My 95 years young grandmother passed away


Well-Known Member
Ok I have to post this here because my family is so emotionless about this it's driving my crazy.

I am not sad, I am rejoicing that she had a long productive life. She even got her driver's license renewed this past May.

Even though she was 95 she never lived life as an "old lady"
She didn't really die of anything, it was as if her body just begin to shut down, like the way a car does when you are driving and the battery starts to die.

She taught me so much, how to knit, crochet, laugh through the sad times. I have never met anyone who's spirit was always happy. I never saw her sick, she survived Breast cancer, thyroid cancer and two strokes
and every time the doctors would say she recovered faster than anyone her age ever has. That's why I knew when I spoke to her on the phone last week, I knew she was ready to go. she was not depressed she just sounded like if anything else happened she wouldn't fight it.

When she had to go back to the hospital, I knew she wasn't walking out this time.
I thank God that she loved God, And I am Glad the last words we shared were "I love you"
But God I miss her, and I pray my children and I have that spirit of recovery and fight upon our lives. If I am blessed to live to 95 or longer
I want it to be like her like, laughing, loving, driving, with my mind and body intact.
Thank you for sharing! I have a great Aunt who is 93 who is alone
a pillar in her church.
Praise God for your grandmother. What a beautiful love story~
This really touched me. Reminds me of my grandmother who is 79 and refuse to have anyone treat her like an invalid.
I am sorry to hear that you are sad. It really great that you will have fond memories of the things she has taught you. I understand what you are going through. My mother passed in June 2008. She was sick for a number of years but, it was still a shock.I try to remember everything she taught me.
I'll be praying for your strength in The Lord.

What an awsome gift your Grandmother's life was, and is, to you and anyone else who hear's of how she lived.

Peace to you.

sorry about the passing of your grandmother, your post in her remembrance is very touching... living to be that age and older is such a blessing..... the way you wrote about her would be great written down in a journal or dairy for you children and grandkids.........God bless you and your Onyx:Rose:
Ok I have to post this here because my family is so emotionless about this it's driving my crazy.

I am not sad, I am rejoicing that she had a long productive life. She even got her driver's license renewed this past May.

Even though she was 95 she never lived life as an "old lady"
She didn't really die of anything, it was as if her body just begin to shut down, like the way a car does when you are driving and the battery starts to die.

She taught me so much, how to knit, crochet, laugh through the sad times. I have never met anyone who's spirit was always happy. I never saw her sick, she survived Breast cancer, thyroid cancer and two strokes
and every time the doctors would say she recovered faster than anyone her age ever has. That's why I knew when I spoke to her on the phone last week, I knew she was ready to go. she was not depressed she just sounded like if anything else happened she wouldn't fight it.

When she had to go back to the hospital, I knew she wasn't walking out this time.
I thank God that she loved God, And I am Glad the last words we shared were "I love you"
But God I miss her, and I pray my children and I have that spirit of recovery and fight upon our lives. If I am blessed to live to 95 or longer
I want it to be like her like, laughing, loving, driving, with my mind and body intact.

Thanks so much for sharing!! Sorry to hear about lost but so happy of your strength in the Lord since you know where she is going. I hope and pray I live to see those days and able to live a good life and not as you said as an "old lady" but just enoying life.
Ok I have to post this here because my family is so emotionless about this it's driving my crazy.

I am not sad, I am rejoicing that she had a long productive life. She even got her driver's license renewed this past May.

Even though she was 95 she never lived life as an "old lady"
She didn't really die of anything, it was as if her body just begin to shut down, like the way a car does when you are driving and the battery starts to die.

She taught me so much, how to knit, crochet, laugh through the sad times. I have never met anyone who's spirit was always happy. I never saw her sick, she survived Breast cancer, thyroid cancer and two strokes
and every time the doctors would say she recovered faster than anyone her age ever has. That's why I knew when I spoke to her on the phone last week, I knew she was ready to go. she was not depressed she just sounded like if anything else happened she wouldn't fight it.

When she had to go back to the hospital, I knew she wasn't walking out this time.
I thank God that she loved God, And I am Glad the last words we shared were "I love you"
But God I miss her, and I pray my children and I have that spirit of recovery and fight upon our lives. If I am blessed to live to 95 or longer
I want it to be like her like, laughing, loving, driving, with my mind and body intact.

Your grandmother sounds like an amazing woman and I can feel how much you love her. I will add you and your family to my prayer list. Stay strong!!!
