My BSL December Updates w/straight hair pics

Congrats on your progress!! I am chiming in with the others about not seeing the need for a 3-inch trim. Your hair looks uneven, but it probably grows at different speeds (ie., the sides grow slower than the crown or the back, etc.). There is a difference between "evening up" hair to one length versus trimming split ends. Actually examine your strands to see if they are actually split. I did this recently and was shocked that very few of my strands were actually "split."
Wow GREAT progress! I am going to stalk your fotki by the way :grin:!

Your hair looks pretty healthy to me though. But don't be discouraged, now you know the potential of your hair, and hell if it can grow that long with split ends, imagine how much it will thrive with a fresh starting point!! Your pictures are definitely an inspiration!!

Ha Ha! @ you taunting the ex's!!! :lachen:

You grow girl!! :drunk:
Your hair looks great, you've made a lot of progress. I am dealing with the same split end issue as you, I think I am just going to ride it out and pray it isn't as bad as I think it is.
Last year at this time, I would shake my head at this statement. Today, I'm behind you 100% and say go get that second opinion. Don't even mention trimming, see what they say. But a second opinion on hair last year when I was hair stupid would have seemed obsurd!:lachen:
I second this. Get another opinion before getting that trim. She did a great job getting it straight btw.
Wow your hair looks great. And seeing 2 ex's looking good is the cherry on top. I hope you tossed your hair and didnt look back when you walked away.

On another note what do you think caused the split ends. I would just :cry::crying3: if I had to go back from bsl to apl.
Yes your hair is gorgeous...Congrats! I love your progress pic from 2007 until now. I guess your work pays off which should not result in letting someone cut your hair three inches. GIRLLLLllll don't let her touch your hair...I'm laughing bit yet REAL serious!
Wow your hair looks great. And seeing 2 ex's looking good is the cherry on top. I hope you tossed your hair and didnt look back when you walked away.

On another note what do you think caused the split ends. I would just :cry::crying3: if I had to go back from bsl to apl.

:grin: You know I tossed it, and put on the durty whine. lol j/k

I have NO idea what caused the splits. I always thought ppl get split ends because of improperly using heat. I don't even use heat, so I'm at a loss. The only thing that I can think of is probably going a long time without trimming. idk It is hard if I have to go back to APL esp. after it took me about a year to get to BSL.
Wow GREAT progress! I am going to stalk your fotki by the way :grin:!

Your hair looks pretty healthy to me though. But don't be discouraged, now you know the potential of your hair, and hell if it can grow that long with split ends, imagine how much it will thrive with a fresh starting point!! Your pictures are definitely an inspiration!!

Ha Ha! @ you taunting the ex's!!! :lachen:

You grow girl!! :drunk:

Thanks girl for the encouraging words! You're absolutely correct! I can't imagine how it will look being healthy at the same length.

As for the ex's, you know I had to show them what they were missing. lol:lachen:
girl your hair looks good and the ex that thought u couldnt grow ur hair i wish u would have slapped him with ya hair lol oops did i get my hair in ya face my bad i know insert evil laugh
girl your hair looks good and the ex that thought u couldnt grow ur hair i wish u would have slapped him with ya hair lol oops did i get my hair in ya face my bad i know insert evil laugh

lol...I know he was in shock. If you guys could have seen him, it was a funny sight. He was talking all crazy, "this used to be all mine"! lol Whatever!! He was sooo turned on by my hair it was ridiculous! lol
Ediese - you hair is drop-dead gorgeous - I so look forward to the winter(s) in Houston - no humidity ....That is some great progress!!!

With regard to the EX-BF(s) - Looking Good and Living Well is the best revenge...Do ya thang, girl!!!!

I am in Houston and have been to Culture Salon - Charlene is the truth (owner/stylist) ...I would take her word for it with regard to trimming as she does not trim unless she has too. Last time I went to her (I am in her 20% percentile relaxed) she just "dusted" my ends. She is very confident in what she does and is "no nonsense" ....she consults and actually listens....But she is the type of stylist that only uses her OWN products - however, she uses nothing but high-end/quality products
Ediese - you hair is drop-dead gorgeous - I so look forward to the winter(s) in Houston - no humidity ....That is some great progress!!!

With regard to the EX-BF(s) - Looking Good and Living Well is the best revenge...Do ya thang, girl!!!!

I am in Houston and have been to Culture Salon - Charlene is the truth (owner/stylist) ...I would take her word for it with regard to trimming as she does not trim unless she has too. Last time I went to her (I am in her 20% percentile relaxed) she just "dusted" my ends. She is very confident in what she does and is "no nonsense" ....she consults and actually listens....But she is the type of stylist that only uses her OWN products - however, she uses nothing but high-end/quality products

Yeah..I do agree that she knows what she's doing. I really felt confident that she would get it back on track! She must know what she's doing with her products too because my hair is still straight!! woohooo!!!

Yeah...I totally agree with the bolded above! I made it a point to see them too!
Please don't trim three inches :nono: Your hair is gorgeous and inspirational! And I don't know where you're seeing thin at...Maybe you should try the search and destroy method of clipping split ends. I used to trim all the time because of splits, but now I just take a day out of the week to search for them. It's actually quite relaxing and de-stressing as well bec I listen to music while I'm searching. I lose less length, and my ends are in even better condition than when I trimmed an inch every month!
For one your hair looks fab!! And secondly don't feel bad about her not using SMB, b/c according to their site it's not recommended for hot combs and irons heated in an oven anyway. Thanks for the inspiration!!