My date with Mr. . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Not too much to report since all we did was watch Transformers. He wasn't as cute as his picture, but seemed super-nice. At the end of the date I mentioned that we should try going to this local jazz club he'd mentioned in his profile. He suggested dinner. I put out my hand to shake his. He gave me a hug. I sent him an email this morning saying "glad we finally got to meet, next time we should go somewhere where we can talk more . . . ." I'll keep you all posted!
Congrats to you for trying out! Were you nervous before meeting? Did you get a chance to talk at all?

Wasn't too nervous about meeting him. We had emailed back and forth quite a bit so I felt like I had sort of already met him. Also, I have done internet dating before and each time it has been a disappointment. So I had pretty low expectations *lol*

We chatted a bit before the movie -- while standing in line (he bought my ticket!) and during the previews. Also, we chatted on the way out, heading back to the metro.

I do look forward to talk
Hey Glib!!!

Go head girl- you're doing better than me!! :lachen::lachen:

I think dinner would be nice, it might be kinda hard to really have a good convo at a jazz club.

So you said he wasn't as cute as the pic, but was he cute?
LOL @ you all.

He didn't "smell good" in that he didn't have cologne on, but whatever. It was late in the day on a Sunday and it was superhumid out. I won't fault him for that. Shoot I didn't have any makeup on and my hair was pulled back into a bun, so . . . .

A friend said over email that I didn't sound very excited about the whole thing and was wondering whether there were sparks. I'll share with you all what I said to her:

Geez. I didn't realize I sounded so blase about he whole thing. I don't think there were *romantic* sparks, but I definitely do think (based on what I know of him from his profile, emails, and general demeanor) that he is someone that I could definitely see myself spending significant amounts of time with . . . he felt easy to be around, like I didn't have to pretend to be something I'm not.

Lately I've been thinking about what is important in life and in relationships and although I'd love to have Mr. TallDarkandLovely (andIvyLeagueEducatedMakingSeriousBank) sweep me off my feet, I don't think that's realistic or even appropriate -- love, as beauty, fades. I am looking for someone who will be nice to me and who I can learn and grow with . . . .

(I hope you don't think I'm selling myself short because I'm not . . . I'm actually drawing lessons from a book I read recently called "The Ditchdiggers' Daughters" -- a memoir about a poor, black family that raises five daughters, all of whom grow up to be successful. When one of the daughters considers marrying her med school classmate she admits that their courtship wasn't romantic, but that the guy was her best friend - - they talked about everything and similar goals/visions for their life. That to me sounds good . . . . )

I thought the hug was nice. I put out my hand because I just wasn't sure whether he'd be turned off by a hug or not . . . again, since we didn't chat that much I had no idea whether he was feelin' me or not. The hug from him was a good sign. I made sure to mention that we should go out again so that he wouldn't think the fact that I didn't hug him meant that I wasn't interested . . . .
LOL @ you all.

He didn't "smell good" in that he didn't have cologne on, but whatever. It was late in the day on a Sunday and it was superhumid out. I won't fault him for that. Shoot I didn't have any makeup on and my hair was pulled back into a bun, so . . . .
A friend said over email that I didn't sound very excited about the whole thing and was wondering whether there were sparks. I'll share with you all what I said to her:

Geez. I didn't realize I sounded so blase about he whole thing. I don't think there were *romantic* sparks, but I definitely do think (based on what I know of him from his profile, emails, and general demeanor) that he is someone that I could definitely see myself spending significant amounts of time with . . . he felt easy to be around, like I didn't have to pretend to be something I'm not.

Lately I've been thinking about what is important in life and in relationships and although I'd love to have Mr. TallDarkandLovely (andIvyLeagueEducatedMakingSeriousBank) sweep me off my feet, I don't think that's realistic or even appropriate -- love, as beauty, fades. I am looking for someone who will be nice to me and who I can learn and grow with . . . .

(I hope you don't think I'm selling myself short because I'm not . . . I'm actually drawing lessons from a book I read recently called "The Ditchdiggers' Daughters" -- a memoir about a poor, black family that raises five daughters, all of whom grow up to be successful. When one of the daughters considers marrying her med school classmate she admits that their courtship wasn't romantic, but that the guy was her best friend - - they talked about everything and similar goals/visions for their life. That to me sounds good . . . . )

I thought the hug was nice. I put out my hand because I just wasn't sure whether he'd be turned off by a hug or not . . . again, since we didn't chat that much I had no idea whether he was feelin' me or not. The hug from him was a good sign. I made sure to mention that we should go out again so that he wouldn't think the fact that I didn't hug him meant that I wasn't interested . . . .

Don't be makin excuses for him!:lachen: But it sounds like you guys had a great time:) Please keep us posted!!!
It just sounds real nice and sweet to me....not all lusty like other internet hookups I have heard about :lachen:
That sounds nice. Keep us posted. Was he tall? Give us more of a physical description.

Well, he was dark brown with a goofy grin. (I mean that in a good way ;)) He wore a hat so I couldn't see his hair, but he sported a slight moustache. Had a little bit of a belly, but it's all good -- I like the teddy bear types (they remind me of my daddy!). Wasn't that much taller than me.
Well, he was dark brown with a goofy grin. (I mean that in a good way ;)) He wore a hat so I couldn't see his hair, but he sported a slight moustache. Had a little bit of a belly, but it's all good -- I like the teddy bear types (they remind me of my daddy!). Wasn't that much taller than me.

first dates were always akward for me. i can't wait to hear about the second date. your description got me thinkin' about that song we used to sing as kids teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear :drunk:
Well, he was dark brown with a goofy grin. (I mean that in a good way ;)) He wore a hat so I couldn't see his hair, but he sported a slight moustache. Had a little bit of a belly, but it's all good -- I like the teddy bear types (they remind me of my daddy!). Wasn't that much taller than me.

I like goofy grins too.
Well, he was dark brown with a goofy grin. (I mean that in a good way ;)) He wore a hat so I couldn't see his hair, but he sported a slight moustache. Had a little bit of a belly, but it's all good -- I like the teddy bear types (they remind me of my daddy!). Wasn't that much taller than me.

Imma have to tell you to ask him to send you pic without the hat. May save ya'll a very akward moment down the road.

From my life's most embarrassing moments archives....I was dating this guy, nice body, good looking facially, the whole package. Well, the time came for us to do the do, I never thought about the fact that I had never seen him without a hat, cap. Well, he was in postion and my juices just dried str8 looked like E.T. about the head!!!:covereyes I did not want him think I was I gave him the "we are moving too fast speech" while putting my clothes back on as fast as I could. I could tell he was very upset with me...but he never said he was. He called me for a long time after that night...but I just could not bring myself to go out with him after that. I guess that did make me shallow :lachen:
Go head girl! Dates are so exciting!

So he wasn't as cute, but he awas redeeming(goofy grin, teddy bear appeal), sounds promising, and low key, which is nice for first date. I love goofy grins. Well keep us posted, if/when there's date #2. :yep:
Glib, it sounds like you are sooo very much in to looks. Is that the case? You mentioned his looks but you didnt say anything about if yall connected while talking, if he was nice, funny, respectful, got a good job etc etc??? I mean i'm sure you dont want to date an ogre, but there are other things that you need to think about. Most tall dark handsome men...i wouldn't touch them with a 10foot pole. Give him a 2nd date to a nice dinner and maybe u can put more into presenting yourself nicely (makeup/ hair/ nice outfit), and maybe he will do the same.
Glib, it sounds like you are sooo very much in to looks. Is that the case? You mentioned his looks but you didnt say anything about if yall connected while talking, if he was nice, funny, respectful, got a good job etc etc??? I mean i'm sure you dont want to date an ogre, but there are other things that you need to think about. Most tall dark handsome men...i wouldn't touch them with a 10foot pole. Give him a 2nd date to a nice dinner and maybe u can put more into presenting yourself nicely (makeup/ hair/ nice outfit), and maybe he will do the same.

Whoa. I've never had anyone tell me that before. (Wait, I take that back. BFF said that once.) I didn't realize I was coming off that way . . . I actually thought he was quite nice - maybe that didn't come across in my posts. At any rate, I really do hope to go out with him again so we can have a chance to talk more.

Other stats --

He's a college grad with a good gub-ment job ;) Into movies and music like me . . . no kids, recovering PK (pastor's kid) . . . .
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Hehehe, dont u just love the boldness internet friends have??? lol. well his stats sound good... I wish yall good luck!

Whoa. I've never had anyone tell me that before. (Wait, I take that back. BFF said that once.) I didn't realize I was coming off that way . . . I actually thought he was quite nice - maybe that didn't come across in my posts. At any rate, I really do hope to go out with him again so we can have a chance to talk more.

Other stats --

He's a college grad with a good gub-ment job ;) Into movies and music like me . . . no kids, recovering PK (pastor's kid) . . . .
I'm so happy that things went well and I can't wait to hear about the 2nd date.

What made you choose over eHarmony? I have been debating back and forth about which one to choose (if any one at all). Any experience with eHarmony or others?
What made you choose over eHarmony? I have been debating back and forth about which one to choose (if any one at all). Any experience with eHarmony or others?

I had used in the past and it was easier just to reactive my profile. I think I will cancel at the end of this first month and try eHarmony next . . . .
Glib, it sounds like you are sooo very much in to looks. Is that the case? You mentioned his looks but you didnt say anything about if yall connected while talking, if he was nice, funny, respectful, got a good job etc etc??? I mean i'm sure you dont want to date an ogre, but there are other things that you need to think about. Most tall dark handsome men...i wouldn't touch them with a 10foot pole. Give him a 2nd date to a nice dinner and maybe u can put more into presenting yourself nicely (makeup/ hair/ nice outfit), and maybe he will do the same.

She only got into his looks after being prodded by Dlewis and the rest of us nosy folks, LOL.

We had to pull a more detailed physical description out of her so I don't think she's really hung up on looks.
I had used in the past and it was easier just to reactive my profile. I think I will cancel at the end of this first month and try eHarmony next . . . .

Hopefully, you won't need to! *wink,wink* (didn't feel like looking for the smilie - LOL)
LOL @ you all.

He didn't "smell good" in that he didn't have cologne on, but whatever. It was late in the day on a Sunday and it was superhumid out. I won't fault him for that. Shoot I didn't have any makeup on and my hair was pulled back into a bun, so . . . .

A friend said over email that I didn't sound very excited about the whole thing and was wondering whether there were sparks. I'll share with you all what I said to her:

Geez. I didn't realize I sounded so blase about he whole thing. I don't think there were *romantic* sparks, but I definitely do think (based on what I know of him from his profile, emails, and general demeanor) that he is someone that I could definitely see myself spending significant amounts of time with . . . he felt easy to be around, like I didn't have to pretend to be something I'm not.

Lately I've been thinking about what is important in life and in relationships and although I'd love to have Mr. TallDarkandLovely (andIvyLeagueEducatedMakingSeriousBank) sweep me off my feet, I don't think that's realistic or even appropriate -- love, as beauty, fades. I am looking for someone who will be nice to me and who I can learn and grow with . . . .

(I hope you don't think I'm selling myself short because I'm not . . . I'm actually drawing lessons from a book I read recently called "The Ditchdiggers' Daughters" -- a memoir about a poor, black family that raises five daughters, all of whom grow up to be successful. When one of the daughters considers marrying her med school classmate she admits that their courtship wasn't romantic, but that the guy was her best friend - - they talked about everything and similar goals/visions for their life. That to me sounds good . . . . )

I thought the hug was nice. I put out my hand because I just wasn't sure whether he'd be turned off by a hug or not . . . again, since we didn't chat that much I had no idea whether he was feelin' me or not. The hug from him was a good sign. I made sure to mention that we should go out again so that he wouldn't think the fact that I didn't hug him meant that I wasn't interested . . . .

It's all good. You don't sound blase about it, to me. You sound a lot better than I did on a blind date I had years ago. He knew what I looked like, but I didn't know what he looked like. His cousin who was also my friend got us talking over the phone to each other. Well, when he got out of his car ...45 minutes late..he was sooooo much shorter than what I usually dated and he looked 28 or 29 years old. :nono: We met at Red Lobster, but he ate before he came and therefore the dinner was *dead*. Then I ate off of his plate because I thought it was rude to come to a date after he had already eaten. He thought I was rude for eating off of his plate. Needless to say, he's my husband now. :lachen::lachen:
Imma have to tell you to ask him to send you pic without the hat. May save ya'll a very akward moment down the road.

From my life's most embarrassing moments archives....I was dating this guy, nice body, good looking facially, the whole package. Well, the time came for us to do the do, I never thought about the fact that I had never seen him without a hat, cap. Well, he was in postion and my juices just dried str8 looked like E.T. about the head!!!:covereyes I did not want him think I was I gave him the "we are moving too fast speech" while putting my clothes back on as fast as I could. I could tell he was very upset with me...but he never said he was. He called me for a long time after that night...but I just could not bring myself to go out with him after that. I guess that did make me shallow :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I am dying laughing over here, so true, so true. I've crushed on a guy before, thought he was oh so cute. Then he removed his hat and my attraction to him was never the same after. :ohwell: Although it only happened once, I guess I'm right in that shallow boat with you. I just prefer to put it down as one of my peculiar quirks.
Cool! Did you get good vibes from him as well? Did he smell good? :look:

A man that smells good is very important to me too, ClassyND. Forget the haters. Fresh and clean is what matters! Congrats on your successful date. I hope things continue to progress.