MTG makes hair kinkier?

No. Other than just from new growth, which I CW and spray with Stay sofy from to maintain moisture and the ability to comb.
Girl that stuff makes my hair wavy all the way down to the end! If it didn't stink :eek: so bad I'd put it all over my hair and just wear my hair wavy! I have never put anything in my hair that had this type of effect on it. If I wasn't smart, I would have thought from the wave pattern that I had like five or six inches of new growth the morning after usage :lachen: ! I don't know, maby it takes your hair back to it's natural state or somethin :confused: . I haven't noticed any remarkable difference in my hair, but I'll update everyone as soon as I do :grin: .
I just get thicker new growth.

Hey czyfaith!:wave: Let's update. How's it been working for you? So far so good here. Lots of new growth.
I think I am starting to believe that as well. My hair used to hold a perm at least 2 months-8 weeks. I permed my hair July 13th. Around the 2nd week in August I noticed my hair seemed in need of a perm-I had to check my calender to see when I permed my hair last. With the way my hair feels I could not believe I permed it July 13th :eek: :confused:
So my question is if anyone is 100% sure this stuff is making the hair "grow" or is it just altering the relaxed ends and changing your hair back to it's natural state giving the assumption that your hair has grown longer? I'm not disputing anyone who has real growth results, but I know for a fact this stuff alters the whole texture of hair! Just curious :perplexed ...
pretty-girl#1 said:
So my question is if anyone is 100% sure this stuff is making the hair "grow" or is it just altering the relaxed ends and changing your hair back to it's natural state giving the assumption that your hair has grown longer? I'm not disputing anyone who has real growth results, but I know for a fact this stuff alters the whole texture of hair! Just curious :perplexed ...

I was thinking the same thing. I've used MTG for a month and I've gotten the same amount of growth that I would've gotten w/o using MTG which is 1/2 an inch. The only difference I noticed was that my edges became thicker and my new growth is tight as ever.
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I am! I just texturized my hair, then blowdried it (first time in months) to see the length. I'm sure it's not just the MTG alone. It's my regimen as a whole, but I do believe it's played a big part in my growth from May until now.:yay:
I don't know about it making hair kinkier, I didn't experience a noticeable change in texture...then again I was in braids for the month or more that I used it. It did however give me a new hair line. Which is kind of funny since my hair is all natural and my edges were already thick and healthy. :look:
alexei said:
I don't know about it making hair kinkier, I didn't experience a noticeable change in texture...then again I was in braids for the month or more that I used it. It did however give me a new hair line. Which is kind of funny since my hair is all natural and my edges were already thick and healthy. :look:

So are you saying the MTG created a whole new hairline for u? If so, like how much of a hairline 1'', 2"??? Was that a good thing for you or bad? Girl you gotta give me more infor on this thing!
pretty-girl#1 said:
So are there no chemicals in MTG?

Products containing Alkali break the disulfide bonds in your hair. MTG consists of sulfur (and some other ingredients listed in an old thread). I don't believe it alters the hair texture one way or the other. If anything, the oil perhaps helps seal the hair cuticle. I've been using it for a few weeks now (maybe a month) and I haven't experienced kinkier or more relaxed hair around the area where it's being used (my edges).
The hair line was somewhere between .25" and .5" wide from my natural hair line to where it ended a little further down on my forehead...hope that makes sense. I was surprized b/c I didn't know hair could grow anycloser to my forehead.
Kinda hard to tell how wide the growth was since it was the same texture as my 4a/b hair - it didn't look like baby hair or anything. MTG was the only thing i was using at the time (I hadn't yet discovered the world of vitamins). Although i stopped using MTG b/c it stunk so bad the new hairline continues to grow along with the rest of my hair. HHG!

pretty-girl#1 said:
So are you saying the MTG created a whole new hairline for u? If so, like how much of a hairline 1'', 2"??? Was that a good thing for you or bad? Girl you gotta give me more infor on this thing!
The hair line was somewhere between .25" and .5" wide from my natural hair line to where it ended a little further down on my forehead...hope that makes sense. I was surprized b/c I didn't know hair could grow anycloser to my forehead.
Kinda hard to tell how wide the growth was since it was the same texture as my 4a/b hair - it didn't look like baby hair or anything. MTG was the only thing i was using at the time (I hadn't yet discovered the world of vitamins). Although i stopped using MTG b/c it stunk so bad the new hairline continues to grow along with the rest of my hair. HTH
I'll be happy to answer any other questions you have concerning MTG. :)

pretty-girl#1 said:
So are you saying the MTG created a whole new hairline for u? If so, like how much of a hairline 1'', 2"??? Was that a good thing for you or bad? Girl you gotta give me more infor on this thing!
You know, I didn't want to post this because it's unconfirmed and I find it incredibly unbelievable but, I have found new hair strands that have SHOT up in my hair. I'm wearing a weave right now and I had to cornrow my hair to do sew ins. Well, I haven't had any breakage in over a year but I noticed new hair strands growing in between the cornrows. It's not 1 or 2 but clumps here and there. This is the first time I"ve witnessed this and I've been doing sew-ins for almost 1 year now. I can't do anything but attribute it to the MTG...however, I won't confirm that until I do some more pokin' around.
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SweetNic_JA said:
You know, I didn't want to post this because it's uncomfirmed and I find it incredibly unbelievable but, I have found new hair strands that have SHOT up in my hair. I'm wearing a weave right now and I had to cornrow my hair to do sew ins. Well, I haven't had any breakage in over a year but I noticed new hair strands growing in between the cornrows. It's not 1 or 2 but clumps here and there. This is the first time I"ve witnessed this and I've been doing sew-ins for almost 1 year now. I can't do anything but attribute it to the MTG...however, I won't confirm that until I do some more pokin' around.

Dang girl that is so coo :grin: l! I hope I get patches of new hair just sprout out of my scalp like that! Happy hair growing!
pretty-girl#1 said:
So my question is if anyone is 100% sure this stuff is making the hair "grow" or is it just altering the relaxed ends and changing your hair back to it's natural state giving the assumption that your hair has grown longer? I'm not disputing anyone who has real growth results, but I know for a fact this stuff alters the whole texture of hair! Just curious :perplexed ...
I started using MTG with a sew in weave, and my hair is natural so I definately saw some good growth with this in a month about 1.5 inches, it makes the hair thicker but I've noticed less little less shrinkage but that's not saying much cause I have major shrinkage coming out the braids. I also have some short patches like 2-3 inches sticking up from my regular length I thought it was breakage but my hair is actually getting thicker (didn't think it was possible but it is) I havent cut my hair ot used heat recently I had no idea where they came from.
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SweetNic_JA said:
You know, I didn't want to post this because it's uncomfirmed and I find it incredibly unbelievable but, I have found new hair strands that have SHOT up in my hair. I'm wearing a weave right now and I had to cornrow my hair to do sew ins. Well, I haven't had any breakage in over a year but I noticed new hair strands growing in between the cornrows. It's not 1 or 2 but clumps here and there. This is the first time I"ve witnessed this and I've been doing sew-ins for almost 1 year now. I can't do anything but attribute it to the MTG...however, I won't confirm that until I do some more pokin' around. :poke:

You know what? I've noticed the same thing on my head. At first I thought it was damaged hair but I hadn't been using heat or anything... Wow!
MTG didn't make my hair kinky, it made my hair more curly! I used it when I was texturized....and I had phenominal growth, but I had to do corrective texturizers too soon. The texturizer effect lasted for 2 or 3 weeks max and the looked like I needed a touch up. My hair didn't like the excess chemicals, so I went natural. I don't remember having curly hair as a child, and the few pics I have my hair was more wavy. I always had long hair that was difficult to relax. Even relaxed, I had to flat iron my hair to get it strait. This curliness is very new to me, and I'm excited to see how I can keep maintaining my hair. I do know that MTG will always be a part of my hair regime- I use it on my hair as a leave in and my hair loves it.
I am one of those who believe that MTG made my hair a bit kinkier. It is harder to comb after I add the MTG and my newgrowth is almost unmanagable. Thing is, it isn't a permanent texture change. If I wash it out and don't add MTG, I don't have the problem so I am not experiencing a change in permanent texture, just coarse hair from the product. I had believed that is what the person meant who started the thread titled "I can't comb my hair cause of MTG" (or something like that). But my hair is a bit rougher :eek: after using it. Nonetheless, I will continue because I also feel like I have small patches of hair sprouting out over my head. :grin:
Lucia said:
I started using MTG with a sew in weave, and my hair is natural so I definately saw some good growth with this in a month about 1.5-2 inches, it makes the hair thicker but I've noticed less little less shrinkage but that's not saying much cause I have major shrinkage coming out the braids. I also have some short patches like 2-3 inches sticking up from my regular length I thought it was breakage but my hair is actually getting thicker (didn't think it was possible but it is) I havent cut my hair ot used heat recently I had no idea where they came from.
Lucia, how did you maintain your weave with the MTG? More specifically, how did you deal with the oiliness on the weave? The oiliness has kept me from using MTG on my entire head. I tried putting some directly on my scalp directly after washing --->oily. I tried applying it to my scalp in the morning so I wouldn't be vertical while the oil did it's thing --->still relatively oily. Do you have a method or did you just wash the heck out of your weave ? P.S even when I wash the heck out of it, I still had oiliness. I wonder if it's because of the type of hair I'm using ( Remy hair from
I don't think that MTG is making my hair kinkier. My ng is def. thicker, but it's easier to manage than ever and I'm not using S-Curl every day like it used to. My ng seems to be coming in a bit looser. As far as I can tell, my growth is 1"-2.5" in certain areas after starting MTG in the beginning of June--so I've been using it a little longer than 2 months.

I'm about 80 percent sure that MTG has helped my hair growth. Most of the time, I'm confident about it, but the other 20 percent, I start wondering if I'm looking at reverted hair or hair that was under processed....I guess I'll know for sure when I finally perm.
no, no extra kinkiness here hair is natural, and it has grown alot since i have started using mtg, my hair is super shiny and its growing in very soft, but i cant say that is b/c of mtg...i will assess the results when i take out my braids wich i have been wearing since i started my mtg regimne wich will probably be in october...
alexei said:
The hair line was somewhere between .25" and .5" wide from my natural hair line to where it ended a little further down on my forehead...hope that makes sense. I was surprized b/c I didn't know hair could grow anycloser to my forehead.
Kinda hard to tell how wide the growth was since it was the same texture as my 4a/b hair - it didn't look like baby hair or anything. MTG was the only thing i was using at the time (I hadn't yet discovered the world of vitamins). Although i stopped using MTG b/c it stunk so bad the new hairline continues to grow along with the rest of my hair. HHG!

I wish I could grow another hairline to cover some of this forehead!!
My hair is in its natural state, and yes since using the MTG my hair texture is now hard and "kinkier"...I've had the same "hair" for years and it didn't change until I used this product over the summer...I took some MSM for awhile but it never made my hair feel "hard".
All I know is that prior to MTG I could go 7 weeks easily without feeling like I needed a relaxer, but with MTG now its just approaching week 4 and my hair looks like its week 7-8. I've a wad of bush under my hair, I get it washed and blow dried next week so I'll see exactly how much longer it is. I think so far its been close to an inch + in 4 weeks. Plus my kitchen is all grown now!!