My Baby Saw a Ghost


Well-Known Member
I wanted to repost this in the Christian forum, because I would like to hear from those who are spiritually grounded:

My uncle passed on Thursday, and my aunt was having a family reunion dinner at her place (where my uncle lived, but died at hospital). I thought it should be ok if I take Talia there - but I won't take her to the funeral home, cuz I don't want my baby around dead bodies. So she fussed, I fed her then gave her to my mom, but my mom swore she was hungry still so I brought her back into the living room and she just wouldn't take the breast. She stiffened up, froze and then started screaming. I can't explain the sound. It was worse than when she got her needle. The best way I can describe it is an angry, uncomfortable cry. Like she was in distress. I almost cried because nothing I did helped. Something told me to leave her at home with her father, but I was nervous the breast milk would run out and seeing as how I was going to be far away I didn't want to chance it. Sometimes we think it's a nagging voice, but in this case the Holy Spirit was warning me and I didn't listen.

I gave her tempra because I thought maybe it was her tummy, because of the way she was stiffening out her body. Funny thing is, she only cried in the living room. When I brought her upstairs, she calmed down and was fine - family room, fine. Living room? Screaming AGAIN! So I prayed over her, but then realized she was seeing my uncle. People don't like to discuss what happens to the soul after death. Fact is spirits linger, and seeing that he didn't know her, she was troubled by his presence. He rejected Jesus on his death bed so now his soul is tormented. I later learned that he was possibly a freemason, which would explain a lot.

Talia NEVER cries when she's in a new environment, or around new people EVER. my poor baby. I feel like I failed as a mom and a Christian. I sought counsel of a few spiritual friends of mine, and they confirmed what happened before I even finished telling them the story. I feel that if I was stronger spiritually I would've picked up on his presence immediately and protected my daughter from his ghost. Babies (and animals) often pick up on spirits when we can not, some people don't believe it - but I'm living the truth. We have to protect our children and pray over them constantly.

Some people say to tie something red on my baby to ward off spirits - I said, the only thing "red" my child needs is the blood of Jesus. Period. One friend told me I should've said The Lord is My Shepherd, and told the spirit to remove itself. Is this called binding? How do I do this exactly?
A while back someone else told me to pray over my child with anointed oil - I'm wondering what prayer I should say to protect my child and home from unwanted spirits and negative energy from others.

Also my child was dedicated when she was 1.5 months old.

Thanks ladies.
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What a scary experience. If it were your home I would have advised you to ask a pastor/priest/minister to come pray/bless the home. Since it is not your home I don't know. Having someone pray over your daughter couldn't hurt.

Sorry for you loss.
Thank you - and yes I'm glad it's not my home. My father is a minister so I know my home is covered all the time, we all pray for covering. But when you enter someone else's home it's a different ball game. But like my pastor said, you can't accept every invitation. Wow now that I think of that sermon, another warning. Jesus. Praise your Holy name. I really need to pay attention to details, I am such a 'big picture" person....
You are right about spirits trying to take advantage of children and animals. I just remember something I read called "the Demon Hit List." She was delivered of evil spirits but wrote this for mother to discern when evil spirits are around.

Be aware of new and used stuffed animals and other toys. If your child begins to cry
during naptime just after getting a “new” or “added” toy, watch closely.
Remove the suspected toy's) or item's) from the child’s crib, bed, or playpen.
If the child STOPS crying after you remove the toy's) or item's), wait a few moments
and replace the toy or item one-by-one. Listen out for which toy/item makes the child cry.
Once you find the toy's) or item's), throw it away! Burn it if possible so others cannot use it.
Command the evil spirit to leave in the name of Jesus!
Pray this prayer:
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask that Your Peace return to my child.
I also ask for divine protection over my household and me.
Please give me a Spirit of Discernment to detect the presence of evil spirits.
Fill me now with Your Holy Spirit who is the Power of God. Thank You. Amen

Sometimes, a lot of parents who don't pay attention as you do, often just think the child is being irratble when in fact, it could be spiritual harrassment. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Also, pray for God to cleanse your property with the blood of Jesus and to put a hedge of protection around your child. I'll pray for you tonight, a warfaring prayer.
I will pray too. you are one of the few that understand that the devil goes after children when they're young and they are more sensitive to this stuff. so i will pray.. the devil can't have YOUR KID. Oh nooo he can't. YHWH HAS PLANS FOR THAT CHILD..
The one thing you do not want to do is to give this uber attention. :nono: For there is absolutely nothing that is sensational or phenonminal about seeing a spirit. It does not deserve any honourable recognition. Even the angels will say, bow not unto me, but unto God All Mighty above.

If your child did indeed see a spirit [a ghost] then it was a 'familiar spirit' and not that of God.

You must anoint your child with oil and praise God for blessing your child and for protecting her spirit and her ear gates.

Do not allow this to be a topic of 'wonder and amazement'; meaning do not give satan further attention.

Instead focus on God, the Lord Jesus Christ and praise God for the flow of His presence and for the Blood of Jesus to have full reign and power in your home and in your family members, especially your child.

*sign* Please do not allow anyone to sensationalize this, especially those out of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and neither around your child, for then it will become something that seems to gain wrong counsel and to gain more attention than focusing on Jesus Christ.

I'm not going to say anything more about this... NOW! :nono:

However in the name of Jesus I renounce and rebuke every unclean spirit and every spirit of confusion; every suggestive spirit; every spirit of unholy persuasion; every spirit of deception, false light, false images of God, every spirit of rebellion against God and every lying spirit roaming in the realm of the earth, In Jesus' Name, you are no longer permitted to cross the minds nor the dwelling places of God's property, His children nor their seed nor their seed's seed.

I command you to bow to the Blood of Jesus and to LEAVE! Never to return nor even attempt to trepass upon the Righteous. In Jesus' Name.

Father God in Heaven above, I praise you and bless your holy and matchless name, It is you who gets honor and praise for YOUR presence and none other. I thank you for the Blood of Jesus which has been placed upon us and our minds and no evil shall befall any of us; no harm nor any unclean spirit shall prevail nor trespass upon your territory nor the inheritance of your children here on earth.

Praise you Father God! Praise you Jesus! Bless your holy name. Thank you Holy Spirit for choosing us to be your dwelling place. We bless you, we honour you and we welcome you into our hearts and lives to rule and reign. In Jesus' Name, Amen and AMEN!
I agree Shimmie, there is no such thing as "ghosts" but evil spirits masquerading around as dead loved ones to deceive people.
You are right about spirits trying to take advantage of children and animals. I just remember something I read called "the Demon Hit List." She was delivered of evil spirits but wrote this for mother to discern when evil spirits are around.

Be aware of new and used stuffed animals and other toys. If your child begins to cry
during naptime just after getting a “new” or “added” toy, watch closely.
Remove the suspected toy's) or item's) from the child’s crib, bed, or playpen.
If the child STOPS crying after you remove the toy's) or item's), wait a few moments
and replace the toy or item one-by-one. Listen out for which toy/item makes the child cry.
Once you find the toy's) or item's), throw it away! Burn it if possible so others cannot use it.
Command the evil spirit to leave in the name of Jesus!
Pray this prayer:
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask that Your Peace return to my child.
I also ask for divine protection over my household and me.
Please give me a Spirit of Discernment to detect the presence of evil spirits.
Fill me now with Your Holy Spirit who is the Power of God. Thank You. Amen

Sometimes, a lot of parents who don't pay attention as you do, often just think the child is being irratble when in fact, it could be spiritual harrassment. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Also, pray for God to cleanse your property with the blood of Jesus and to put a hedge of protection around your child. I'll pray for you tonight, a warfaring prayer.

Those notes are perfect...exactly what needs to be done. Something similar happened to me when I was about 9 years old. My brothers regularly went to Mexico on mission trips and one year brought me back a small mexican doll which I instantly got attached to. I put it right next to my bed and immediately started having extremely violent nightmares that I would vividly remember and one night I woke up screaming. My mom came into my room and she later told me that The Holy Spirit immediately focused her spirit on that doll. She didn't burn it but threw it away immediately, anointed me and commanded the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus...after that night, I never had those dreams again as a child. That info is very good because parents need to be receptive and aware especially if a child cannot express verbally what is wrong. I've had so many experiences with demonic spirits in my life and it just never ever fails, there is NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING like the mighty name of Jesus.
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We believe in the communion of saints or that, basically, those who have gone on in a good way pray for us in this life on this journey and we, in turn, will do the same. I rather doubt your child saw your uncle but maybe a demonic presence. I have seen those who have passed on...many times...but I was not afraid of them.

Regarding your uncle's "salvation," only G-d knows that, truly. We know not to reject G-d but no one knows what was in his heart except him and G-d. In other words, you don't know if he went to hell or not. What I suspect was that the devil is attacking. I'd say to pray and have a pastor pray over your family and the home. I don't blame you for bringing up this subject. People do not generally like to talk about it but it's real.
Thank you ladies - especially Shimmie, I will use this prayer and pray over my child and my home.


Each night, I'd lay on the floor beside my son and my daughter's bed while they were sleeping, and I'd pray over them, the word of God. I'd anoint them with oil and just lay there and pray.

I'd go to my son's room and then to my daughter's room and I'd just lay beside their beds and pray. I'd pray 'in the Spirit' and however the Holy Spirit led me.

I learned that I was dedicating them unto the Lord for Him to keep them and preserve them and to keep them as His own. God took over their lives in the most wonderful of ways.
I realized this past summer just how important it is to pray over our children. The devil doesn't care how young you are. He will attack. Last summer I had a dream that my little girl was sitting in our front yard playing with two "blonde" snakes. A few nights later I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered the dream. It was then that God revealed to me who the two snakes were. He was warning me to pray for my child. My family was going through a lot of changes at the time and the devil saw an opportunity to try to manipulate my daughter. The time that I spent focusing on the enemy I should have spent praying over my daughter. Thank you for starting this thread. It is a reminder to me that I have to pray over my children all the time.