My 2 Years and 2 Months Anniversary


Well-Known Member
Its been a little over two years since the beginning of my hair journey. Instead of explaining my journey, here it is in PICs. A Lot of Pics.

March 2007

October 2007

September 2007

March 2008

July 2008

December 2008

March 2009

July 2009
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Wow!!!!! Good for you!!! Girl, you went from SL to WL in two years and two months??!! This is very inspirational!! Great job and thank you for sharing!!
brilliant progress! Do you think using the ayurvedic oils and powders has helped much with the growth/retention?
Sorry- I just checked out your blog!!! AMAZING! I will be reading through it until I am all caught up! I am travelling for work soon- perfect reading material on the plane!!!
brilliant progress! Do you think using the ayurvedic oils and powders has helped much with the growth/retention?

I think it has helped as much as everything else, but its different in that it is specially formulated to grow and maintain long hair. As a result of Ayurveda my hair is always soft and completely manageable especially when I hit the 14 weeks post mark. I really do not run into horrible matting or hours and hours of detangling anymore.
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