It's official they think I'm crazy because of my hair plate

I don't think thats crazy... what would be crazy is if you cluck up the hair color on your whole head and end up with bright fuschia hair like someone I know that got the wrong color lol. A bunch of ideas, that are now a necessity, people looked at weird at first.
But the notebook idea might be a little more convenient.
The plate looks weird but I get what you are trying to do. I think you have been given some good alternatives in this thread.
Just hide it and don't show it to anyone. Yes, it looks a tad bit weird :lol: but if no one had seen it no one would complain about it either :)
My sister seen my hair plate and she was like your husband thinks you're crazy huh? My husband seen it and he was like could you please keep your voodoo on your side of the sink? My dad said my husband was going to divorce me because I'm always in Sally's. If my mom calls me and ask where I am and I say why she says tell me your aren't at the beauty supply store. Lol. So they think I'm crazy.:lachen::lachen::lachen: My hair plate is just a plate that I tape samples of strain tests from hair colors so I can remember what I did to get a particular color and whether I liked it or not before I do my whole head. Seems logical to me. Is that crazy?:spinning:I guess if some one just seen it in the bathroom they w ould look at me sideways.
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It sounds crazy....but 2 of my christmas gifts were conditioners( alter ego yum) but that goes to show that they think am nuts too:lachen:
The only reason I use the plate is because it was in the bathroom when I came up with the idea. I usually mix my conditioners on a plate or in a bowl I can throw a way. The only reason I keep all the colors is so I can also have a record of what I tried and didn't like so I won't try it again. How many times have you ladies tried to capture color or shine or even a hair style on your camera and when you see it doesn't look anything like it does in real life?

Yup, you are 100% right. Ain't nothing wrong with that hair plate, girl. I'm mad I didn't think of it first!
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Girl, you crazy!!! I so see where you were/are going - you can't capture color accurately on camera - and I totally understand the hair plate (I had a hair pillow) - you just gotta clean that stuff up before folks come to the house.

:sekret: Trust, ya'll don't wanna see all the hair related experiments taking up my bathroom counter. :lachen: :lachen:

The notebook idea was a really good one, though! I'm going to have to keep that in mind. :lol:
You know need to put my mom on this idea..well she will never use a plate from the house, but the concept would be great for her since she has these special color formulas (given to her by her stylist back home) that she can never remember.
:lachen::lachen:What if I put color in my hair and it comes out orange? How many of ya'll would see me on the street and be like yep that's nikos cousin right there.:lachen::lachen::lachen: I do put it under the counter when not in use. I have about 20 different colors I have tried, but none of them have made it to the actually being used on my hair. I'm thinking about calling it quits and then I see another LHCFer with self done color and it starts all over again.
:look: When you show up with orange hair, I'm going to think you been running with T.I.'s girlfriend Tiny!! :lol:

Then I'm going to ask you if you did that on purpose! :rofl:
OP, have fun with it. Get pictures of your husband and his family and put it around the plate. Oh and put pins and feathers around it too. Bet they'll start respecting you right away!
You can always get some lamination paper, and laminate the samples on a card with the name and steps you used. Cut them in to little squares. Punch holes in it and put it on a big key chain. Samples, of your colors.
I actually see nothing wrong with it,lol. Maybe not on a plate though. I guess the lines between that and what people actually use a plate for is what the disturbing part is. But the idea is not crazy at all newbie sister. ;)

Thanks for the support. Maybe I'll get a color somewhere around where yours is.
At first I thought it was crazy because I saw the title and the plate first, then read the post. It all makes perfect sense to me now. However, I do have a suggestion. I do cross stitching and organize my threads/floss on the little tabs you can get in the crafts department. I suggest you get some of these tabs which are plastic or cardboard, label them and attach the hair. Put each tab in the little baggie which comes in a pack -also found in the crafts section. You can make a reference "book" with the baggies. Attached is a picture of what I'm talking about. It's a picture of my cross stitch floss, just do it with the hair.


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At first I thought it was crazy because I saw the title and the plate first, then read the post. It all makes perfect sense to me now. However, I do have a suggestion. I do cross stitching and organize my threads/floss on the little tabs you can get in the crafts department. I suggest you get some of these tabs which are plastic or cardboard, label them and attach the hair. Put each tab in the little baggie which comes in a pack -also found in the crafts section. You can make a reference "book" with the baggies. Attached is a picture of what I'm talking about. It's a picture of my cross stitch floss, just do it with the hair.

I cross stitch too and I have used these for my floss before. It's a great idea.:yep:
I love love this ideal. It's kinda hard to put notes on plastic. I could definitely keep a better record of what works and what doesn't and processing time. Thanks so much.:grin: I could also use it to write notes and keep track of what conditioners and other products I liked.

I think this is a great idea, a great way to get organized! And it's in a closed notebook so it is more private. I definitely would not get rid of your color swatches until you find the color/ rinse combo that worsk for you.
You can always get some lamination paper, and laminate the samples on a card with the name and steps you used. Cut them in to little squares. Punch holes in it and put it on a big key chain. Samples, of your colors.

I like this idea too. I like the notecard and notebook because it will be easy to compare the samples quickly. You can see them all there on one notebook page, or line up the notecards.
That plate scares me...and if I ever went to someone's house and saw that I would never go to their house again (at least not until we had a good long talk about it).

I mean it's a good idea, but why a plate and not a piece of cardboard or something.

And if none of them give you a color you like then why do you keep them. Maybe you can just take pics and put them in a fotki.
