My First Rollerset! Natural 4a/b! PIC HEAVY WITH BIG PHOTOS...

I love it, I will have to try this out. I have tried a roller set befreo unsuccessfully. You have given me renewed hope.Thanks.
Great results. did you stretch your hair before rollersetting or did you rollerset on wet hair?
I am 4a/b too and I love rollersetting I started a natural hair rollersetting challenge which ended a few weeks ago.
I may start another one soon.
Good job!
How long did it take you to set your hair? Did you have to flatiron/blow dry your roots or did they just come out straight? It looks great!

Sorry I'm replying soo late! Had to study for finals today... but I sat under the dryer for about 30 mins...I'm very impatient under the dryer lol so I had to sit under an additional 40 minutes... And no I didn't flat iron my roots at all, the setting lotion mixed with the infusium and help of my round brush helped straighten out my hair enough for it to be straight on the roller...and it come out very straight.
Me three, cause I can't see my hair coming out like that!

Of course that won't stop me from trying either!:lachen:

:lachen: hahaha That's why I posted this up! I had been having the hardest time finding a natural style that didn't include direct heat and I swore up and down I never would until I got some recent breakage thanks to a careless hairstylist and seriously sat down and prayed things over. Yes I truly am a 4a/ me, I'll take a pic after a co wash, my hair is tightly curled with lots of shrinkage and it's fine! And I would never relax ..not I lol! But really try the instructions from the website I linked! She truly helped me step by step...key things to a rollerset : Setting Lotion #1 (mixed with a leave in or you can add that seperately) , Heat Protectant, Proper Rollers ( magnetic does not work for these puffy roots of mine!) and a Round brush as shown in photo (or fine tooth comb)... I think Lotta Botta is what did it for me... it's my new best friend :grin:
Great results. did you stretch your hair before rollersetting or did you rollerset on wet hair?
I am 4a/b too and I love rollersetting I started a natural hair rollersetting challenge which ended a few weeks ago.
I may start another one soon.
Good job!

Thank You!
I rollerset my hair when it was wet. After my cowash I put in some leave in conditioner for slip, sectioned off my hair, sprayed my lotta body/infusium/water mix on each piece and round brushed each sectioned and rolled... I know if I didn't rollerset it wet my hair would have been a fro like usual. And I love your rollersets too I saw pics in another post! I definitely want to to join your next rollersetting challenge.
Again thank you ladies! I'm going to post before and after pics of my next rollerset, step by step. Probably next Tuesday.

Love you all
amazing, beautiful result!:grin::grin::grin: i can't rollerset to save my life ... but hmmm, maybe i should learn :drunk::look::drunk: ... but regardless thanks for sharing your pics, tips & technique.:yep:
Wow, your set turned out great. I've tried rollersetting before (big FAIL), but I'll try again using your process.

I love your nails too! :)
Thank you for posting this tutorial! I couldn't roller set my relaxed hair, so I wasn't about to attempt a natural one.

Of course the ONLY kind of rollers that I don't already own are mesh. :nono:
I'll have to check out the mesh rollers. The magnetic one's get my hair stretched but not nearly that straight. Thanks for posting this up, something to play around w/ this summer. I hate flat ironing I rarely do it.
Girl, that looks HAWT on you! You did a good job!!!

You can go on and pass those earrings right on over here as well!
this is so pretty...i've been "gettin ready" to try this method for so long now smh lol i really wanna buckle down and give it a go but if i don't like how it turns out i'll be so irritated because i know it's gonna take me a while to work thru this hair...

we shall see...thanks for posting OP! :)
wow your hair looks beautiful! i'm also a 4a but how come my hair breaks when i comb out my rollersets? what am i doing wrong:perplexed? it looks all nice when the rollers are out and even feels silky, but when i try to comb or brush it, i get little broken hairs everywhere:nono:. also how do you sleep with rollerset hair? sorry to ask so many questions
Your hair came out so smooth! I want to try roller setting but
1. I don't know how.
2. I don't know what mesh rollers are.
3. I have no hooded dryer
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I really like it :up:
I don't douBt your hair texture cause i'm 4b and my hair don't need a double processed heat(like blow drier + flat iron) to get straight too...
I know it is possible for my hair to have almost the same results
Thanks for inspiration I'll try it after my own PT challenge