My cousin shaved her 1 year old daughter's head!

Is there a reason for this? She, the little girl, had a nice head of hair for a 1 year old. I feel like calling CPS (Child Protection Services)!!!! :mad: She says that she did it for her hair to grow back quick. Is there any validity to this "old wives tale?" Its too cold for her to have no hair. My little cousin looks like she could be a baby mannequin model!

Whoa! That's crazy! I've heard of putting breast milk on a baby's hair to keep it "good," but I never head of shaving a baby's hair to make it grow longer. That will come after time, the baby is still growing.
That is some mess. Cutting ANY hair will not make it "grow in thicker/longer/better". That is some ignorant stupid mess. And if this cousin of yours is already exhibiting a proclivity toward dumb behavior and willing to risk her child's health because of some old STUPID mess, than maybe you SHOULD call cps.

(oh boy, I just read that.... can you guys tell Im pmsing?)
I've never heard of this but it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. At one I had like three scraggly plaits on my head, I woulda looked so much better if I was shaved!! :nono:

But this is part of the natural hair growth cycle anyway for babies to have a different texture, color, uneven patches etc and when those hairs reach their terminal stage, they get different hair. Maybe shaving it forces the new hair to grow in...? don't know but I think whatever hair they end up with is the same hair they would've ended up with shave or no-shave. This link has some interesting info on baby hair:
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I did this to my daughter hair when she was nine months just the back of her hair and I swear to you the back of her head was mush much thicker then the front yes it will come back thinker, my family and friends thought I was crazy but I got tried of those balls spots that baby gets the only reason I cut it was so that it would be even all in the back.