In the last quote that was posted by London Diva, that {"moisturizers prevent hair from retaining its "silky texture...."}... if the hair was "silky" in the first place, no one would be straightening it to get the kinks and curl out.....(it only got "silky from the straightening comb") and that is what the lengthy rhetoric of the Method is aimed at.... (Preserving the straight look achieved by the straightening comb for as long as you can! so that their method can be perpetuated)...pure and simple! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Now if someone likes the pressed look, I do not have a problem with that. But please, no "scientific sounding sales pitches that do not meet the test of close scrutiny. The "METHOD" is THE STRAIGHTENING COMB... and the skill in wielding it. Water messes up the method. But our great grandmothers knew that; some of them could wield a mean straightening comb! That's why some people did not wash their hair for one or two months and just kept piling on the grease and frying their hair at the first sign of a wrinkle caused by a few drops of rain...and little kids were not allowed to play and sweat, play in the rain, go swimming...enjoy the feel of water cascading through the hair in the shower...(sigh!). To me, this is going backward to try and convince the universal community of black women that if you do not use this Method, your hair is going to self destruct because WATER is the enemy. Stylists who relax and say, "if you do not come back here in exactly six weeks, all your hair is going to break and fall out!" fall in the same category. Naturalists who insist that if you do not cut off all your relaxed hair to the scalp, in order to go "natural", OR IT DOESN'T COUNT or you are cheating or "hanging on to that relaxed hair and are not a true black woman"...etc. Further I even question the statement of "going natural." Underneath the relaxed hair, your hair is still "black african american hair" The chemical has only processed and straightened it out, a permanent straightener. You do not have "white people's hair underneath that grows in natural and gets straightened out, temporarily or why does it have to become such an issue? no wonder people get confused and offended. They are scared to trust their own brain and common sense and make personal choices, and hand their minds over to others, who may get very offended if you do not agree with their pet theory. But "knowledge is Power, ladies!!!... Stepping down from the soap box..right on Charlie Brown!..(wink wink) oops, "watch that last step Mahalialee"...(smiling vacantly and waving to the crowd)...X!O??//!!****!!who spilt olive oil on that last step!XXX!!!!!ooooooOOOOOXXXX!!!!(smile).Bonjour.