I tried Mr. John's and I must say, he had me feeling like he had the answer to all my prayers. My consultation went fine, he described everything that they were going to do for me. After going to he for about 4 months I didn't notice any changes in my hair(growth wise) the only thing that I liked is the girl that pressed my hair see could lay some hair, everybody thought I had relaxed my hair. But me and the girl that was pressing my hair got cool and he started giving her grief because I didn't want anyone else to press my hair in there. And she started telling me how he would get on her because she still wore a relaxer, and pressured her to let his stylist do her her. I was looking at some of the ladies that worked there and was wondering why they hair wasn't down they back. Only two girls in there had (what would be considered long hair shoulder length) and that is the receptionist and one of the washer, her hair is down her back) but I was told that she didn't get her hair done there she is just for show. But to make a long story a bit shorter Mr. John's is full of crap. He liked to blame you if your hair wasn't growing as he told you it would in in consult, or he didn't tell you the ingredients he used in his products. I happy I got to know one of the stylist there. I gave Mr.John's a try for 6mths and things didn't work out for me. I began to see that he was just another money hungry brother selling dreams to desperate women like myself, but I'm hip to his game.
So take what he says w/ a pinch(not grain) of salt /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Relaxed 4a thin Hair
Current Length: Different lengths 3-7inches w/ the front and side being the shortest
Goal: Even Healthy Shoulder Length Hair