Three years natural! **yes I added pictures **

Yeah Maria! Congrats and keep up the good work. :yay:
I love your updates. Your wet hair looks a lot like mine (length wise). It doesn't look like you have much shrinkage. When dry and without twisting or banding, mine shrinks to my shoulders. I haven't straightened since November 09 so I can't wait to see my progress when it's straightened. I was disappointed last year and havent' done a length check since.

Oh trust me it shrinks up like a shrinky dink once its dry LOL

Here's the before...


And this is my hair dry (braid out) with shrinkage to SL
Excuse my no make up arse LOL I was tired

Oh trust me it shrinks up like a shrinky dink once its dry LOL

Here's the before...


And this is my hair dry (braid out) with shrinkage to SL
Excuse my no make up arse LOL I was tired


Cool. Do you have a tail when it shrinks? I have this one lowly hair (ok maybe it's a few hairs) that look rather like a mullet. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Your hair is beautiful! This gives me hope. Sometimes it's hard to think that my hair will ever be anything but an afro. :perplexed
BostonMaria your hair is gorgeous.

hummm.....i wonda if i'm at bra strap length...see, erry body bra strap is different. see, an ole lady like me..yall know dem jokas hang low, so u know my bra length is prolly yalls mid back length..... oh well....phuckit n cry two tears in a buckit.
BostonMaria your hair is gorgeous.

hummm.....i wonda if i'm at bra strap length...see, erry body bra strap is different. see, an ole lady like me..yall know dem jokas hang low, so u know my bra length is prolly yalls mid back length..... oh well....phuckit n cry two tears in a buckit.

Why did I read this in a Madea voice *looking at your avatar* ahahaha

I don't wear my bras low. I need all the lift I can get! I see some people crying about not being BSL.. and they're like MBL! Their bras straps are down to their ankles LMAO

MadisonK your hair is gorgeous what are you talking about?!!

wavezncurlz yes I have a mullet but its not as bad as it used to be. Someone mentioned to stop doing a blunt cut because my air keeps growing in a V.. well I think the V is the culprit in my mullets LOL I'm not going to bother cutting anymore.

BTW ladies, the ones that said 3 years is a might long time.. it IS! But you know what, time goes by pretty quickly. Someone else asked if I get any growth spurts... I don't think so. Maybe in the summer. My hair grew pretty quickly the first two years. I feel like MBL to WSL is what took forever.