***My Bald Edges Are GROWING BACK (Pics Inside)***

You GROW, girl!!! Lookin good! I love your curly bangs, so cute! :grin:

(Er-uh, what'd you use to get them edges so super duper smooth and slick? My edges WISH they were that smooth!)
Thanks again for all the compliments, ladies.

(Er-uh, what'd you use to get them edges so super duper smooth and slick? My edges WISH they were that smooth!)

:laugh: I use Fantasia IC gel with Sparklelites (the blue one) PLUS I add aloe vera gel to that for extra moisture. I brush them down VERY GENTLY using a very soft toothbrush that I use for my edges only. The toobrush doesn't damage my edges at all (like a regular brush would).
Your edges are doing great! Now I'm off to check out this stuff so I can start referring some folks to try it....

My edges on one side have never recovered from a relaxer incident that happened over 10 years ago!!!

I will definitely have to check out this product!!!!!!! :yep:
Hey, gang:

Sooooo ... back in January 2008, I was diagnosed with chemical alopecia by a dermatologist. My balding edges were caused by the super strength relaxers that I used (and abused) on my delicate hairline over the years. The derm initially gave me steroid shots in my edges (hurt like a motha). Then some time in March, he put me on Rogaine for Men (since it's stronger than the one for women). I used it for close to 3 months until it ran out, but then I switched to Bee Mine Hair Serum in June.

I've only been using Bee Mine for a month, but I'm already seeing great improvement in my edges. I don't know if it's the sulphur in the Bee Mine that's working for me or what, but they definitely look so much better than they did in January (comparison pic below). Just wanted to share in the hopes that it helps someone out there.


Thats really cool! Congrats!
Great results! I love reading all the success stories on here. :grin:

I have yet to go to the dermatologist...I guess I don't want to hear him/her tell me that my edges aren't coming back. :nono: I fell victim to the super duper relaxers and home relaxing that was done strong and WRONG, back in the day.
Hey, gang:

Sooooo ... back in January 2008, I was diagnosed with chemical alopecia by a dermatologist. My balding edges were caused by the super strength relaxers that I used (and abused) on my delicate hairline over the years. The derm initially gave me steroid shots in my edges (hurt like a motha). Then some time in March, he put me on Rogaine for Men (since it's stronger than the one for women). I used it for close to 3 months until it ran out, but then I switched to Bee Mine Hair Serum in June.

I've only been using Bee Mine for a month, but I'm already seeing great improvement in my edges. I don't know if it's the sulphur in the Bee Mine that's working for me or what, but they definitely look so much better than they did in January (comparison pic below). Just wanted to share in the hopes that it helps someone out there.


Yes, your edges are making progress. Congratulations... Now how do you know it's the Bee Mine Hair Serum ? it could be a lot of things, the steriod shots for example.. This is the first time I've seen someone's edges grow back on this site.. I have thin edges too and have done everything in my powers to thicken it up with no success. I've even used Rogaine for women and had hair growing everywhere, sideburns, mustache, arms, legs, it was terrible.. Once I stopped the Rogaine, the hair fell out or stopped growing. I think I might get the shots and what happens.
Yes, your edges are making progress. Congratulations... Now how do you know it's the Bee Mine Hair Serum ? it could be a lot of things, the steriod shots for example.. This is the first time I've seen someone's edges grow back on this site.. I have thin edges too and have done everything in my powers to thicken it up with no success. I've even used Rogaine for women and had hair growing everywhere, sideburns, mustache, arms, legs, it was terrible.. Once I stopped the Rogaine, the hair fell out or stopped growing. I think I might get the shots and what happens.

That's a great question, Misseyl ... and I did consider the fact that the Rogaine has helped to start the growth off right (I even mentioned it in my Fotki). But the steroid shots I only got once way back in January (most people get them monthly to see progress). But that was 6 months ago, so I don't think that's the cause of this latest growth spurt.

If you look at the following set of pictures: I used the Rogaine from March until early June, and there is some improvement there. But like you mentioned, I've read that people who stop using Rogaine end up losing their progress, so that's why I opted not to renew the prescription. At that point, I switched to Bee Mine. I've been using the Bee Mine consistently for the last 6 weeks, and that's why I'm attributing the growth to that product. But like I said earlier, I'm going to continue to monitor this progress to make sure it's not a fluke.

Again ... thanks so much for the compliments, ladies. Hopefully, my progress will continue.
OMG, your hair looks awesome! Can you please tell me what flat iron gets your hair that strait?! I love Bee Mine. It makes my hair look and smell good.:yep:
This is the first time I've seen someone's edges grow back on this site.. I have thin edges too and have done everything in my powers to thicken it up with no success. .

This is me right here too (bolded). You name it and I've tried it to no avail.

OP - I am SOLD and thank you for posting. I have the Beemineproducts website open in another window as I type.

Off to go order :look: