My deep conditioner landed me in the Urgent Care Center

Omg... thanks for posting this, who knew a simple egg could cause all that!

Glad you're on the road to recovery.
Sorry this happened to you. Specially for the $100. At least you didn't have to wait an ER.

I know we try as much as we can to discover what is best for our hair but I still take my cue from hair products. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I have not seen ONE deep conditioner that promotes overnight dcing and frankly never understood the necessity for it.
Take care of your ears. Antibiotics are not your enemy the "overuse" of them is.
Thank you, Ladies, for all the kind words. I am 100% done with eggs and overnight DC!
Sorry to hear this!!! Glad you're okay!

Pleeease tell me that after all that... Your hair at LEAST emerged the most gorgeous it's ever been?!?!

I had to ask. ;)

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bronzephoenix -- Girl, would you know it wasn't even alldat! I still ended up slapping a wig on!
Wow, I'm glad you're okay!

Please be extra vigilant over the next few months. My husband had an ear infection in December, and suddenly went totally deaf in one ear the next month. There's a good chance he'll never regain his hearing. Apparently this is fairly common after an ear infection. :ohwell: So get to a specialist right away if you notice anything funny with your ears in the next few months.

I was going to make the same suggestion. My sister is losing her hearing in one ear due to an ear infection. Be very careful and proactive about this. Definitely see a specialist! I'm so sorry that this happened to you.
mstar prettybyrd I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and sister. That is awful. I hope their hearing recovers fully. I had no idea hearing loss was a possibility. I will be extra aware of any changes.
I'm so sorry this happened!

I've never understood why we tout raw eggs so much :perplexed Aside from them carrying harmful bacteria, the protein molecules in eggs are unmodified and not that effective since they're too big to penetrate our strands. It would make better sense to just eat the egg. This also goes for yogurt, mayo, etc.

A better option we can buy at the supermarket is gelatin (hydrolized collagen). Or if one prefers a liquid option, products like this Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein are much safer and useful as these actually penetrate the strands and aren't just topical, and we can still adapt the amount to our own personal needs.

Hope you're feeling better!

I did try the gelatin 2-3 times so far and I am very happy with the results. But truth be told, I'm going to stick to the professional chemists and use ready-made conditioners from now on!
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Good info.

I actually never go to sleep with new or experimental products on my hair or skin due to possible allergic reactions . Although I know I am not allergic to eggs, I would never have gone to sleep with raw egg on my head , especially if the concoction was runny. I would have been afraid of salmonella .