My Cousin Has A Hair Growth Secret

This thread is funny to me. I remember when I first got on LHCF in 2008 I wanted to tell everyone about cowashing and protective styling. No one wanted to hear it and my grandma told me my hair would mold.

8 months later EVERYONE wanted to know how to get "long hair". My one friend that listened to me from the beginning is still my one friend with the longest hair.

I do tell people what I do to retain length, but I'm still secretly peeved they didn't listen from jump.
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This thread is funny to me. I remember when I first got on LHCF in 2008 I wanted to tell everyone about cowashing and protective styling. No one wanted to hear it and my grandma told me my hair would mold.

8 months later EVERYONE wanted to know how to get "long hair". My one friend that listened to me from the beginning is still my one friend with the longest hair.

I do tell people what I do to retain length, but I'm still secretly peeved they didn't listen from jump.
Okay. Break it down for us here and we promise to follow every step.
I wanna see the pic!!!

Anyway, I think you said she takes better care of herself? That makes a huge difference. My sister had lupus a few years ago, and as a result she drastically changed her lifestyle. She now eats super healthy, and she exercises all the time, and lost quite a bit of weight from pre-lupus. Her hair now grows like weed, never tangles and kinda went from a 4Aish texture to a mix of 3B/C.

She always had BSLish hair, but it grew slowwww. She now cuts it every 3-4 months, because it grows FAST. It's crazy how healthy living changes hair.
Okay. Break it down for us here and we promise to follow every step.
Lol! Yes ma'am. My regimen back then was to cowash daily with a silicone free conditioner, apply some of the same conditioner to my hair, and wet bun. I would alternate high and low wet buns. At night I took the bun out, put some oil (coconut, grapeseed, or olive oil) on my hair. Two loose twists. Bonnet. Always. Grew my hair to hip length doing that EVERY DAY for about 3.5 years. Got my hair blow dried and flat ironed maybe four times over that period.

I cut my hair to shoulder length because I got bored. Basically had the same regimen until I was like *** this, I want to wear my hair. I started roller setting once a week and wearing my hair down about two times a week, bunning the rest of the time. Then I moved on to twist outs. Shampoo, deep condition, twist with a leave in, dry under dryer. Would use a light leave in spritz every night and two large flat twists. Bonnet at night.

Now I'm back to rollersetting. DC on dry hair. Shampoo, condition, set with a leave in, dryer. Sleep in two Bantu knots on a silk pillowcase. Moisturize my hair at night. Bun most days, wear my hair down when I'm going out at night.

Between 2008 and now I would say I've put direct heat on my hair 6-8 times.

Moisture and protective styling.
Girl, stop. :hand: When you're a kid, all you know is big sis has something you want and no matter how hard you try, you can't get it. Lol, they used it against me too. Telling me if I take Scott's Emulsion my hair would grow longer than her's. Have you ever tasted that sh*t???? And I was begging to take it! Poor stupid me.

You were walking around with waist length hair mad at your sister because you couldn't sit on it?!?

This thread is a petty magnet.
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Thank you!!

They don't know! The struggle is R.E.A.L. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Petty as hell...

Girl, stop. :hand: When you're a kid, all you know is big sis has something you want and no matter how hard you try, you can't get it. Lol, they used it against me too. Telling me if I take Scott's Emulsion my hair would grow longer than her's. Have you ever tasted that sh*t???? And I was begging to take it! Poor stupid me.

LOLLL I used to call it "Scotty Motion" when I was little. Lmao.
Mannnn if op hadn't posted this, we would have had a thread this week like "I just stunted on all my cousins and my auntie!" Your cousin would have given us her regimen and we would be satisfied and giving ya cousin e-fives. Now she's probably sitting back laughing like a maniac that she's driving hall crazy. Lmao. The statement t about "that's what it's supposed to do" makes me think that she is on hairboards. :yep:
I wanna see the pic!!!

Anyway, I think you said she takes better care of herself? That makes a huge difference. My sister had lupus a few years ago, and as a result she drastically changed her lifestyle. She now eats super healthy, and she exercises all the time, and lost quite a bit of weight from pre-lupus. Her hair now grows like weed, never tangles and kinda went from a 4Aish texture to a mix of 3B/C.

She always had BSLish hair, but it grew slowwww. She now cuts it every 3-4 months, because it grows FAST. It's crazy how healthy living changes hair.
Here you go (pic below)..yes she started taking better of herself and I think that's when it started with the cancer episodes.
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Mannnn if op hadn't posted this, we would have had a thread this week like "I just stunted on all my cousins and my auntie!" Your cousin would have given us her regimen and we would be satisfied and giving ya cousin e-fives. Now she's probably sitting back laughing like a maniac that she's driving hall crazy. Lmao. The statement t about "that's what it's supposed to do" makes me think that she is on hairboards. :yep:

Oh yea, she got this idea from somewhere Im thinking between youtube and hairboards.
Seriously I have missed this picture 5 times now, can you PM me. I do believe changing overall lifestyle health is probably contributing more than the "magic" potion oil and vitamins. Good body and mind health along with HH practices I'm sure trumps any topical aids.
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The funny part about this is... her telling her "secret" is probably a non-issue. Pretty much anything you can do to improve the quality/growth of your hair doesn't work for everyone, so if she told the whole world that doesn't mean it would actually work for them the way it works for her. That's why I never understood people who keep beauty secrets [when asked]. Everybody is different and just because this thing was a miracle for you doesn't mean it's going to work for someone else so you might as well tell them.
Getting this cured my product junkyism. I do find it interesting what others use on their hair, but I'm pretty much done buying new hair products. Unless it's a tea I can brew and add to my pitcher, I'm over the search.
Lol! Yes ma'am. My regimen back then was to cowash daily with a silicone free conditioner, apply some of the same conditioner to my hair, and wet bun. I would alternate high and low wet buns. At night I took the bun out, put some oil (coconut, grapeseed, or olive oil) on my hair. Two loose twists. Bonnet. Always. Grew my hair to hip length doing that EVERY DAY for about 3.5 years. Got my hair blow dried and flat ironed maybe four times over that period.

I cut my hair to shoulder length because I got bored. Basically had the same regimen until I was like *** this, I want to wear my hair. I started roller setting once a week and wearing my hair down about two times a week, bunning the rest of the time. Then I moved on to twist outs. Shampoo, deep condition, twist with a leave in, dry under dryer. Would use a light leave in spritz every night and two large flat twists. Bonnet at night.

Now I'm back to rollersetting. DC on dry hair. Shampoo, condition, set with a leave in, dryer. Sleep in two Bantu knots on a silk pillowcase. Moisturize my hair at night. Bun most days, wear my hair down when I'm going out at night.

Between 2008 and now I would say I've put direct heat on my hair 6-8 times.

Moisture and protective styling.

Thank you!
Are you natural? What was your starting length when you started this regimen and what is your hair type? I ask b/c I know for me more frequent washing has always been great on my hair but I'm natural now and given my length and texture I'm wonder how would I style it so often if I were to wet it so much.
Thank you!
Are you natural? What was your starting length when you started this regimen and what is your hair type? I ask b/c I know for me more frequent washing has always been great on my hair but I'm natural now and given my length and texture I'm wonder how would I style it so often if I were to wet it so much.
Yes I'm natural! When I started in October of 2008 I was relaxed and that is how I transitioned for 17.5 months and continued to take care of my hair. I was about apl relaxed I would say, and around apl when I finally chopped, maybe a little shorter.

I have 4a hair, very dense, thick strands.
Yes I'm natural! When I started in October of 2008 I was relaxed and that is how I transitioned for 17.5 months and continued to take care of my hair. I was about apl relaxed I would say, and around apl when I finally chopped, maybe a little shorter.

I have 4a hair, very dense, thick strands.

Thank you! So while natural you cowashed daily, towel dried hair, applied leave in, put in two big twists and by morning when it's still you alternate your buns?
Thank you! So while natural you cowashed daily, towel dried hair, applied leave in, put in two big twists and by morning when it's still you alternate your buns?
I usually cowashed in the morning, turbie twist dried, applied leave in, and wet bunned. At night I would take it down, oil, two twists to keep it stretched, and repeat the next morning.

There's no reason you couldn't cowash at night, two large twists, and bun in the morning.
Op can you pm me a picture please? Maybe she's using something that exist already. Whatever it is, it's something that she saw on Youtube.

Hair oil - Nu oil, Shima oil etc.

Vitamins - Hairfinity, Mane Choice Manetabolism etc.

We don't keep secrets on here about magical hair oils and vitamins. If we did, we'd get mocked so badly. One can't come on here bragging about fast hair growth and not sharing the regimen. No mam! She got it from Youtube.

And if she had a product that she personally made and could sell to make millions, she would.

Tis all.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: well its' not our fault her darn hair didnt grow as much, why take it out on us. She was beautiful regardless :perplexed:

honestly though, how does one just not tell you and just say "hair grows"..the audacity. :mad:
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Op can you pm me a picture please? Maybe she's using something that exist already. Whatever it is, it's something that she saw on Youtube.

Hair oil - Nu oil, Shima oil etc.

Vitamins - Hairfinity, Mane Choice Manetabolism etc.

We don't keep secrets on here about magical hair oils and vitamins. If we did, we'd get mocked so badly. One can't come on here bragging about fast hair growth and not sharing the regimen. No mam! She got it from Youtube.

And if she had a product that she personally made and could sell to make millions, she would.

Tis all.
Yea it might be a mixture of things from vitamins to oils and the key may be that she is very consistent .

Can you pm me too please?? I've been lurking and keep missing it lol I've been wearing dookie braids under clip ins to grow my nape area and it's been working nicely. I agree with other she's probably been protective styling to retain length

Can you pm me too please?? I've been lurking and keep missing it lol I've been wearing dookie braids under clip ins to grow my nape area and it's been working nicely. I agree with other she's probably been protective styling to retain length

OK Im just going to leave it here for a minute for people to see lol
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Can you pm me too please?? I've been lurking and keep missing it lol I've been wearing dookie braids under clip ins to grow my nape area and it's been working nicely. I agree with other she's probably been protective styling to retain length

Yes but when you see the pic its just not long but really healthy and rich. Her hair was never like that. She's doing something more than protective styling.