MTG New Growth?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how the new growth feels that comes from using is any drier or tougher than your hair would normally be when growing in. I ordered some for myself but wanna make sure this new growth is not gonna come in like straw :) thanks!
I use MTG and my hair is very thick and full. It didn't change the texture, but I think it lightened my jet black dye(color). Looks kindof black/brown now, but that's okay. I'm not complaining.
I personally haven't noticed a change in texture and I've been using it on and off for months.
lashay06 said:
I use MTG and my hair is very thick and full. It didn't change the texture, but I think it lightened my jet black dye(color). Looks kindof black/brown now, but that's okay. I'm not complaining.

thanks ladies! i read in another post that it made one lady's new growth hard and wiry i think she said, and i was wondering if anyone else had expierenced the same.