MTG Alternative?


Trichological Alchemist
There seems to be some controversy whether to MTG or not to MTG. Certainly, it works well for many people, but has potential side effects, like the smell :lol: , that have put many off of the product as well.

I was just wondering if anyone has tried Calm Coat as an alternative? I searched for a list of ingredients from the manufacturer, and they list:Canola Oil, lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea tree and PABA.

On the web and this was the best description I found from All American Pet Supply & Grooming:



“When the problem is itching...The Solution Is CALM COAT! The all-natural topical lotion for itchy, irritated skin conditions on all animals.

  • Stops Itching Helps summer itch, saddle and blanket sores, sweet itch, insect bites, and rope burns
  • Speeds Hair Regrowth Treat mane and tail problems; heals fungus and rain rot
  • Great for Wound Care Use for cuts, bites, superficial wounds and raw spots; speeds healing on incisions
  • Use on Horses, Dogs, Cats, and other Small Animals Cooling, soothing, and safe!
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee A small amount of Calm Coat is all you need to treat most skin problems
Selected by Horse Journal, as one of their “Favorite Products for Serious Skin Problems - Sweet Itch and Bug Allergies” 2003 And earlier said “...Good for itching anywhere on the body... encourages rapid hair growth.” Recommended again in 2004 and 2005!

Calm Coat is made with three essential oils, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree Oil. All three of these oils are naturally antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal. Because these essential oils work together, Calm Coat works on a wide range of skin problems.”


The product sounds pretty good, many horse, dog, and cat owners swear by it, and there are no concerns (so far) about human usage. In fact, one woman on reports she used this product on her child:


Calm Coat Miracle Worker
Oct 6, 2005

My son was terribly bitten by sea lice or jelly fish and had welts all over him. The caretaker at the Greyfield Inn on Cumberland Island, GA, gave this to me as she used it on her horse after trying everything else to sooth his skin allergy. Not only is her horse much recovered, but the Calm Coat took the pain and itch out of my son's welted body almost instantly. It required a few more applications every time the welts would come up again but in 12-18 hours, the bites were no longer itchy and they dried up in 3 days. This Christmas I am giving Calm Coat to my brother and sister who also have young children! It has also been used for severe poison ivy and dried the rashes up in 2 days.


Ounce-per-ounce it is a little pricier than MTG, bit it comes in several sizes:
4oz. for $8.69, 8 oz. for $11.95, 32 oz. for $38.95,and Gallon for $105.95 from, and they offer free freight with orders over $50 (otherwise $5).

I’m planning on purchasing the 4oz. size and will see how it works. If no one else has tried this product, I will post a review after a trial period. At the very least, with the “Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree Oil”, it sounds like it may smell nicer than MTG! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Edit: Here's the best resource for info
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looks interesting. I have never heard of it.

You should let us know about your progress with it.
HoneyDew said:
looks interesting. I have never heard of it.

You should let us know about your progress with it.

I think I'll use MTG on half my head, and Calm Coat on the other half. I don't mind being a Human Test Subject :D ! After at least two weeks to 30 days, I should have something definitive to report on hair health and growth.
So...I just received my bottle of Calm Coat by Last Chance Ranch. Wow! It shipped really fast and was packaged very securely.

Calm Coat is actually a patented formula. The ingredients are listed on the bottle (unlike MTG) and are quite simple: “Canola Oil, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Teatree.” Sounds like something I can make myself, :ohwell: but I’ll try this first. The interesting thing is that PABA, which was listed as an ingredient on the web site I ordered from, is not listed on the bottle. I’ll have to investigate. :sekret:

It smells pretty OK, actually! :) The lavender note is the strongest, and I can definitely detect the tea tree oil. It smells slightly like pine cleaner, but is not unpleasant. Like something I would clean my house with to make it smell fresher on a summer day. Not bad at all, and not too strong.:up:


This is what it says on the front label:

CALM COAT / The All Natural Topical Lotion


This is what it says on the back label (punctuation their’s, not mine):

Use CALM COAT™ for all Itching, Skin Irritations, Hot Spots, Insect Bites, Summer Itch, Sunburn, Girth Itch and Poison Ivy.

CALM COAT Soothes Irritations from Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Ticks, Noseeums, Culicoides, Greenhead Flies and Other Insects.


DOGS, CATS, and OTHER SMALL ANIMALS: Apply SPARINGLY one or two drops at a time, several times a day until healed.

HORSES: Apply LIGHTLY on first application to mane, tail, face, ears, legs and body. Then SPARINGLY until healed. For best results apply at dawn & dusk to outside animals. Do not apply to genital area.



That’s it! :D Hey, if this stuff works as advertised, and keeps insects away, I’m sold!!! If not, my cat can certainly use for her itches.:grin: :grin:
So, It’s been a month so far, and I have made a few observations from my “field study”:

  • MTG smells like artificial “smoke” flavoring (as found in bacon and other meats) :smirk:
  • Calm Coat smells a little like “Red Cross Disinfectant Spray”, but not as strong (it’s definitely the lavender and eucalyptus combination) :look:
  • They are both quite oily :lol:

Only a month into my experimentation, I have not noticed any significant increase in hair growth. I’m not too worried, as my hair growth tends to slow a bit in the spring. It's the quality of growth that has changed, as I will explain below.

I’ve been using MTG twice a week, each time after washing my hair, and the Calm Coat I used every other day, which is consistent with package directions on both products. I apply them with hair color applicator bottles and rub them in. No adverse effects at all. I do make sure I apply the BTG with a cape and towel around my neck to get any excess.
The MTG side definitely grew stronger, slightly thicker hair, while the Calm Coat side of my head seemed to grown much softer hair. Also, checking out my new growth, the kinky “Z” pattern of my 4b hair is also less pronounced on the Calm Coat side. Because of this, I have noticed the line of demarcation of my relaxed hair (which was not too bad) has all but disappeared. My scalp hardly itchd any more either :D Hmmmmmm….Very strange, but interesting! Canola oil? :eek: Who knew!

So, I will take a little break to see which produces more hair growth until the summer when my growth is more pronounced.

In the meantime, I decided to consolidate today, and will begin apply the new mixture after my Saturday wash. In an applicator bottle, I measured 4 oz. of MTG, dumped half the carrier oil down the drain, and replaced it with 2 oz. of Calm Coat. The smell, which is not bad, reminds me of pungent hair grease. Kind of like Sulfur 8 and Blue Magic (maybe?).

I have a feeling I will have much stronger, but softer growth if I do this. :sekret: I will also have less “bacon-like” smell emanating from my hair! :lol: I’ll see how my hair fairs a month from now.
