "HEY, STOP THAT!" because I could hear strands popping and he did it again. I was sitting down and he was standing up. I stood up really fast and gave him an evil stare and he backed off, saying, "Whoa Syleste! (my name) You're CRAZY about that hair!"

He is lucky that wasn't me, he would have pulled back nubs after the second time. I had a co-worker (male) take my hair and pulled it hard and I chop him with the wooden ruler I was working with and told him he ain't my man and he doen't pay to take care of this hair. And you don't pull women of color hair like that. Keep that crap in you dreams.

And yes I am crazy about my hair, it too me time to grow it and more time to get the right reg. I am not Oprah...
if that is called 'crazy' then I think we are all a little crazy around here then! giggles.
KiniKakes said:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: That was hysterical!

Yeah, im definitely "crazy" about my hair! But that's okay, all the hair paranaoia and protecting like crazy will pay off in the end! And we'll be the ones with the last laugh when we're tossing those waist length tresses. :grin:

Girl, you ain't neva lied.:grin:
I used to be a little more CRAZY about my hair a few years ago when I was still trying to perfect my regimen and it was much shorter. NO ONE was allowed to touch my hair except my hairdresser and I. Gentlemen friends got a pass but only "then".:lol: I was very particular about how it was to be combed and detangled. My wash days were not to be disturbed! Looking back, I was a bit of a nut, but who cares? It worked!!:)

I'm much more relaxed about it now.
I want to keep my micro braids in for a year so thats crazy by it self.
I don't tell any one not even my BF because I already know what he and they are going to say.:lol:
breezy said:
LOL I'm psycho about my hair. Sorry if this is TMI but DH and I were in the shower one night and he grabbed my hair and I snapped Baby if you don't stop pulling my hair while it's wet this rendevous is gonna be over!

Yesterday I was complaining to my sister that I didn't think I had made good progress. Her response was that I need to blowdry my hair so it can be straight, that would help. Oh, and I shouldn't bun my hair so much b/c my hair needs to 'breathe" in order to grow. Man, sometimes non LHCF-ers just don't understand...

Rendevous in the shower can stimulate blood flow and hair growth:cool: . as for your sister I have to say she is right. you keeping hair in a bun does not alow the scalp to breath and put stress on the top hairs that are being pulled to make the bun.
hairmaster said:
Rendevous in the shower can stimulate blood flow and hair growth:cool: . as for your sister I have to say she is right. you keeping hair in a bun does not alow the scalp to breath and put stress on the top hairs that are being pulled to make the bun.

:lol: I'll remember that next time! And I didn't know that about the bun thing, thanks for sharing!
Ya'll are not crazy, they(non LHCFers) just don't understand good hair retention practices.:lol: It will be these same people who ask u ...Oh, how do u get yr hair to do this or wow, yr hair is so long...:rolleyes:
Wishin4BSL said:
My new close friend is always asking me to wear my hair down when we go out and I always tell her NO! Finally, after a lot of begging and pleading (from her) I let her flat iron my hair. We had barely walked out of the door when she turned around and saw my hair up in a pony tail. She laughs and says I'm CRAZY about my hair. It was all in good fun though. I don't mind. She said that I have "good hair" and she doesn't know why I'm always complaining when she wants to style it, but I tell her that she has NO IDEA how long it's taken me to recover from the braids I had (6 months). When I tell her in detail about my products and regiment and why I do what I do, she gets this dazed look on her face like, "Uhhhh, sure, okay!" I think it's funny.

Another incident was when my SO tried to run his fingers through my hair ROUGHLY! I was like "HEY, STOP THAT!" because I could hear strands popping and he did it again. I was sitting down and he was standing up. I stood up really fast and gave him an evil stare and he backed off, saying, "Whoa Syleste! (my name) You're CRAZY about that hair!"

Then my mom gets SOOOO upset with me because when I go to this lady who does her hair (she does a good job and she's very accomodating), I take my relaxer, protein treatment, and rollers (she doesn't have many of the big ones). She said, "You bother about your hair like CRAZY!"

Is anyone else CRAZY about their hair or does anyone else reluctant to let anyone else touch or style your hair unless they have the right products? Just wondering

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: That is too funny. She's probabaly thinking "Well da**, I do know how to do hair!"

I don't blame you though. I pretty much don't let anyone do anything to my hair. I had a bad experience before--the worst there is! :crying3:
Since then, I do everything myself: relaxers, trims, color, styling. You name it, I do it myself. :D
I have thought about this and we are not crazy. We just have some crazy passion about our hair!!!
Thanks ladies! Now I don't feel alone. It DID take me a lot of work to get my hair like it is now and I have gotten compliments from all three of those folks who pick on me! From now on, I'll just ignore them. I have 3/4 inches of NG after a month, (which NEVER HAPPENS!) so I must be doing something right!:lol:
blueabyss333 said:
Yes, I am crazy too. In the midst of being told off by an ex he said, "...and your hair is never done (anymore)." :lachen: I'm always bunning/wearing it up.
you just gave me a wonderful idea for a spin off thread. thanks