MTG USERS...I'm not trying to gross you out, but...


New Member
have any of you noticed that since you've started using, you now have dandruff??? I mean...HUGE flakes, like psoriasis???? i notice when I wash and flat iron, it goes away, but 1 week after restarting my MTG regimen, there it is again!!! No matter what I do, it always comes back!! It's embarrassing b/c w/ the MTG all i wear is a bun, and my entire HAIRLINE IS FLAKING OFF!!!!!!! I can't brush it back into a bun without creating a stinkin' winter wonderland. I've done the no no thing and scrtached my scalp w/ a small comb, BUT IT NEVER ENDS!!! Any one else?? Andy solutions without having to give up the MTG???
That line about a stinkin' winter wonderland has me singing christmas carols!

No dandruff problems a matter of fact, I had terrible flakes and buildup BEFORE I started using my scalp is the best it's been in years.
Then again, I always spray a mixture of surge/avocado oil/s-curl on my scalp before the MTG, so maybe the moisture helps keep the dandruff demons away.
WomanlyCharm said:
That line about a stinkin' winter wonderland has me singing christmas carols!

No dandruff problems a matter of fact, I had terrible flakes and buildup BEFORE I started using my scalp is the best it's been in years.
Then again, I always spray a mixture of surge/avocado oil/s-curl on my scalp before the MTG, so maybe the moisture helps keep the dandruff demons away.

girl...after I put the MTG in, I put in a leave in/ essential fatty acid oil concentrate, coconut oil and Cantu shea....If I moisturize anymore my head will slip off of the darn pillow!!!!
I the MTG on first for maximun benefits.....
I'm tired of it being darn near Summer here in Ca, and Blizzarding Antarctica on my head!!
Dang!!! Mine went away too. Maybe it's the sulfur? I'm not sure. Maybe the lemon oil I put in mine is why the dandruff went away now that I think of it. :scratchch
arizona said:
Dang!!! Mine went away too. Maybe it's the sulfur? I'm not sure. Maybe the lemon oil I put in mine is why the dandruff went away now that I think of it. :scratchch
But isn't that Sulfur 8 scalp grease FOR dandruff??? AS well as the shampoo?? Well I've got PLENTY sulfur on my head, and now I have flakeys:angry2: :cry2: It doesn't itch, i mix w/ lemongrass and peppermint eo's
Before LHCF, I use to get dandruff because of dry scalp. Now since I learn how to shampoo and deep condition on a regular basis I don't have any problems with dandruff. The MTG doesn't do anything to my scalp. The only time I remember seeing dandruff was when I use JASON biotin Shampoo and use nexxus emergencee.
s_terry said:
Brown Sugar, I haven't had this issue. Does it hurt it anyway? pain, no itching, just huge nasty flakes...I mean fingernail of my buddies is a derm, and he says it's not psoriasis or seborrhea...that it's temporarily onset by the MTG (should have seen the look on his face when I showed him the bottle:lachen: )
It's just grody..he didn't have any suggestions other than d/c usage b/c it went away when I stopped using.....
NOT AN OPTION...maybe I just have to suffer...get a head band or something!
How often and how do you apply it? Do you mix it with anything to cut the smell? Applying it straight? Do you think decreasing how often you use it would help or mixing it with anything ? Just trying to help get to the bottom of it. One more question cause my sister experiences this across her hairline. Is the color of the skin once the flakes flake off a different color that the restr of your face or that area?
s_terry said:
How often and how do you apply it? Do you mix it with anything to cut the smell? Applying it straight? Do you think decreasing how often you use it would help or mixing it with anything ? Just trying to help get to the bottom of it. One more question cause my sister experiences this across her hairline. Is the color of the skin once the flakes flake off a different color that the restr of your face or that area?
Use: every other day
mix w/ 5gtts peppermint eo and 5 gtts lemongrass eo to each 1 oz
flaky skin is a funy opaque whitish water logged skin
I've tried applying q week, still does it...only clears up 7 days after d/c'ing use and washing out w/ a I know it's the MTG...but why????
Plus, it burns the back of my neck...makes the skin feel tight an dry and HOT...but my husband says he never sees anything lizard skin, no nothing../
i hadn't had any dandruff since i have been using it. as a matter of fact my dandruff is gone. your description of your flakes is too funny!:lol:
brownsugar9999 said:
Plus, it burns the back of my neck...makes the skin feel tight an dry and HOT...but my husband says he never sees anything lizard skin, no nothing../

I've had no issues with dandruff. Maybe you are allergic to something in MTG? since you have burning on the neck. You might want to consider sulfer 8 as an alternative if it gets to be too much for you.

Maybe it's the combination of ingriedients that you mix it with. Does it happen with just pure mtg? What else do you put on the scalp?
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Jaelin said:
I've had no issues with dandruff. Maybe you are allergic to something in MTG? since you have burning on the neck. You might want to consider sulfer 8 as an alternative if it gets to be too much for you.
girrrrllll....I can learn to pain no gain...I love the results i'm getting....gotta give to get...when I get to a happy spot, I can ease off for a while, but until then.....I'll just be the Kimodo Dragon!
brownsugar9999 said:
... but until then.....I'll just be the Kimodo Dragon!

Y are you soooo stooooopid??!!! I'm laughing so hard, my BF and son are talking about me from the dining room table! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Are you shaking that bottle really well during applications? Someone else complained about something similar and that is what apparently was a problem. The granules in the sulphur oil MTG. HTHbonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Are you shaking that bottle really well during applications? Someone else complained about something similar and that is what apparently was a problem. The granules in the sulphur oil MTG. HTHbonjour
shakin' like a polaroid picture...granules well mixed in...let's face it....I'm a friggin' LEPER!!!
You CANNOT have me laughing my butt off in the middle of the night at your comments!!! :naughty: someone might think I'm crazy! :nuts: (still giggling!)
arizona said:
You CANNOT have me laughing my butt off in the middle of the night at your comments!!! :naughty: someone might think I'm crazy! :nuts: (still giggling!)
too late...i already got the obligatory head shake from the hubby:grin: :lol: :ohwell: :p :p
Maybe you are allergic to the sulphur, I know it is a pain giving up a product you enjoy but it sounds to me that you are having some kind of reaction. :(
I'm sorry to hear this. I've read a thread where someone said MTG cleared there dandruff!
I've also read that it cleared dandrufff. Not to get too personal but are you on any type of meds, going through hormonal stuff, added something new to the diet... maybe the reaction stems from there?
Mahalialee4 said:
Are you shaking that bottle really well during applications? Someone else complained about something similar and that is what apparently was a problem. The granules in the sulphur oil MTG. HTHbonjour

You are suppose to shake the bottle well right? Are you guys applying MTG to the scalp? The bottle said it was suppose to help scalp irritations. Maybe you should just use it solo no mixing, I think what your mixing it with is creating the reaction.
atlien said:
You are suppose to shake the bottle well right? Are you guys applying MTG to the scalp? The bottle said it was suppose to help scalp irritations. Maybe you should just use it solo no mixing, I think what your mixing it with is creating the reaction.

Without mixing the oil, you will not get the benefits of the sulfur, as in the bottom shortly after having been shaken.

The instructions on the bottle say that the bottle is to be turned upside down and shaken thoroughly.
Before I started using MTG, I asked my girlfriend (who used this when we were in college and now own a beauty salon in ATL) what was the side effect. She told me prolong use caused scalp irritation for her.
I don't think MTG was made to be mixed with anything. I've never had a problem with it, just loads of growth. Perhaps you're allergic to MTG. Be careful with using it. It's not worth you getting hurt over it What good is having long hair with a scaly neck?:ohwell:
What about the essential oils??? Peppermint and lemongrass both have th potential to be irritants. That's 10 drop of EO diluted in how much MTG? Can you try other EO's? Try other's like Lavendar or Rosemary perhap's? Just a thought
juicy555 said:
I've also read that it cleared dandrufff. Not to get too personal but are you on any type of meds, going through hormonal stuff, added something new to the diet... maybe the reaction stems from there?

oral and inhaled steroids for asthma and respiratory failure....I know the prednisone jacks up my skin, but when I talked to the derm, he said it shouldn't do that...