My Consultation with the "Legendary" Marcia


New Member
My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Okay, after reading all the lovely reviews I had to jump on the bandwagon and see what she is all about. My consult was yesterday (free) and I arrived around 545pm (appt was for 6:30). First off, let me start out by saying Marcia seems like a lovely person. When I arrived, she immediately sat me down by the dryers which I thought was a bit odd (I can b a bit quirky when it comes to mundane things) and asked me to take my hair out of the bun, which I did. She touched my hair for all of 2 seconds and asked me to fill out a form but all the while she was answering any and all questions I had for her (i am not known as "motormouth" for nothing). I was not "blown away" by this consult and feel that it was a waste of my time. I think I just expected soo much that when I didn't get it, I got disappointed. She did tell me that she does a "dry hair trim" which I like better and we agreed that Affirm Sensitive Scalp (no lye) would be better for me. I haven't made up my mind about the colourshines as of yet (either cinnamon or ginger) but when I do, you'll be the first to know...LOL. My appt. is scheduled for tomorrow so wish me luck. On a side note, I asked should I come in earlier than the appt. and everyone was hysterical laughing (everyone except they pointed out that I should cancel any plans that I had following the appt. b/c more than likely, I won't be able to make them... then they laughed some more and said just kidding... Hmmmmm, i bet they are. Marcia has 2 people ahead of me... one at 10 and 11 so i'll let you guys know how it turns out.
Now, for the prices:
Relaxer (touch-up) - $70
Colourshine - $40 or $45 - i can't remember and no i don't smoke...LOL
Deep Conditioner - $10-25 (it all depends on what you get)

For these prices I expect to be blown away by someone... however, this did not occur. Hopefully, with a little extra work 2nite, I might be able to get the money from my boyfriend.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

"My appt. is scheduled for tomorrow so wish me luck."

Good luck. Btw, for those prices, i would certainly expect to be "blown away" also
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

CaramelHonee, please post your review afterwards. Definitely take a good book!
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Oh, and I forgot to add that when I told her that I shampoo my hair twice per week, she said its too much... so I asked would it be okay if I shampooed on sun. and condition only wash on thurs and and she said that would b fine. She also said daily washing is not necessary and we also do not need to "oil" our scalps b/c we produce enough oils and oils tend to clog the pores and stunt hair growth. If I remember anything else, I will definately post it.
I'll even try and post a picture when I done... and I will be bringing some essential reading materials to keep me occupied.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Oh she didn't go there with the frequent washing and the oils theory did she?
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

i hope it goes well!! i think it's a shame that people charge those kinds of prices for quality. so hell yeah, she better be good!!
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Oh she didn't go there with the frequent washing and the oils theory did she?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's funny you say that because when I said that to my girlfriend she said that is the same thing her dermotologist said.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

I've had stylists (but not many!) call me the day of my appt to tell me they were behind schedule. But it was my choice whether or not to cancel or go and wait for God only knows how long. They didn't just tell me I had to reschedule.


Marcia is a stylist at Elin Levar Salon in NYC.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Okay, here's how the appt went. I decided to spend the money just because I wanted to see the results. I am in love with my hair. WOW!!
First, I called and advised them that i was going to be about 15 mins late and was told it was fine. I arrived @ 1215 and was seen @ 1pm. She was finishing up the client before me. And let me tell you, she had a weave and it was very hard to tell. Her hair looked beautiful. Okay, now, back to me ;-). Marcia based my scalp very well... I was never based like that before. Then she applied oil throughout my previously relaxed hair. She used Affirm sensitive scalp (no lye). Once that was done she washed it out VERY THOROUGHLY... their water bill must be thru the roof. She than applied the colourshines in ginger to my hair. She also mixed the conditioner in with the colourshine. After applying, i sat under the dryer for 45 minutes. She re-washed my hair and i loved it how she took great care in removing all residue. Then she rollerset and sat me under the dryer for another hour and a half. Once I was completely dry, she applied a pomade in my hair (aveda), and wrapped it in the doobie. I just took my hair down now and it looks beautiful. It is very straight and yes, I can see the color (THANKS TRACEY)... i would recommond that you guys at least try her out once. She was worth the 115 IMO.
P.S. I must add that once the relaxer was washed out, Kim (the receptionist) commented on how straight my hair was, she wasn't kidding. And yes it grew and yes, I will be posting pics.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Congrats, CaramelHonee!!

I'm looking forward to seeing your pics and new haircolor rinse!!
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

I would be totally willing to come up to NY to get my hair done by Marcia. I wonder if she would allow me to book a consult and a relaxer in the same day?
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Umsumayyah - i asked her the very same thing and i was told that is not doable. Consult one day, relaxer the next.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Wow! Fantastic! I'm glad it went so well!! Great! I think I'm going to do the Joico equivalent of Colourshines Ginger when I go to Marvin....
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia


I'm so glad to hear your appt went well. I knew it would. Your in good hands

I know you must be loving your hair right now. They're great on conditioning really well and it shows. Interesting to hear that they rollarset you. I've never seen anyone in there with rollars before.

Can't wait to see pics!
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

ebonylocks, Are you looking for a stylist in S. Florida? Where are you in S. Florida? I have a great stylist in West Palm Beach that has made my hair grow TREMENDOUSLY.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

CarmelH. im so happy u were pleased with your results. Marcia seems so great and accomodating. the great thing is even though she is so very popular she is accepting new clients and not turning away anyone - great! Im so glad Atate and BRH shared her with us.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

Thanks for the congrats ladies (i will try to post a picture 2nite)... and BRH, i can't stop touching my hair. LOL.
Re: My Consultation with the \"Legendary\" Marcia

About the rollerset, Marcia did tell me that she doesn't usually rollerset but I do not like to have my hair blown out, I think i lose too much hair that way.