MTG horse conditioner

Hi Lolagirl,
Thanks so much for the website! That sounds like a great deal. I will be buying from them too. Let me know what you think about the Natural elegance conditoner.

Will be sure to let u know how it goes with both the mtg and the conditioner. thanks so much for sharing this with us!

Hi Ladies,

I just want to give an update. I've been in cornrows since Friday and I do notice a lot of new growth, not since the cornrows but I can see it better because of the wave pattern. I'm doing the MTG, surging and taking my vitamins.

However, I'd like to tell you about my two sons, they've been using since last Saturday (?). They're doing MTG/Surge and doing scalp massages. I can actually see the difference in the length and thickness of their hair. I should have taken pictures before they started using because the stuff really, really works!

I'm taking my cornrows out in about two weeks and can't wait to see the length that I've gained!!!!
TonicaG said:
However, I'd like to tell you about my two sons, they've been using since last Saturday (?). They're doing MTG/Surge and doing scalp massages.

So they didn't notice any reaction from using this with Surge? I'm interested in this product {not so sure if I want to smell like it though} but I also wanted to re-try Surge again.
Lanelle: No ma'am not one issue with negative reactions. In fact, some of the main testimonials claim that it has help to remedy some skin ailments on the horses.

Again, other than the smell it is a good product. I'm about 3 inches from bra strap and I believe I'll be there by May/June or darn near close!!!
TonicaG said:
Lanelle: No ma'am not one issue with negative reactions. In fact, some of the main testimonials claim that it has help to remedy some skin ailments on the horses.

Again, other than the smell it is a good product. I'm about 3 inches from bra strap and I believe I'll be there by May/June or darn near close!!!

Thanks for the response. When I used Surge, it was great for the first month or so but then I didn't notice anything else but I was still left with brown scaly scalp :nono: but I was going to try it again this summer so I was wondering how it worked with this conditioner. I think now I will just try this instead and forget the Surge all together! I just read the thread today and I'm already getting excited! With a scalp massager every night and then washing my hair every 3 days like I used too :)-I hope I get alot of growth!
Lanelle: What we've (sons/I) been doing is mixing half and half in the little bottle that you use to apply color and this has worked well for us.

Hey, glad you're having good results w/this! I'm using mine for my ends under the baggie (it's keep them nice and supple!). Are you leaving the MTG in daily and washing every few days or washing out daily?

I only wonder because the smell is very strong but I've found putting it on at night does allow for the scent to dissipate a bit by in the morning. I'm a daily CO washer because of my workout schedule so I won't have the opportunity to see how it works with a few days in between washings, if leaving it on the scalp longer makes that much of a difference.

I used a color applicator bottle also although it's not mixed w/my Surge currently. I'm using it straight to see how it works. I've not experience any adverse affects with it either.

Thanks for sharing!

Hi LaNecia:

Thanks for the encouragement! I wash once a week. I try not to touch my hair unless I absolutely have to. The reason I mixed them was so that I could get the best of both worlds and to save me some time. I've used each of them straight but I figure why take the extra time when I could combine them and still get the same results???

I use it every other day when I get home from work so the smell isn't so offensive to my colleagues in the morning when I'm headed to work. I can deal with it, but I don't want to subject them to my hair madness!

On the brochure that Stapley's sent I don't recall them saying to wash it out after you apply it. However, I do understand what you're saying about you working out and you don't want your hair to smell. You have to do what works for you. Keep us posted on your progress!
Armyqt said:
Tonica, doesn't the instructions on the bottle say to apply once a week?

When I read that, it made me reconsider my initial plan for usage. I'm using it once a week. Been doing research on people using it on their hair, I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere yet, save here, (I'm not sure what that would mean)... :look: If I find anything, any reviews, posts, ANYTHING, I'll the mean time....I use w/caution.
LaNecia said:
When I read that, it made me reconsider my initial plan for usage. I'm using it once a week. Been doing research on people using it on their hair, I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere yet, save here, (I'm not sure what that would mean)... :look: If I find anything, any reviews, posts, ANYTHING, I'll the mean time....I use w/caution.

That's probably a good idea. BTW, I am follwoing this thread very closely ;)
Well I just sent an email to Shapley's directly, to inquire on this:


Hi, I've got a quick question...I am wondering if the Shapley's MTG is recommended and/or safe for use on Human Hair. There's a product that has a very similar odor (Glover's Mane) whose primary ingredient is also Sulfur.

I do not have any scalp conditions that need treatment, I'm more curious in terms of aiding scalp health and hair growth.

Thank you in advance,

LaNecia Robertson

When she writes back, I'll post her response. FYI, Liz is in the Sales Department.
Umm yeah, it does say use once a week but it hasn't bothered me or my sons. I don't use a lot but just enough. I'm not worried, I've experienced no negative side effects.
I'm kind of wondering how safe it is to use everyday too...some of my excitement has left so if I try this I might use it once a week and Surge the rest of the week.
TonicaG said:
Umm yeah, it does say use once a week but it hasn't bothered me or my sons. I don't use a lot but just enough. I'm not worried, I've experienced no negative side effects.

Just curious. To each his own.
I guess on a few really strong positive notes:

1. It does not specifically say 'NOT FOR HUMAN USE' as this could be a legal problem for the company should there be adverse effects if it were specifically NOT to be used on people.

2. It was originally created by a barber for use on people (In 1938), when Mr. Shapley discovered it worked just as well on his horses, he began marketing and manufacturing the product for equine use.

Hmmmm, will monitor this closely and TonicaG, you grow gurl! You may very well be onto something here! :D
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One might think my optimism is crazy, but you have to believe in something, like ArmyQT said, "to each his own"...

I'll keep you ladies posted... here's to healthy hair and hair growth!
I read that it was originally created for bald men on another site so coupled with LaNecia posted, I think its safe but most seem to use it once or twice a week...I will probably not use it as often either but I know I'm always *itching* to try products that promote growth and will probably use it more, lol.
Hi Lanelle,

I use the MTG five days a week and haven't had a problem yet. I put it on my scalp and massage it in monday-friday. I wash my hair every other day. Then on the weekends I give my hair a break from the smell. I have about a 1/2" of new growth and have been using it for about a couple of weeks now. I hope that helps.

TonicaG, your optimism is great! I understand, I read this thread and went to the store the next day, BEFORE work to check it out after talking to my mom about a product she'd heard about years ago, this wasn't it but I did still get it! Just want you to be careful, our hair is such a precious commodity.

Bri123, glad to hear of your growth! Outstanding progress, I barely get that in 4 to 6 weeks! Did you take any photos to visually chart your progress?

Lanella, I know what you mean! I will resist the urge...somehow... :look:
bri123 said:
Hi Lanelle,

I use the MTG five days a week and haven't had a problem yet. I put it on my scalp and massage it in monday-friday. I wash my hair every other day. Then on the weekends I give my hair a break from the smell. I have about a 1/2" of new growth and have been using it for about a couple of weeks now. I hope that helps.


Hi, that's great that you have a lot of new growth already! I think the frequent washing is helping to keep the scalp clean {supposedly you are to wash your hair every day from using Surge but I only did it every three days to four days} I will keep this info. in mind, when I finally use it, thanks!
I'm happy to hear you ladies are using the MTG daily with no adverse effects. Maybe I"ll try it one day. Please keep us updated on your progress :)
Hi Ladies,

When I was using surge I still washed my hair every other day and didn't experience any problems what so ever. I put about 10 drops of peppermint essential oil in the bottle of surge and applied it to my scalp. I didn't like the way my hair becomes foamy from using the surge and thats why I stopped using it.

I need to take a picture of now as well as my progress. I will have my husband take a picture this weekend sometime. I keep meaning to do that.

I hate the winter months because my hair grows so so so slooooooooooooooooooowy. Before using the MTG I would say I was getting about 1/4" in a month maybe less than that. It seemed liked my hair completely stopped growing and that it was creeping along. Since using the MTG it is growing. I am excited about this summer because I am going to wear braids. So next month my sister is going to put braids in my hair and I am so excited to see how much growth I am going to get.

Re: MTG horse conditioner Response from Shapley's Rep...

I received the following response back from Liz Fisher, the representative at Shapley's re: the use of M-T-G on people:

Hi LaNecia,

Thank you for your email regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Original M-T-G was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same.

We currently have customers that purchase Original M-T-G for personal use and many have reported positive results. We have not heard of any adverse reactions with human use. However, we market the product for animal use and can make no claims or recommendations regarding human use.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions regarding Original M-T-G or if I can be of further assistance.

Best regards,

Liz Fisher
Customer Service
Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
1-239-415-2277 (Fax)
[email protected]

There you have it, sounds like a green light to me...happy M-T-Ging!! Be sure to holla back w/a progress report!! :D
Thanks for the update...but too bad they can't make recommendations on how often {humans} should use it.
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I know, I thought the same thing when I read her response!! It leaves a lot of room for guess work... :confused:

I've tried it a few different ways:

One night I used it as a type of leave in - overnight conditioner treatment...(after my usual CO wash treatment) my hair felt very rough in the morning (usually it doesn't). I followed w/a wash in the morning and HAD to use shampoo to get get rid of the smell. I avoid shampoo except for once a week. I shampooed again the following day, my hair was :mad: so no more applying that to the hair directly or shampooing two days in a row. :nono:

I've used it as a treatment for my ends under the baggie w/my mango butter(my ends :love: this a lot!).

Also, I've applied it to just to the scalp before my styling (using a color applicator bottle), it had little or not effect on my hair, scalp felt fine. The smell isn't atrocious in the mornings either.
I'm glad you posted your results on how you used differently each time...I think when I try it I will only use it as scalp stimulation for growth...
Re: MTG horse conditioner Response from Shapley's Rep...

LaNecia said:
I received the following response back from Liz Fisher, the representative at Shapley's re: the use of M-T-G on people:

Hi LaNecia,

Thank you for your email regarding human use of Original M-T-G. Original M-T-G was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same.

We currently have customers that purchase Original M-T-G for personal use and many have reported positive results. We have not heard of any adverse reactions with human use. However, we market the product for animal use and can make no claims or recommendations regarding human use.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions regarding Original M-T-G or if I can be of further assistance.

Best regards,

Liz Fisher
Customer Service
Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
1-239-415-2277 (Fax)
[email protected]

There you have it, sounds like a green light to me...happy M-T-Ging!! Be sure to holla back w/a progress report!! :D

Thanks for the update :)
Re: MTG horse conditioner Response from Shapley's Rep...

I ordered from the arcaro's site on Tuesday at 11:22 am. My order was sent out that same say and is on route to my house on the UPS ground truck as we speak.

I will keep you updated on how the treatment and the conditioner work for me.