My cousin shaved her 1 year old daughter's head!

victorious said:

My godmother is Puerto Rican, and she did the same thing years ago. She cut my godsister's hair into a cute boy style when she was one or two years old. She had two wispy ponytails before the cut, and then her hair grew longer and fuller.

My friend's hair seemed thicker when i went thru her pics. My dad's side (their arab) do the same thing. Thank God momma is black american! LOL:lachen: :lachen:
sareca said:
In my family, the boys are shaved and the girls get a big chop. I don't see what the big deal is. We're talking about 5-6 inches of bizarre texturized hair. Right?

Yes, please remind me why I should be outraged. Most babies are damn near bald at one any way. I have no idea if it works or not but *I* personally don't think its a big deal. Maybe if the child was 6 or so and would be teased or something.
my heas was shaved when I was 1...due to gum issues...dont ask what I was doing with gum :lol:. But anyway I highly doubt that a one year old would have vanity issues and most babies at their age are bald anyway.I dont see the big deal will grow back with the quickness.
WhipEffectz1 said:
Wow, you have some nice healthy looking hair!!!!! :grin:


Thanks I love your hair too. What kind of flat iron did you use and heat protectant. I can't believe that you are natural.
I have heard of this in other cultures, but I can't see how cutting all the hair off will change its texture or how it genetically programmed to grow. Once its outside of our scalps, its essentially dead hair anyway right? I couldn't imagine doing this to a little girl though, I think our african american girls look so beautiful with their little ponytails with barrettes, or their twists, or fros or cornrows. I am so into hair and haircare, this actually made me sad to hear. I hope it grows back quickly.
Carla From VA said:
I have heard of this in other cultures, but I can't see how cutting all the hair off will change its texture or how it genetically programmed to grow. Once its outside of our scalps, its essentially dead hair anyway right? I couldn't imagine doing this to a little girl though, I think our african american girls look so beautiful with their little ponytails with barrettes, or their twists, or fros or cornrows. I am so into hair and haircare, this actually made me sad to hear. I hope it grows back quickly.
I'd rather hear of a shaved head then someone slapping a relaxer in the baby's head. well the babys hair texture wont change because of the cut...but I know my hair is nothing like it was when I was a toddler...silky and type 2...nowhere near anything like it now :lol: if she has growing hair, it can reach long length in less than 3 years if well taken care of :yep:
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I've heard of it before.

So have I, but only for boys not girls. That is a huge old wives tale in the black community. I'm surprised more haven't heard of it. Cutting off a baby boy's hair when he is 1 year old is supposed to give him some kind of "fresh, new growth".:perplexed
I've only ever heard of babies/preschoolers getting their head shaved due to lice or nits. I've never known anyone to do this to promote growth. To each her own, I suppose. My daughter is 6 and has never had a haircut, so I'm probably biased.
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I am surprised that not many of you have heard of it...I'm am the descendant of black North American slaves (African American) and it's definitely and old wives wouldn't believe some of the things my grandmother has said and done...

...although, she believes that if your baby has a bald spot of the back of it's head, then it has been spending too much time on its back--she says the hair has been "rubbed out". Which makes sense I guess, because if it has been spending a great deal of time on it's back then the hair has been rubbing against whatever it's been laying its head on.

Either way, I mean, I think the cut is better than a perm at that age so..:look:
I don't see the big deal either. It's hardly child abuse.
It seems to be a widely practiced custom for quite a few people so I say live and let live.
I don't see the big deal. Boys get there haid cut at 1. Girls can too.

I would shave my little girls hair if I thought for one second that her father would let me. And she would sit still for the clipping.

I mean she is one not five. It will definitely grow back.
Hmmm it'd definately unusual, but I dont' think it's child abuse. In my family growing up it was a disgrace to remove one hair from a baby girls head. I had to beg to just get a trim when I was 13 years old.

Since the baby is so young and won't remember the experience I don't think it's that serious. If she were older and subject to teasing it might be different.

RainbowCurls said:
I don't see the big deal either. It's hardly child abuse.
:lol: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lol:

My words exactly, we are talking about a one year old girl. This is widely practised in Africa, they just cut off all the baby hair, and at that age some lill' one still have bald spots, i believe the parents keep the hair cut very low till all areas grow evenly. I'll ask my mom if there's any other reasoning behind this. I was follically challenged till the age of 4 my mom says. i'll post a picture l8r
Yeah I feel like the first 3 pages threw this completely out of proportion. So it's cold? Babies should be wearing hats anyway like the uneven fuzz she had before would have made a difference. It's not sad at all, as one of the many naturals thats done a BC I'd like to say there's nothing wrong with having extremely short, or no, hair. The child is one, it's her child. Everyone has something to say when kids edges looks chewed up from too many of them d@mn hair clips all over the place. If it was me and it was either see the dried up uneven patchy mess alot of 1 year olds have or cut it all off, i'd reach for the scissors/clippers/garden shears with quickness. No point holding onto a head of chewed up hair just cos 3 strands reached 5 inches in a year. Please.
Wow, to be honest I have never heard of doing such a thing. I'm not the parent of the child so therefore to each's own. I just can't imagine having done that to my little girl. Any how keep us updated on how her hair grows back in and I'm sure it will. It's alot of mixed reviews here so definitely come back and tell us how much her hair has grown in.
I have a friend from Boliva, and she told me that her mother shaved her head between 3 and 5 to get rid of the "bad hair." She was little and she didn't care.

Umm, the little girl hair is crazy thick now!!!:eek: Maybe this has some validity to it!!!!:yep:
i wasn't going to respond since this post is old but i have heard on many occassions of people doing this to girls when they are young because it supposedly encourages the growth. Definitely not a reason to call CPS young lady:spinning:
i wasn't going to respond since this post is old but i have heard on many occassions of people doing this to girls when they are young because it supposedly encourages the growth. Definitely not a reason to call CPS young lady:spinning:

I wasn't going to but it looked really crazy at the time. :lol:
Well at least she's only 1 and not 11!!! This is nothing that little girl won't be able to overcome as she gets older unless her mother is around with a pair of scissors...

psycho.... :ohwell:
Its not that strange especially with Indian ancestry. I know a guys sister who had the same and now shes got long thick hair.

I feel more disturbed by people who pierce young kids ears, but its just other peoples traditions at the end of the day. Its kinda funny a lil girl looking like Wentworth Miller lol:look:
why would someone call cps just because they shaved thier childs head. Thats not abuse.

At any rate the "old wives tale " is true, many white, euro, indian, middle eastern, hispanic and african cultures shave the little girls head, right at around 2-4 years and I am witness to how thick and long their hair regrows on their head.
When my sister was a baby she had to have her head shaved for surgery and she is the only one out of 4 sisters with super thick hair down her back. coincidence?...maybe