MTG Progress Pics posted


New Member
More proof that MTG works! Compare my Sept. 05 pics with my May 05 pics. I began using MTG in late May or early June (can't remember exactly when) and grew more hair through the end of September than I grew all of last year in spite of several serious trims. I'll be using this until I get to waist length.
Hot diggity...I've been waiting for you to update your pics. I LOVE your has grown ALOT!!!!

What do you use to texturize, and for how long do you leave it on. I claim that I texturize...but really I'd like more texture then what I'm left with.
Your hair made beautiful progress. I am very impressed with MTG. I wish you had more pictures of how you manage your hair from day to day. Do you wear protective styles? What is your regimen?
mscolwhite said:
Your hair made beautiful progress. I am very impressed with MTG. I wish you had more pictures of how you manage your hair from day to day. Do you wear protective styles? What is your regimen?

bump . . .i'm impressed too!
Hey senimoni,

Thanks for the compliment! I use phyto index II to texturize every 3 months and leave it on for about thirty minutes. That sounds long but I am too lazy to do it in two sections and I have thick hair in the front. I self-texturize and it has resulted in a lot of different textures on one head but I'd rather have different textures than go back to a salon. Phyto is very gentle ....another great product I'd have never known about if I didn't come here. What do you use ?
mscolwhite said:
Your hair made beautiful progress. I am very impressed with MTG. I wish you had more pictures of how you manage your hair from day to day. Do you wear protective styles? What is your regimen?

Thank you! I love MTG. As far as my daily styles I wear my hair in a bun at least 90% of the time. Here is my regimen:
*Wash every week in the summer/ every two weeks in the winter.
I shampoo with just about anything (I have been using left over Phyto relaxer neutralizing shampoo, CON Ultra detangling, and AO honeysuckle rose with no consistency). Then I drench in emergencee (I use it after every wash) and keep it on from 10 to 30 minutes depending on how much breakage I've been getting (with no heat). Afterwards I use a mixture of AO GBP and Kenra MC or Herbal Essences conditioner which are both amazing products for detangling and slip. I rinse after about 3 minutes of letting these sit in my hair.
*Apply MTG to scalp immediately after washing and air dry. Once dry I moisturize thorougly.
*Daily moisturizer: Mixture of Glycerine/Water/Suave milk & honey conditioner/evoo or castor oil. I use 2-3 parts water for every part glycerine and random amounts of suave/oil. I remoisturize almost every day.
*Reapply MTG to scalp every 2-3 days.
*Use Aloe vera gel and phyto defrisant baume to smooth edges of bun, especially near touch up time.

I drench my hair in this moisturizer and usually just braid it and bun it.
At night I braid my hair in a silk scarf and now I have to wear a plastic bag to keep the MTG off my pillow and my husband from leaving me! I learned to stop using MTG a month before applying the relaxer so that I don't burn. I self-relax with Phyto II every 3 months.

If I leave my hair down I just let the braid out and finger comb a little. I use the same products but I never use heat.
Wow, that's some very nice progress! Another person getting fabulous results from MTG. ;)
MTG really is a great product! Your hair is so healthy and the growth rate is phenominal. Keep up the good work!
:love: your hair is beautiful! you can easily see the progress in your pics. :shocked: I kinda fell of the MTG challange a little (applying it once every week to week and a half beacause of the smell) while I was consistant I did notice a bigger difference. I'm going back to being a full fledge MTG user.
Your hair looks great! I can definitely see the growth. It looks like it is already waist length. I will continue to use MTG as well. I started on 9/22 and took down my braids on 10/29 and I got 2" of growth in that short period of time. My hair is back in cornrows and I will see if I can get another 2" in the next 6-8 weeks. Hopefully, I will have some pictures so I can share. Happy hair growing!
OMG Your hair is beautiful!!! How long have you been using emergencee weekly? I'm considering doing this, TIA!
GAWGEOUS!! Jus' absooooolutely GAWGEOUS!! keep up the good work. hey...I just used the MTG last night for the first time (mixed w/ peppermint oil......tingly) and had dreams about BBQ allllll night!
Wow, now that is some wonderful progress. I just jumped back on the bandwagon and I can't wait to get to waistlength. Thanks for sharing. :)
Looks great! I'm going to my bottle out from under my sink right now. You could probably get some money from them for an endorsment. Your growth is really amazing~
Ok girly i was gonna go straight to bed, but now I'm gonna MTG then hit the sack. Congrats on your progress. Your hair is looking beautiful. :D
den1 said:
Wow your hair is waistlength,its gorgeous How often did you use MTG FOR?

Hey Den1! I apply MTG every 2-3 days. I started using MTG in late May or June. I can't remember when but I know that even though I've stopped using it for about a month altogether (to prevent relaxer burning) I've still gotten great growth from it.
zoj2 said:
OMG Your hair is beautiful!!! How long have you been using emergencee weekly? I'm considering doing this, TIA!
Thank You! I've been using emergencee weekly for at least 6 months. Probably longer. It does not make the hair hard so I initially substituted it for AO GBP.
carmella25 said:
You hair is pretty. How long did it take you to get to the lenght your at now?

Hi carmella25. Thanks for the compliment. From natural to now it has taken about 3.5 - 4 years but I've had to cut a lot due to relaxer damage. If I'd found this board sooner it wouldn't have taken so long.