I'm so embarrased to post this but i'm sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

I hope everything turns out ok and isn't what it seems to be.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Awww jainy, don't feel embarrassed. You probably helped someone and don't even know it! I'm glad you caught it before it got worse and don't worry. You'll be fine! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

It's good that you caught it on time before it got a chance to do a lot of damage to your scalp. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better after your visit to the doc tomorrow. Hope it heals quickly!
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Jainy, let me put you out of your misery- you are not alone.
I have a big ol' ringworm rash on my arm rigjht now. I didnt even know what ringworm was until two days ago when my boyfriend saw it and jumped out of bed trying to get away from me. He's been here in Southern africa for 4 years now and he says its really easy to get here because we aren't so sheltered from microbes in the environment like in developed countries. He's gotten it like five times from the little kids he taught in the villages up north.

I got some broad spectrum fungicide from a pharmacist and it should be gone w/n the next few days.

Now what i'm reaaly worreid about is if i have passed it on to my scalp since I have been playing in my new growth like crazy. I'm going to do a thorough check tonight.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Jainy /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
I'm so sorry for you. Please, don't be embarrassed. I would have never thought about this factor when going to the gym. I always take my own stuff, and I'm super cautious, but you can never tell what germs are lying in wait.

Please, keep us updated, as to your progress and don't be too hard on yourself.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Jainy /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
I'm so sorry for you. Please, don't be embarrassed. I would have never thought about this factor when going to the gym. I always take my own stuff, and I'm super cautious, but you can never tell what germs are lying in wait.

Please, keep us updated, as to your progress and don't be too hard on yourself.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Don't be 'shame.
I'm glad you caught it early. /images/graemlins/up.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Hey Jainy /images/graemlins/wave.gif I'm so glad to hear that you found out what was going on with your hair. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery!