My friend is suffering from depression and is suicidal


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to ask that you please lift my friend up in prayer. Depression has a serious grip on her life and she tried to commit suicide last week. We are all scared that she is going to actually kill herself soon because she's so broken inside. I don't know how to help her and she's not accepting help from anyone so all I/we can do is pray. Her family is scared and new laws state that she can't be involuntarily committed to a hospital. So everyday we just pray believing she will get some help and God will heal her from this awful affliction.
Did you see the prayer against anxiety and depression sticky?

It's an awesome prayer for you to say for your friend, you can just substitute her name. You can also pass it along to other people who care for you friend.

Prayer sent.
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Praying that God will deliver her. Her first step is realizing that she's lost and that she needs Him. After that, she needs only to call on His name. Praying for you as well for direction and strength. :yep:
My prayers go out to your friend and her family as well as you for loving her through this. My sister is going through the same thing and it can tear you apart. Continue to pray for her and speak positive words to her as encouragement. It is so hard to watch them suffer and sit by helpless but God is not helpless, he is able. Look over the depression thread, it has been a great support to me. (((HUGS!!)))
Thank you ladies!!! That prayer was FIRE!!! I sent it to her mother. I believe she is going to get through this. I will not allow the devil to claim just can't happen. She has two beautiful girls who need her.........God didn't say it was her time and she can't do His work for Him.
That spirit of depression ain't no joke.:nono: I battled that unclean spirit for the first 3 decades of my life (I'll 32 in Dec). I'm believing God for deliverance! In Jesus mighty name!!! Amen!
That spirit of depression ain't no joke.:nono: I battled that unclean spirit for the first 3 decades of my life (I'll 32 in Dec). I'm believing God for deliverance! In Jesus mighty name!!! Amen!
I'm in total agreement. That's one cup of ice, I don't mind putting on meltdown.

In Jesus name, 'come out'! Every unclean spirit must come out and in place of each spirit, we fill the void with the total peace and "Spirit of God", for no other God shall dwell within, in Jesus's holy and matchless name, Amen and Amen.
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to ask that you please lift my friend up in prayer. Depression has a serious grip on her life and she tried to commit suicide last week. We are all scared that she is going to actually kill herself soon because she's so broken inside. I don't know how to help her and she's not accepting help from anyone so all I/we can do is pray. Her family is scared and new laws state that she can't be involuntarily committed to a hospital. So everyday we just pray believing she will get some help and God will heal her from this awful affliction.

I am soo sorry to hear this, I will definitely keep your friend in my prayers. God can make a way where there seems to be no where. I pray that His light will shine into her darkness and lift her spirits to higher ground where there is hope.
