My BKT experience!!!


Well-Known Member
My hair feels strong and it looks fuller.

I'm not sure if I will get the treatment again. I guess it depends on how well it holds up. All those fumes were scary!

Anyway this is what happened.

I got to the Salon at 11:30. The salon was nice it looked kind of like one of those spa salons for really wealthy people. The lady greeted me then took me back to wash my hair.

She then blow dried my hair until it was about 80% dry. Then she applied the BKT in very small sections of my hair untill all of my hair was coated with the stuff. She then told me to sit for 10 min with it in my hair.

Ok here is the worse part... Two ladies began blow drying my hair. The fumes were terrible. They had a fan on and they had the balcony doors open all the way. There was a beeze blowing in and I thank God for that...but at times the fumes were still bad. My eyes started to sting a little.

After that I was so scared because my hair felt hard and looked like a huge straight haired afro!!! I was like dear God please let them be able to fix this!

Next they started to flat iron my hair. I had 3 different ladies flat ironing my hair at the same time. 1 on each side and 1 in the back. They went over each small section of hair about 10 times with the flat iron.

When they finished it my hair was very full bouncy. shiney, strong and healthy looking.

I think my hair grew a couple inches too!

I could not get it wet for 4 days because the treatment was still in it. I also could not curl it or tie it up at night. If I fell asleep and got a bend I had to flat iron the bend out.

The real test was what would happen when I washed it.........and I have to say I washed it today and I love the results!!!!!!! My curls are looser shiny and it's easy to comb! I have no tangles when combing!

I hope it helps me retain length. It's suppose to make my hair really strong where it dosent break and split as much.

if I decided to get it done again I will have my own fan, fume extractor, and a gas mask lol! I'm serious though. I'm going to purchase all of these items and I recommend anyone who wants to get this procedure done do the same. :yep:

I posted the pictures of my BKT results in my Fotki album. My album address is in my profile.
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My hair feels strong and it looks fuller.

I'm not sure if I will get the treatment again. I guess it depends on how well it holds up. All those fumes were scary!

Anyway this is what happened.

I got to the Salon at 11:30. The salon was nice it looked kind of like one of those spa salons for really wealthy people. The lady greeted me then took me back to wash my hair.

She then blow dried my hair until it was about 80% dry. Then she applied the BKT in very small sections of my hair untill all of my hair was coated with the stuff. She then told me to sit for 10 min with it in my hair.

Ok here is the worse part... Two ladies began blow drying my hair. The fumes were terrible. They had a fan on and they had the balcony doors open all the way. There was a beeze blowing in and I thank God for that...but at times the fumes were still bad. My eyes started to sting a little.

After that I was so scared because my hair felt hard and looked like a huge straight haired afro!!! I was like dear God please let them be able to fix this!

Next they started to flat iron my hair. I had 3 different ladies flat ironing my hair at the same time. 1 on each side and 1 in the back. They went over each small section of hair about 10 times with the flat iron.

When they finished it my hair was very full bouncy. shiney, strong and healthy looking.

I think my hair grew a couple inches too!

I could not get it wet for 4 days because the treatment was still in it. I also could not curl it or tie it up at night. If I fell asleep and got a bend I had to flat iron the bend out.

The real test was what would happen when I washed it.........and I have to say I washed it today and I love the results!!!!!!! My curls are looser shiny and it's easy to comb! I have no tangles when combing!

I hope it helps me retain length. It's suppose to make my hair really strong where it dosent break and split as much.

if I decided to get it done again I will have my own fan, fume extractor, and a gas mask lol! I'm serious though. I'm going to purchase all of these items and I recommend anyone who wants to get this procedure done do the same. :yep:

I posted the pictures on my Fotki album:
Thank you so much for the step-by-step info you gave about this. It really helps to know that the end results is a good one:yep:

Your hair looks so pretty, long and shiny!
You hair is very, very pretty! I did my own BKT 1 week ago today and I just can't believe how much I love it!!!! I agree about those fumes though, I will NEVER do one at home again with a fume extractor.
What brand did they use that caused so many fumes? I have used Lasio and Rejuvenol and neither had least not enough for me to have watery eyes or to smell it.
Awesome! I'm sorry you experienced such discomfort though. Did you mention that to the stylists? And if you have any idea what brand they used please let us know.
What brand did they use that caused so many fumes? I have used Lasio and Rejuvenol and neither had least not enough for me to have watery eyes or to smell it.

They used Brazilian Coco Chocolate Brand. It had 2% formaldehyde in it. I don't think it was the fact that it was causing so many fumes it's more the fact that two lady's were blow drying my hair at the same time creating more fumes. I believe that if only one lady had been blow drying my hair that it would not have been as bad.
Okay - great results. Gorgeous Hair. Are you in Houston? How much did it cost? I'd like a referral, please....

Thanks for the compliment! Right now I'm working as a contractor in kuwait. I got it done here at a salon called Chateau Moon.
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Very nice turnout!

So now that you've washed it, how are you gonna style it?

Is it able to go back to day 1 hair?

Thanks! Well, I haven't styled it yet. I think I'm going to where it curly for awhile. I will get it flat ironed again on Wednesday so I'll post pics of the results.
Yes, that explains the fumes. They really wanted to get you in and out to have so many people working on your hair at once.:ohwell:

"Two ladies began blow drying my hair. The fumes were terrible. They had a fan on and they had the balcony doors open all the way. There was a beeze blowing in and I thank God for that...but at times the fumes were still bad. My eyes started to sting a little.

After that I was so scared because my hair felt hard and looked like a huge straight haired afro!!! I was like dear God please let them be able to fix this!

Next they started to flat iron my hair. I had 3 different ladies flat ironing my hair at the same time. 1 on each side and 1 in the back. They went over each small section of hair about 10 times with the flat iron."

They used Brazilian Coco Chocolate Brand. It had 2% formaldehyde in it. I don't think it was the fact that it was causing so many fumes it's more the fact that two lady's were blow drying my hair at the same time creating more fumes. I believe that if only one lady had been blow drying my hair that it would not have been as bad.
Yes, that explains the fumes. They really wanted to get you in and out to have so many people working on your hair at once.:ohwell:

Yea I guess so.:ohwell: I felt really bad for the Indian lady because she was in the back of my head and she was getting the bolt load of the fumes because the fan was blowing them towars her.
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Your hair is gorgeous! I was looking in your other albums, and it looks like your hair has already been waist length at some point...just gorgeous! Have you always had long hair?
Wow, really great results. You have very pretty hair BTW.

quick question, what hair type are you. I am a combo of 4A/4B, I just want to know what to expect four days after when I wash it. I suspect my curls will not be as loose as yours.

ETA: never mind, i just looked up your profile and I see you are a 3C
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Your hair is gorgeous! I was looking in your other albums, and it looks like your hair has already been waist length at some point...just gorgeous! Have you always had long hair?

Thanks LOL!:blush: Yea, my hair has always been long, but it grew the longest while I have been a member of LHCF. Before I found LHCF my hair stylist use to always trim...well cut my hair back to bra strap length. So I stayed that length through out high school.

I learned how to care for my own hair and I stopped going to sissor happy stylist and my hair grew to waist length in no time.:yep:

I am again on my journey to waist length. This time I'm going to make sure I continue to take care of my ends so that they can stay thick.

I cut my hair to shoulder length January 2008 because I wanted to start over because my hair was very thin in the back middle part of my head. It was damaged and I was very unhappy about it. My hair grows pretty fast. I hope to be at least mid back length by December 2009.
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You hair is very, very pretty! I did my own BKT 1 week ago today and I just can't believe how much I love it!!!! I agree about those fumes though, I will NEVER do one at home again with a fume extractor.

Your hair is very pretty also!!!:yep: Your BKT results turned out great as well. :yep:
You hair is very, very pretty! I did my own BKT 1 week ago today and I just can't believe how much I love it!!!! I agree about those fumes though, I will NEVER do one at home again with a fume extractor.

You mean without a fume extractor, right?

I bought one and it should be shipped here soon.

It's been cool here, thank goodness, so I'll have ALL windows open and the fume extractor going as well.
You mean without a fume extractor, right?

I bought one and it should be shipped here soon.

It's been cool here, thank goodness, so I'll have ALL windows open and the fume extractor going as well.

Sorry, I meant Nope I won't travel that road again without an extractor. I will purchase one before I do the next treatment!:yep: