Can you hear from spirits?

This thread has been very enlightening. It is not unusual for certain Christians (including myself) to fall into this belief that we can hear from loved ones. All the more reason why should be studious of the Word. A couple of the Scriptures mentioned (the ones in Deut. and 2 Cor.) are some I had never read before. A few verses with such a big message and warning behind them.

After my brother's passing and getting that 'nudge' that he passed, my mother asked if I could hear from him. I felt bad that I couldn't, but reading all of this, I shouldn't have felt bad. You ladies have blessed me as well. Thank you all.

Thank you Laela ... :love2:
Thank you to all who posted Bible verses and gave feedback on this. I've had questions for a while and just didn't know how to ask the question. Off to read the some of the verses posted and will be back with some questions that I've had.
Couldnt have said it any better. This is truth!! Shimmie

Dear @BronxJazzy...

Because you mentioned the word 'suicide', I am being very careful to let you know that this is coming to you very gently. There is absolutely no harshness nor is there any ounce of criticism towards you.

I will not sugar coat the answer to your question. The answer is "NO" we cannot hear the voices of our 'passed' loved ones. The voices and/or visions of a passed loved one that one 'hears or sees' is that of a 'Familiar Spirit'.

These are demonic spirits who are 'familiar' with your life and the lives of loved ones passed. It does not matter how many times, these voices or visions refer to God, that is how they get 'you' to listen to them and to 'believe' them.

Note: When a 'stranger' wants to 'kidnap' a child, he will easily win their trust, by saying, 'Your Mommie sent me to take you home", or "Your Mommie says it's okay to come with me..."

satan uses these very same tactics...he originated them, for he is a 'Master Deceiver', knowing that when people hear 'God sent me' or God says', that they will listen and believe the deception.

The voices you hear are not from God. The Bible calls them 'familiar spirits'.

Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice and the voice of the 'stranger' they shall not follow.'

We do not communicate with the dead; their voices and visions are 'silenced' from the earth realm. We may have loving memories of them, however there is no further communication with them, as it is not coming from God.

There are mediums, witches, spirtual readers, who take full advantage of those grieving for passed loved ones. Anyone who has a loved one who has passed away, will go to almost any degree, to maintain contact with their loved one; they will fall prey to anything that eases the pain of being without them or anything to keep them in denial that the person has truly passed on.

A familiar spirit has been sending messages to your aunt knowing what she will respond to; a spirit that is familiar with each of you is able to deceive you with messages which relating to the life that once lived among you here on earth and still alive in your hearts.

You're going to have to deny this spirit further communications with you and your aunt. Go to your Pastor for prayer, stay in the Word of God and arm yourself with what the Bible teaches about familiar spirits and communication with the 'dead'. Do your research; there's no other way for you to 'believe' and learn and to know this for yourself.

No matter how much information I could post by way of links and Bible verses, YOU MUST STUDY this on your own, and in a serious Bible Study with your Church for you to 'get it' and to allow it to be exposed in your heart and to protect you from further deceptions.

Father in the name of Jesus... I thank you for protecting and setting Bronx Jazzy from all manner of deception and most of all, for healing her and her Aunt Verena's broken heart over the passing of their loved one... Uncle Lee.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.

Sorry I'm late posting!To answer your question yes it is possible to hear from spirits but it is not something God endorses. I was going to mention the same example from the word about the witch of Endor and Saul that nicolakirwan mentioned:yep:. I was also going to remind you of the prayer line OP but Shimmie has done that too. This is a time to allow fellow believers to love on you until your time of mourning has passed and you are stronger. My heart breaks for you and your family in the loss of your uncle. Death can seem so final. I have prayed for you, will continue to do so too that you will find God's truth as it applies to this topic. You have likely helped so many by asking your questions whether you know it or not. I thanked those posts I'm in agreement with. We should spend a modest amount of time reflecting on our pasts so as not to repeat the same mistakes and to remain grateful for the changes God has made in us but the majority of our time should be spent looking forward. All of us are sometimes guilty of letting our priests, pastors, teachers, whoever read from the word to us. We have to study ourselves. We are responsible for our spiritual growth and development first and foremost.
Here is a very potent future promise from scripture. One day our hearts will not hurt as we remember those gone before us.
Rev 21:3-4 says
3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place[a] of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.[c] 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
This thread is timely because I've had some questions lately and the scriptures posted in this thread have been a tremendous help to me. I still have some questions though. My grandfather passed away almost two years ago. My grandmother says that she has had dreams of him coming through the door and he looks happy. My mother-in-law has dreamed of my husband's father (they were divorced) and she told me that he told her that he is ok and happy. Are these dreams the devil taking advantage of their sadness?
I really dont think its demonic. I wanted to kill myself for the longest time and it was actually the voice that talked me out of it the last time i wanted to. The voice is exactly the same as my deceased uncle. Then the stuff with writing to my aunt on his birthday. I felt she needed rosaries and come to find out he died holding onto one. She also told me she sees him in her house sometimes. Its a very gentle and loving feeling I feel when I talk with him. He's the one that pushes me to get out and get past my fears. Never lied to me only told me the truth in love. I do think that you can choose to help a family member when you are gone. YOu dont just have to stay in heaven chit chatting it up with the other angels.

I have no idea why some believe there cant be good spirits. If you believe in god and the devil than you know there are two types of spirits. Or there would be no such thing as the holy spirit.

Are you catholic? You mentioned rosaries. If you are, your first step is to consult the catechism. It's online if you don't have a book.
So it is that the union of the wayfarers with the brethren who sleep in the peace of Christ is in no way interrupted, but on the contrary, according to the constant faith of the Church, this union is reinforced by an exchange of spiritual goods. Being more closely united to Christ, those who dwell in heaven (saints) fix the whole Church more firmly in holiness....They do not cease to intercede with the Father for us, as they proffer the merits which they acquired on earth through the one mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus....So by their fraternal concern is our weakness greatly helped. (CCC, #955-956)
BronxJazzy I'm so sorry for your loss. It has obviously left an open wound and I pray God heals you. That wound however, could be a door for the enemy to creep in and deceive you.

I believe you already sense something not being right with what you are experiencing or you would probably not be seeking answers in this forum. You have already gotten very good responses and I know they will help you in days to come. Prudent1 reminded me of my life with her words and I keep retyping this post because there's something I seem to want to tell you but it's just not coming out right or it may not be the right time. Just know that you are being prayed for.

I'll join with the other ladies and encourage you to pray and ask God for truth and get into the word for yourself and know that you can ask help here anytime.

Shimmie I must admit when I read your first post I was thanking God for you. I thank God for the scriptures that gives clarity on this issue.
This thread is timely because I've had some questions lately and the scriptures posted in this thread have been a tremendous help to me. I still have some questions though. My grandfather passed away almost two years ago. My grandmother says that she has had dreams of him coming through the door and he looks happy. My mother-in-law has dreamed of my husband's father (they were divorced) and she told me that he told her that he is ok and happy. Are these dreams the devil taking advantage of their sadness?

May be or may be not. Sometimes we dream about things we think about a lot and that's just as a result of our thoughts and nothing else. However, I have read somewhere, that the devil can try and mimic God by using dreams to talk to and influence people.
May be or may be not. Sometimes we dream about things we think about a lot and that's just as a result of our thoughts and nothing else. However, I have read somewhere, that

the devil can try and mimic God by using dreams to talk to and influence people.

This is true. :yep: Two examples are the orignators of the Jehovah's Witness and the Morman religions. Both 'heard' from God, however the deception is that what they heard is not in line with scripture. They deny the Diety of Jesus Christ.
This thread has been very enlightening. It is not unusual for certain Christians (including myself) to fall into this belief that we can hear from loved ones.

All the more reason why should be studious of the Word.

A couple of the Scriptures mentioned (the ones in Deut. and 2 Cor.) are some I had never read before. A few verses with such a big message and warning behind them.

After my brother's passing and getting that 'nudge' that he passed, my mother asked if I could hear from him. I felt bad that I couldn't, but reading all of this, I shouldn't have felt bad. You ladies have blessed me as well. Thank you all.

At the bolded... thank you :yep: We MUST study, we MUST educate ourselves, we MUST study God's Word so that we can fully understand. Of course we learn from each other and we're supposed to, we are to fellowship with one another and not forsake the gathering of ourselves with each other. We still have to read and learn and especially pray, for understanding.

We must Study to show ourselves approved... (God's Word).
Last edited:

I must admit when I read your first post I was thanking God for you.

Well did you change your mind...? :lol: :lol: :lol:

:bighug: Thanks Love. I was reading the words in your post, 'first and 'was'.

Thanks for coming in to share. The message you posted to BronxJazzy is so loving and filled with sincere compassion. I have to admit I was fearful of pressing this topic further because it is such a fragile situation.

Each of you came in with right message and most definitely in love.

I praise God for each of you.
I don't remember audibly hearing any spirits but I have sensed spirits and I have seen some. I feel led to share this: I was babysitting my nephew at his stepfather's house. I have never been comfortable at that house because I always felt something dark there. Well, my nephew was probably about 12-14 months old and we were sitting in the front room. As I walked to the kitchen I saw a dark shadow at the top of the stairs. I tried to ignore it and went back to the front room and sat with my nephew. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the dark shadow at the base of the stairs. I gasped "Jesus" and grabbed my nephew. At that moment, the scent of my grandmother's perfume filled the room. At that time, she had been dead for at least 15 years. She was a powerful prayer warrior and an annointed woman. Her perfume was a unique mixture of perfume oils and nobody else smelled the way she did. I do not believe that she was in the room with me-she is in Heaven. However, the Spirit and my angels did not want me to fear (in the bible God's messengers are always saying "fear not"). They knew that the smell would let me know that I was not alone and that me and my nephew were being fiercely protected. The smell lingered and the shadow went back to the top of the stairs and disappeared. The smell lingered until my heart stopped racing and I finally calmed down. Again, I do not believe that it was my grandmother's spirit as she is in Heaven. The perfume of my grandmother was a nonthreatening way to show me, "We are here. We are always here with you. Don't ever be afraid. Even though you can't always see us/feel us/hear us; we are here." I believe that these were my guardian angels and my nephew's guardian angels of "revealing" their presence. Could the devil or a demon mimic my grandmother's scent? I believe that they could. Could they mimic the peace that passes all understanding, that "cast your cares on me/behold I've already overcome the world/nothing shall by any means harm you"? NO WAY. :nono:

For those who are on the prayer line, the nephew I am referring to in the above paragraph is the same one we prayed over a few weeks ago. God clearly has a purpose for his life!
I feel I should add that even with God's protection, you shouldn't intentionally put yourself in harm's way. As soon as my sister returned I told her I would never again watch my nephew in that house. I later learned that darkness was attached to somebody living at that house-that person would vehemently deny that anything was wrong, that we were crazy for seeing things, that it was probably the spirit of one of his relatives (like a grandfather)-maybe that is how it appeared to them, but that is certainly NOT who it was.
Thank you to all who posted Bible verses and gave feedback on this. I've had questions for a while and just didn't know how to ask the question. Off to read the some of the verses posted and will be back with some questions that I've had.

Couldnt have said it any better. This is truth!! Shimmie

I'm with you....I couldn't have said it any better. All of you ladies who responded did so with love and support for our sister.

Praise the name of the Lord!

Sorry I'm late posting!To answer your question yes it is possible to hear from spirits but it is not something God endorses. I was going to mention the same example from the word about the witch of Endor and Saul that nicolakirwan mentioned:yep:. I was also going to remind you of the prayer line OP but Shimmie has done that too. This is a time to allow fellow believers to love on you until your time of mourning has passed and you are stronger. My heart breaks for you and your family in the loss of your uncle. Death can seem so final. I have prayed for you, will continue to do so too that you will find God's truth as it applies to this topic. You have likely helped so many by asking your questions whether you know it or not. I thanked those posts I'm in agreement with. We should spend a modest amount of time reflecting on our pasts so as not to repeat the same mistakes and to remain grateful for the changes God has made in us but the majority of our time should be spent looking forward. All of us are sometimes guilty of letting our priests, pastors, teachers, whoever read from the word to us. We have to study ourselves. We are responsible for our spiritual growth and development first and foremost.
Here is a very potent future promise from scripture. One day our hearts will not hurt as we remember those gone before us.
Rev 21:3-4 says
3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place[a] of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.[c] 4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

The only spirit we need to listen to is the Holy Spirit. It will always line up with God's word

BronxJazzy I'm so sorry for your loss. It has obviously left an open wound and I pray God heals you. That wound however, could be a door for the enemy to creep in and deceive you.

I believe you already sense something not being right with what you are experiencing or you would probably not be seeking answers in this forum. You have already gotten very good responses and I know they will help you in days to come. Prudent1 reminded me of my life with her words and I keep retyping this post because there's something I seem to want to tell you but it's just not coming out right or it may not be the right time. Just know that you are being prayed for.

I'll join with the other ladies and encourage you to pray and ask God for truth and get into the word for yourself and know that you can ask help here anytime.

Shimmie I must admit when I read your first post I was thanking God for you. I thank God for the scriptures that gives clarity on this issue.

If I missed anyone to 'quote' and to say 'Thanks' to , please forgive me, it's not intentional. I've been multi-tasking and trying to keep up. :yep:

Therefore, again and again, I thank all of you for coming in to share your love for our sister BronxJazzy.

The devil is NOT going to prevail in this. Not on God's watch ........nor 'ours'...

Jesus is Lord over each of our hearts, minds, our bodies and souls.... Praise God forever! Amen.

Father God, "... that which 'I' do not see, teach thou me, where I have sinned, [errored, been deceived], I will sin no more. " (34:32)

In Jesus' Name, I pray ... Amen.

The scripture above from Job 34:32 is just ....... Awesome! I love it.
^^^I only post once in awhile (today is a record now) in this forum as I mentioned previously (have several reason) but I will post when I think that something is important enough for me to participate in. It could be that there was something evil in the home and that at the moment you sensed your grandmother and her perfume, there were there protecting you. I'm not sure, but why the "dark shadow?" I know that the devil can use light as well.

As far as I know, we have one guardian angel appointed to us when we are born...will have to check to make sure. I believe G-d allows us to sense the intercession of our relatives and others who are in G-d's grace. As far as dark shadows and instilling fear and senses of dread, it's probably not from G-d. I've experienced quite a few apparitions as well as demonic oppression. I wasn't afraid when it was from G-d. That's why I'm thinking the dark shadow might have been evil but that G-d allowed you to experience the intercession of your grandmother as she was praying for you.
I don't remember audibly hearing any spirits but I have sensed spirits and I have seen some.

I feel led to share this: I was babysitting my nephew at his stepfather's house. I have never been comfortable at that house because I always felt something dark there.

Well, my nephew was probably about 12-14 months old and we were sitting in the front room. As I walked to the kitchen I saw a dark shadow at the top of the stairs. I tried to ignore it and went back to the front room and sat with my nephew.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the dark shadow at the base of the stairs. I gasped "Jesus" and grabbed my nephew. At that moment, the scent of my grandmother's perfume filled the room. At that time, she had been dead for at least 15 years.

She was a powerful prayer warrior and an annointed woman. Her perfume was a unique mixture of perfume oils and nobody else smelled the way she did. I do not believe that she was in the room with me-she is in Heaven. However, the Spirit and my angels did not want me to fear (in the bible God's messengers are always saying "fear not").

They knew that the smell would let me know that I was not alone and that me and my nephew were being fiercely protected. The smell lingered and the shadow went back to the top of the stairs and disappeared. The smell lingered until my heart stopped racing and I finally calmed down.

Again, I do not believe that it was my grandmother's spirit as she is in Heaven. The perfume of my grandmother was a nonthreatening way to show me, "We are here. We are always here with you. Don't ever be afraid. Even though you can't always see us/feel us/hear us; we are here." I believe that these were my guardian angels and my nephew's guardian angels of "revealing" their presence.

Could the devil or a demon mimic my grandmother's scent? I believe that they could. Could they mimic the peace that passes all understanding, that "cast your cares on me/behold I've already overcome the world/nothing shall by any means harm you"? NO WAY. :nono:

For those who are on the prayer line, the nephew I am referring to in the above paragraph is the same one we prayed over a few weeks ago. God clearly has a purpose for his life!

Thanks Sashaa for coming in. I have no doubt that with your Grandmom's passing that the spirits of darkness were 'trying' you, as the power of her presence was no longer there 'physically' to disband them. However, you knew to call on the name of Jesus of whom demons tremble in terror and know to back off, least they die before their time, which is their biggest fear.

Also, demons are known to disperse scents, especially in darkness.

I can't help but feel 'mad' for how dare they try and mess with you, Sashaa? I was sitting here reading like this :bat: and ready to do this :hardslap: , letting them know don't mess with Sashaa and Baby "J" whose no longer a baby... (smiles and wink). :yep:
^^^I only post once in awhile (today is a record now) in this forum as I mentioned previously (have several reason) but I will post when I think that something is important enough for me to participate in. It could be that there was something evil in the home and that at the moment you sensed your grandmother and her perfume, there were there protecting you. I'm not sure, but why the "dark shadow?" I know that the devil can use light as well.

As far as I know, we have one guardian angel appointed to us when we are born...will have to check to make sure. I believe G-d allows us to sense the intercession of our relatives and others who are in G-d's grace. As far as dark shadows and instilling fear and senses of dread, it's probably not from G-d. I've experienced quite a few apparitions as well as demonic oppression. I wasn't afraid when it was from G-d. That's why I'm thinking the dark shadow might have been evil but that G-d allowed you to experience the intercession of your grandmother as she was praying for you.

I noticed that I never thanked you for sharing you love in this thread for BronxJazzy.

However, auparavant, thank you so much. :grouphug2:
Amen .....

Thanks Sashaa for coming in. I have no doubt that with your Grandmom's passing that the spirits of darkness were 'trying' you, as the power of her presence was no longer there 'physically' to disband them. However, you knew to call on the name of Jesus of whom demons tremble in terror and know to back off, least they die before their time, which is their biggest fear.

Also, demons are known to disperse scents, especially in darkness.

I can't help but feel 'mad' for how dare they try and mess with you, Sashaa? I was sitting here reading like this :bat: and ready to do this :hardslap: , letting them know don't mess with Sashaa and Baby "J" whose no longer a baby... (smiles and wink). :yep:
^^^I only post once in awhile (today is a record now) in this forum as I mentioned previously (have several reason) but I will post when I think that something is important enough for me to participate in. It could be that there was something evil in the home and that at the moment you sensed your grandmother and her perfume, there were there protecting you. I'm not sure, but why the "dark shadow?" I know that the devil can use light as well.

As far as I know, we have one guardian angel appointed to us when we are born...will have to check to make sure. I believe G-d allows us to sense the intercession of our relatives and others who are in G-d's grace. As far as dark shadows and instilling fear and senses of dread, it's probably not from G-d. I've experienced quite a few apparitions as well as demonic oppression. I wasn't afraid when it was from G-d. That's why I'm thinking the dark shadow might have been evil but that G-d allowed you to experience the intercession of your grandmother as she was praying for you.

Yes I am catholic. Actually I'm more spiritual than anything else. I believe that we are all put here to spread love and follow gods lead. I also believe Jesus was our example of how to live. Beyond that I think that our walk with god is the most important thing and we should talk with and trust god as a loyal friend companion leader etc...

I do believe I have a guardian angel that guides me in times of need and helps god direct my steps. The thing is with this voice it was not a feeling of dread at all but comfort and compassion. I was in a really dark place and with the help of this voice I've done a complete 180. It helped me to find love and acceptance of myself. It helped show me how much I'm loved and how special I am to god. It told me things like there are prayer warriors around you. Lift your head and let the lord guide you because you are special in his eyes. He would never let a hair on your head be harmed.

I dont know if it was My uncle or what but it seemed to be of god. It constantly talked of god and told me god was with me when I would go out. It would push me to do things that I would normally be in total parilyzing fear to do and I would feel no fear.

I understand what you all are saying but it really hadnt been my experience. I do also think that I had a demonic spirit with me as well that would tell me its never going to get better and I should just end it. Take the pills take the pills. You're a nobody and will always be one.

My mothers best friend is a reverend and she told my mother before I told her about what was going on with me that she believed it was a spiritual battle and that she would continue to keep me in her prayers.

I think theres alot we dont know about the spiritual world but I am thoroughly protected by this spirit/angel whatever.
I don't remember audibly hearing any spirits but I have sensed spirits and I have seen some. I feel led to share this: I was babysitting my nephew at his stepfather's house. I have never been comfortable at that house because I always felt something dark there. Well, my nephew was probably about 12-14 months old and we were sitting in the front room. As I walked to the kitchen I saw a dark shadow at the top of the stairs. I tried to ignore it and went back to the front room and sat with my nephew. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the dark shadow at the base of the stairs. I gasped "Jesus" and grabbed my nephew. At that moment, the scent of my grandmother's perfume filled the room. At that time, she had been dead for at least 15 years. She was a powerful prayer warrior and an annointed woman. Her perfume was a unique mixture of perfume oils and nobody else smelled the way she did. I do not believe that she was in the room with me-she is in Heaven. However, the Spirit and my angels did not want me to fear (in the bible God's messengers are always saying "fear not"). They knew that the smell would let me know that I was not alone and that me and my nephew were being fiercely protected. The smell lingered and the shadow went back to the top of the stairs and disappeared. The smell lingered until my heart stopped racing and I finally calmed down. Again, I do not believe that it was my grandmother's spirit as she is in Heaven. The perfume of my grandmother was a nonthreatening way to show me, "We are here. We are always here with you. Don't ever be afraid. Even though you can't always see us/feel us/hear us; we are here." I believe that these were my guardian angels and my nephew's guardian angels of "revealing" their presence. Could the devil or a demon mimic my grandmother's scent? I believe that they could. Could they mimic the peace that passes all understanding, that "cast your cares on me/behold I've already overcome the world/nothing shall by any means harm you"? NO WAY. :nono:

To the bolded the enemy will try to mimic anything to deceive. I read a story about a lady who lost someone and she is a Christian. Well she kept seeing this person she lost in the room with her and at first she was happy and felt peace but she soon discerned that this was not of God. Well the next time it happened she asked God to reveal exactly what it was and God opened her eyes to a ugly demon that was there to deceive. It came looking just like her loved one but God revealed it and it was something ugly and demonic. I read about this years ago and just remembered it.
To the bolded the enemy will try to mimic anything to deceive. I read a story about a lady who lost someone and she is a Christian. Well she kept seeing this person she lost in the room with her and at first she was happy and felt peace but she soon discerned that this was not of God. Well the next time it happened she asked God to reveal exactly what it was and God opened her eyes to a ugly demon that was there to deceive. It came looking just like her loved one but God revealed it and it was something ugly and demonic. I read about this years ago and just remembered it.

That is terrifying! I certainly believe the enemy can mimic a counterfeit peace and comfort but there's nothing quite like the real thing. But I like that the Christian in your story tested the spirit and asked God to reveal to her what it was. Also, this sounds like a mature Christian who could "discern" that something wasn't right.

Thank you for sharing this-even if a baby Christian cannot discern that something is wrong, they should immediately ask God to open their eyes to reveal the truth to them and as in the story you shared, God will make it very clear what is going on. Even if you think it is a "friendly" presence, you should ask God for clarity-He will never lie.
Thanks Sashaa for coming in. I have no doubt that with your Grandmom's passing that the spirits of darkness were 'trying' you, as the power of her presence was no longer there 'physically' to disband them. However, you knew to call on the name of Jesus of whom demons tremble in terror and know to back off, least they die before their time, which is their biggest fear.

Also, demons are known to disperse scents, especially in darkness.

I can't help but feel 'mad' for how dare they try and mess with you, Sashaa? I was sitting here reading like this :bat: and ready to do this :hardslap: , letting them know don't mess with Sashaa and Baby "J" whose no longer a baby... (smiles and wink). :yep:

Exactly! My grandmother was a force to be reckoned with-but I knew it wasn't "her." The shadow scared me, not the scent, but I certainly knew it wasn't my grandmother. Some people I tell the story to would respond "aah, your grandmother is watching over you. How sweet." And they are offended when I say "no she is not." But she doesn't need to-God is doing a very fine job of watching over me by Himself, thank you very much!! He doesn't need her help.

My sister and I taught "Baby J" how to say Jesus very early on. He once told us of dreams he had where pigs with red eyes were all around him. We told him to not call Mommy or Daddy but to say Jesus. Messing with little babies-I outta :bat:

One time when he was about 3 he was upstairs napping and my sister heard him call out Jesus! She ran upstairs and he said, "Mommy! I said Jesus and they left!" :yep: He never had dreams about pigs with red eyes again.
^^^I only post once in awhile (today is a record now) in this forum as I mentioned previously (have several reason) but I will post when I think that something is important enough for me to participate in. It could be that there was something evil in the home and that at the moment you sensed your grandmother and her perfume, there were there protecting you. I'm not sure, but why the "dark shadow?" I know that the devil can use light as well.

As far as I know, we have one guardian angel appointed to us when we are born...will have to check to make sure. I believe G-d allows us to sense the intercession of our relatives and others who are in G-d's grace. As far as dark shadows and instilling fear and senses of dread, it's probably not from G-d. I've experienced quite a few apparitions as well as demonic oppression. I wasn't afraid when it was from G-d. That's why I'm thinking the dark shadow might have been evil but that G-d allowed you to experience the intercession of your grandmother as she was praying for you.

The dark shadow was definitely demonic-I do not doubt that. Yes, demons can manifest in more pleasant ways as to be nonthreatening but this one wanted me to be afraid. When you have a demon in a home where somebody has been "entertaining" it (I don't know a better word for it), then it can get really bold. Besides, at the time I was young and my nephew was a baby. I think that demon felt that there were two naive and defenseless people in the house and it was going to terrorize us.

The perfume could definitely have been a sign of protection-but it would be from God and not from her. Also, my grandmother was not praying for me at that time because she had gone on to glory already.

It was probably confusing the way I explained it. I just get concerned when people hear from relatives who have passed away because I have known people who were deceived by it and have given access to spirits that they would not knowingly give access to.
Yes I am catholic. Actually I'm more spiritual than anything else. I believe that we are all put here to spread love and follow gods lead. I also believe Jesus was our example of how to live. Beyond that I think that our walk with god is the most important thing and we should talk with and trust god as a loyal friend companion leader etc...

I do believe I have a guardian angel that guides me in times of need and helps god direct my steps. The thing is with this voice it was not a feeling of dread at all but comfort and compassion. I was in a really dark place and with the help of this voice I've done a complete 180. It helped me to find love and acceptance of myself. It helped show me how much I'm loved and how special I am to god. It told me things like there are prayer warriors around you. Lift your head and let the lord guide you because you are special in his eyes. He would never let a hair on your head be harmed.

I dont know if it was My uncle or what but it seemed to be of god. It constantly talked of god and told me god was with me when I would go out. It would push me to do things that I would normally be in total parilyzing fear to do and I would feel no fear.

I understand what you all are saying but it really hadnt been my experience. I do also think that I had a demonic spirit with me as well that would tell me its never going to get better and I should just end it. Take the pills take the pills. You're a nobody and will always be one.

My mothers best friend is a reverend and she told my mother before I told her about what was going on with me that she believed it was a spiritual battle and that she would continue to keep me in her prayers.

I think theres alot we dont know about the spiritual world but I am thoroughly protected by this spirit/angel whatever.

I think the sisters here are not saying that it is definitely evil or manipulative. It is just that whether you think that the spirit is friendly or not, you should test it. Ask God to reveal the truth to you-that way, there will be no confusion or doubt.
A close friend of mine is having issues with a ghost in her house. She said that her son keeps talking about seeing someone in the house, specifically in her room. He is only 3 years old and he gets very shy when she starts to question him. She's young and wasn't raised in the church so she didn't know what to make of this. She said that when she asked her son who this ghost is he said "he said he's the Holy Spirit" I got goosebumps!! She hears foot steps at night, her door opens and closes by itself, and her son keeps telling her that the thing is in her bedroom looking at him.

I gave her some prayers to say over the house. She's been having bad luck with jobs, her car was stolen, she's been struggling lately. It looks like this demonic thing talking to her son has latched on to them. I have been praying for her and her baby.
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I didn't read it all, just a few posts. Here is my two cents

You can hear and talk to spirits, some come from God, some are evil spirits.
You can hear from a deceased person. If and only if this deceased person is in God (a saint in heaven), they come from God. If they are not a saint, it's an evil spirit.

You need to test this spirit according to 1 John 4. Ask them if they can acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.

2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.

ETA: Don't test this spirit just once. The devil is the king of deceit and the father of all lies. Test this spirit every single time.

Many blessings to you, to your aunt and to your loved ones.
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ITA, the holy spirit does not need to be hanging around in her house as christians the HS dwelling place is in 'us' the person, and her 'luck' (I use that word loosely as I do not believe in luck) would change, the HS is not a person who is spooky and is some dark apparition, maybe she needs to have someone from a reptuable church come and pray for the house and her son...

A close friend of mine is having issues with a ghost in her house. She said that her son keeps talking about seeing someone in the house, specifically in her room. He is only 3 years old and he gets very shy when she starts to question him. She's young and wasn't raised in the church so she didn't know what to make of this. She said that when she asked her son who this ghost is he said "he said he's the Holy Spirit" I got goosebumps!! She hears foot steps at night, her door opens and closes by itself, and her son keeps telling her that the thing is in her bedroom looking at him.

I gave her some prayers to say over the house. She's been having bad luck with jobs, her car was stolen, she's been struggling lately. It looks like this demonic thing talking to her son has latched on to them. I have been praying for her and her baby.