My great-grandmother went home today...


Well-Known Member
Please pray for my family as we mourn the loss of our precious Johnie B. Smith. She was 95 years young and I am grateful I had the chance to spend time with her before she passed. I know she is at peace and has gone home to get her reward. Q
May God keep you and your family. My husbands grandmother is 94 and I tell him all the time how blessed he is to stil have his grandmother in his life. Wow 95, indeed your grandmother was a blessed woman.
Stay strong sweetheart.
Please pray for my family as we mourn the loss of our precious Johnie B. Smith. She was 95 years young and I am grateful I had the chance to spend time with her before she passed. I know she is at peace and has gone home to get her reward. Q

Just sent a prayer up for you Queeny. How blessed you and your family are to have had your great-grandmother for so many years. May your many warm and wonderful memories comfort you during this time.
Please pray for my family as we mourn the loss of our precious Johnie B. Smith. She was 95 years young and I am grateful I had the chance to spend time with her before she passed. I know she is at peace and has gone home to get her reward. Q


I'm not going to give you my condolences. I'm going to tell you that your family was blessed to have your great great-grandmother with you for such a long time. May she rest in peace.
What a blessing and what a life I am sure she lived..and how much better she is living right now. You and your family are in my prayers.
:kiss: Queeny, I love you. You are in my heart and prayers. I hurt for you and yet, I also rejoice for the life and love which you shared with your grandmother. She has much to be proud of in you. :yep:

She went 'home' to Heaven knowing that you would be the one to 'take over' where she left off. Your light will now shine even brighter, for you have been left with her illumination of all of her years of love and wisdom imparted into your heart and soul.

As Elijah placed his mantle upon has the mantle of your grandmother been placed upon you. What a rich heritage, in Jesus, indeed. :love2:

God bless you and your family, Queeny. :heart2:
I am so sorry for your loss. At 95, she had a full life. May she rest in peace and may you find peace with her passing.
I too am sorry for your loss. I am close to my granny. She has lived a blessed life at 95 good you were able to spend time with your grandmother.
Wow, you family was definitely blessed by her presence. You'll continue to be blessed by her love and wisdom.

May she rest in peace.